The Last Night

The Last Night
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request for a Post-breakup kiss for Michael/MC. This is set right before they go off to college and is based off my headcanon of them dating all through high school and breaking up shortly after graduation.

Pairing- Michael/MC

Rating- PG

Summary- Michael and Cassie share a special moment on their last night before going their separate ways.


I wandered down the beach. There was a big end of summer party going on and everyone from Berry High was there, one last hurrah before college. I’d gone to the party with Myra, Emma, Maria and Sydney and it was fun, but…

I guess I wasn’t in a party mood. I came to a quiet spot on the beach, away from all the revelry, and sat down, staring at the waves. Summer had gone by fast. Just like high school had gone by fast.

I felt like I had just arrived in Cedar Cove and now, in a few days, I’d be going away to college. Starting over again. I’d made my mark on Berry High, but would I be able to do the same at college?

“You seem awfully serious for someone at a party.”

I turned at the sound of the familiar voice. “Michael.” My ex-boyfriend gave me a small smile before moving closer. I patted to the sand beside me and he sat down. “I’m just thinking about college,” I admitted, “wondering what it will be like and how I’ll fit in.”

“You’ll do great,” he told me, “you have this knack of winning people over. No one can resist that Cassie Martin charm.”

I smiled, “thanks. It’s just…  I can’t believe I have to start all over again, I feel like I just got here. Those three years went by really fast.”

“Yeah, they did,” Michael agreed, looking at me intently.

Something in his gaze made me bite my lip. We’d broken up a few weeks ago, deciding that it was better to have a clean break before college, and we’d agreed to be friends but… It wasn’t easy to just shut off three years of history.

“Why aren’t you enjoying the party?” I asked after a moment.

Michael shrugged, “you know me, crowds aren’t my thing. Besides, I saw you slip off and wanted to make sure you were ok.”

“That’s sweet,” I told him.

“Just because we aren’t together anymore, doesn’t mean I’ve stopped caring,” he pointed out, “you’re still my favorite person, Cassie.”

“And you’re still mine,” I admitted.

I knew we had done the right thing by ending it now, but… At that moment, alone on the beach, it was getting harder to remember. Michael must have felt the same way because suddenly he was leaning towards me and I moved to meet him halfway. The kiss was gentle at first and then grew stronger as we wrapped our arms around each other and held each other close. We were both flushed and a little short of breath when the kiss finally broke, our arms still wrapped around each other. Neither of us spoke for a long moment, we just sat there, holding each other.


“Let’s just have tonight,” I told him, wondering if I’d regret it. Making the decision to break-up had been hard enough, wasn’t this just prolonging the agony? But at the same time, we’d be going to different States for college and this would be the last time we’d see each other for some time, so it’s not like it could be more than what it was.

“Sounds good to me,” Michael said, rubbing his hand over my back. He leaned towards me again, pressing his lips to mine in another sweet kiss.

I sank into the kiss, treasuring the familiar feel of his lips against mine and his arms around me. I knew breaking up made sense, but some part of me ached at the realization that these would be our last kisses.

This was the end of our story.

  • End

Published by


Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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