The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 12: As Sweet as Apple Pie)

For the first time since the social season started, Drake had slept well. He woke up feeling refreshed and something akin to relief.

Okay. So I have a crush on Addams. It’s fine, it’s not a big deal.

I don’t think Liam would agree…

The little voice he’d come to know and hate was back and looking to argue.

… It’s not like he needs to know.

Riiight, ‘cause you haven’t been obvious at all. He’s probably seen you, making googly eyes at her all the time, teasing her… He knows you’re a shitty friend.

I’m not a shitty friend! 

Oh? Weren’t you the one trying to spend one-on-one time with Addams every chance you got?

Drake ran his fingers through his hair, feeling anything but relieved.

Well, that lasted for like, 2 seconds.

He was wondering whether he could get away with blasting loud, thought-drowning music inside a stately royal manor – Great, it’s like I’m 16 again – when there was a knock on his door.

“Ugh,” he groaned, “come in.”

“Hmph,” sniffed Riley, opening the door, “if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you weren’t happy to see me, Drake.”

“Addams!” he snatched the nearest shirt he could find and threw it on. “I am! Uh, happy to see you, that is. I just thought you were someone else.”

“Maxwell, huh?”

“I swear it’s like he’s sponsoring me, too,” grumbled Drake. “He wakes me up every day.”

“I’m glad you’re not a suitor! You’d sweep the floor with us!” Riley giggled.

“With my courtly manners? You better believe it. I’d be charming the crap outta Liam.”

As they laughed together, the little voice in Drake’s head cleared its throat.

So… flirting are we?

He stopped laughing.

“Anyway, what did you want, Addams?”

Riley froze mid-laughter, disconcerted by Drake’s sudden change in demeanor.

“Oh. Nothing, really. I guess I just wanted to talk to someone and… you’re the only one here that makes me feel… normal. Like myself, in a way.”

Drake couldn’t help the soft smile that played on his lips at this. Play it cool man.

“Well, shoot.”

“Um… okay? I think I’m just nervous about the baking competition.”

You?” asked Drake, incredulous. “Nervous? You basically bullshitted your way through the entire Cordonian Waltz! This should be a walk in the park.”

“Yeah, well, I’ve never baked anything before. I’ve actually burned pre-mixed brownies so…”

Drake snorted. “Well, well, Addams, seems like we’ve found your weakness.” He said the words without thinking and then immediately regretted them, remembering her words of the night before: “I thought I was your one weakness.”

Riley must have been thinking about the same thing because she blushed.

Drake hurriedly broke the silence. “Still, why come to me, Addams? You’re wasting valuable time Hana could’ve used to teach you.”

“True. Although according to Liam, you’re a pretty decent chef yourself.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. And I definitely can’t bake.”

Riley sighed. “Fine. I came here so you could tease me.”

Drake’s eyebrows knitted together. “What? Why?”

“It motivates me. Like a challenge, you know? I love proving you wrong,” she smirked, with fire in her eyes.

Drake gulped, actively holding himself back from kissing her. “Well, that I can do. There’s no way you can pull this off if Betty Crocker poses a problem for you,” he scoffed.

“Yeah, yeah, keep going.”

“Uhh… In fact, I’ll bet you your pie will be the worst one. No, I’ll do you one better. Your pie will be so bad, the Queen will actually make a face.”

“Ha! You’re on. What are we betting?”

“Come to think of it, you never even paid up for our last bet and, as I recall, you owe me three… somethings.”

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll settle that later,” Riley waved him off, a thoughtful look on her face. After a few seconds, her eyes brightened. “I know! Loser has to offer themselves up as court jester to the apple queen.”

“Nope. Not worth it.”

“Come ooon,” she whined, “Drake, I need thiiiis.”

She pouted, pleading with an adorable puppy face.

I mean… how does anyone say no to this girl, ever?

“Fine, I’ll do it. That’s how confident I am your pie is gonna suck.”

“Okay, you could actually say something nice now, to help with my confidence.”

“Can’t have it both ways, Addams.”

She rolled her eyes with a smile, heading to the door.

“Hey, Addams,” he couldn’t resist calling before she left.


“You know you’re gonna kick ass, right?”

“You ruined it,” she replied, though her smile and eyes were soft.

She came back and gave him a quick hug before walking out.

He stood there for a beat or two, dazed.

Okay, I need to get this under control. No more flirty banter, no more teasing, this has to stop. After this bet.

Eager to escape any and all thoughts related to Riley Addams, he decided to go looking for a distraction after a quick shower.

To his dismay, the grounds were deserted, and their solitude and silence provided too many opportunities to think. He went back inside, looking for literally anyone to talk to – except for one person.

He poked his head into one of the palace’s many sitting rooms and felt his stomach flip at the sight of sleek black hair. He cleared his throat to announce his presence.

“Hi, Lady Kiara.”

“Oh, bonjour, Drake. I haven’t seen you much since our stay at Olivia’s estate. I’d begun to think peut-être you didn’t care about me…” she said with a small pout.

“Um, no, of course not! I’ve just been, you know, busy.”

“Mhmm, I’m sure. Spending time with your friends… and Lady Riley.” She gave him a suspicious look.

Drake tried to swallow and choked on his own saliva instead, which triggered a coughing fit. Lady Kiara seemed oddly amused, but nevertheless got up from the elegant armchair she’d been occupying to thump his back.

Drake recovered, though not his pride. “Thanks,” he muttered. “But yeah, I’ve been hanging out with everyone, really! And, uh, the reason why maybe you-you’ve seen me with Riley more is ‘cause, um, Liam asked me so…” he trailed off, hoping that would be enough to change the subject.

“Did he? Good, I was beginning to think maybe you had feelings for her…”

“HA! No, no, definitely not. So anyway, what were you reading before I interrupted you?”

Drake felt cold sweat drying off on his skin. Nobody can know about this stupid crush; I’m sure it’ll go away soon, anyway.

They walked back to the armchair. Kiara sat down, while Drake leaned on the armrest. She picked up her book, showing it to him.

“Madame Bovary by Flaubert. Have you read it?”

“Er, only the abridged version in school,” admitted Drake.

“Better than not having read it at all, non?” she said kindly. “And what did you think?”

“I’m not sure I remember much, to be honest. Wasn’t it about a girl who had a bunch of affairs?”

Kiara giggled. “That may be an oversimplification, but essentially, yes.”

“You’ve read it before?”

“Oh yes, plusieurs fois. It is a well-written tragedy, of course, but I also find it quite… sexy.”

Her eyes flicked to his and held there. His mouth felt dry.

“Right. So are you reading it in French?”

Bien sûr! It is the love language, after all.”

“Ha, all I ever learned to say in French was voulez-vous coucher–” He realized what he was saying only once he’d said half of it and found he had no choice but to finish, “avec moi…?

Kiara smiled widely. “Useful phrase.”

“Heh, I guess.” He rubbed the back of his neck

“Listen, Drake,” her voice was low and serious. Drake felt himself sweating again. “I am not usually this forward, but the social season is almost over and in all probability I will have to go back home once it is. Therefore, if you want to spend some… intimate time together before I go, come find me.”

Noticing Drake’s stunned face, she hastily added, “There’s no need to say anything now. The offer is on the table.”

She got up and walked stiffly to the exit. When she was on the threshold, she turned back and said, “I trust your discretion.” It would have seemed like an afterthought had her eyes not fixed his so earnestly.

Damn, that was a big risk to take! She’s got balls, that’s for sure. Saying that, knowing I could ruin her reputation? Not that I’d ever pull that kinda crap, but you can never know who to trust here.

You’re rambling.

No, I’m not!

Please, it’s so obvious! You’re trying to avoid actually thinking about her offer.

Okay, fine. I just– I don’t know.

You don’t know if you wanna have sex with a beautiful woman who speaks French? What is wrong with you?!

I don’t know! Maybe I will, okay? So much for a distraction.

He glanced at his phone and realized it was time for the baking competition. He reached the grounds just as the teams – I can’t believe Addams is stuck with Olivia– started baking.

“Drake! Over here!” Maxwell was waving frantically from a few feet away. Drake sighed and walked over.

“Hey, man, wasn’t yesterday fun?!” Maxwell seemed even more energetic than usual.

“First of all, it’s too early for this–”

“It’s like three in the afternoon!” he objected.

“Second of all,” Drake talked over him, “… yes, it was.”

“I KNEW IT! Does this mean we can celebrate your birthday every year?!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow your roll there. It does not mean that. Honestly the only reason I went out was ‘cause,” he cleared his throat, “Addams convinced me.”

“Yeah, how come she’s the only one who could do it? We’ve known you longer!”

“Well, you’re not as pretty,” he half joked.

Maxwell seemed genuinely offended.

“Yes, I am! Drake, I’m like, a nine. Ten, when I dance, which is often.” He did a little shoulder shimmy.

Drake chuckled, “I’d say you’re a six when you’re annoying, which is all the time.”


Drake shushed him, “The Queen is about to announce the winner.”

“After weighing the strengths and weaknesses of each side… I declare Olivia’s team the winner! This is one of the best apple pies I’ve had in a long time. Very well done, ladies.”

Riley kept her composure long enough to say, “You honor us all, ma’am!” with a small curtsy. The audience broke into applause and Riley cheered, way too loudly for a dumb baking contest. Drake clapped enthusiastically, a huge smile on his face as he watched her hugging Hana with pure joy.

The Queen announced the next event was to be held further into the orchard, prompting the crowd to follow her one to where a podium stood. The Queen ascended the few steps to it with her customary grace.

“The Apple Blossom Festival symbolizes the growth vital to keeping our small nation thriving,” rang the Queen’s commanding voice. “Now, as is tradition, we will honor one distinguished, best dressed lady as this year’s Apple Queen. This is a ceremonial position for the people to decide. Last year, it was our very own, Lady Madeleine.

“And I very much appreciated the honor,” simpered Madeleine with bob of her head.

“As for this year…” the Queen continued, “Citizens of Cordonia, who do you wish to honor with this title?”

The crowd erupted into yells, the names blending beyond comprehension. Until, that is, the loudest yell of all came from Drake’s left.

“Riley!” yelled Maxwell with all his might.

Drake cupped his hands and joined him, “Riley!”

As seemed to be Maxwell’s signature talent, in no time, he’d started a chant.

The Queen waved her hands, quieting the chanting audience down. “I think we have a clear winner. Lady Riley will be this year’s Apple Queen.”

He heard the press, somewhere in the front, repeating the announcement and adding enticing questions and speculations to it. He tried to catch a snippet but it was difficult with Maxwell whooping right in his ear.

“Wooooooo! Go Riley! Party like it’s 1299! All hail the Apple Queen from the Big Apple!”

The Queen shot an icy look in their general direction. Maxwell sniggered but stopped yelling. “Lady Riley, please join me for your ‘Coronation’”

Riley stepped up to the podium, too excited to be elegant. The Queen stared disapprovingly, yet handed her an apple-shaped golden scepter.

“Lady Riley, I pronounce you Queen of the Apples. Long live the Apple Queen!”

Riley bowed her head. “Queen Regina, it’s an honor.”

She turned to the crowd, “Thank you all for electing me to represent you as the Apple Queen. I’m happy to accept this esteemed position, and I will treat it with the utmost respect.” She shuffled her feet. “What now?”

“My queen, I will serve as your acting seneschal and guide you through the ceremony. Before we proceed, we must fill out the Apple Court. These are the courtiers who will parade behind you. Who will be your cup-bearer? This person should be a close confidant you’d trust with your life.”

The Queen had barely finished her sentence when, without hesitation, Riley answered, “Drake.”

She looked straight at him and Drake felt blush creeping up his cheeks. He tried hard to suppress that and the goofy smile forming on his lips, to no avail. He went up to the podium and Riley handed him the cup, touching his hand briefly, but unnecessarily.

Trying to lighten the moment, he asked, “You know the cup-bearer tastes drinks for poison, right?”

Riley patted his shoulder. “You’ll be fine.”

He bowed to her deeply and, being as sarcastic as possible, said, “I am blessed to carry out your agenda, my queen.”

Riley rolled her eyes at him and gestured for him to stand on her right.

The Queen handed her a fool’s cap. “My queen, if you’ll name your court jester.”

Again, after just an instant, Riley said, “Maxwell,” with a huge smile.

“Step aside, plebeians.” Maxwell extended his arms, making himself a path through the middle of the crowd. “Three-time jester MVP, coming through.”

He bounced onto the stage.

Drake leaned forward to inform him, “You’re not supposed to enjoy this.”

Maxwell arched an eyebrow, “I’m sensing jealousy.”

Drake scoffed and shook his head, “Forget I said anything.”

Riley put the cap on Maxwell’s head and flicked one of the bells on it, giggling.

“My queen, with your court assembled, it is your right to issue an edict before your people.”

Riley gazed out at the crowd and gestured with her scepter, “My people, thank you for selecting me as your Apple Queen! I’m here because of you… and I will be your faithful Apple Queen, the Apple Queen of the people!”

She sure knows how to captivate an audience. That’ll come in handy when she’s queen for real. 

Drake locked his jaw. A horse pulling a wagon stopped in front of the podium and Riley was helped onto it by a couple of guards.

“Oh, magnanimous Apple Queen, please show your generosity and share your bountiful harvest with us,” requested the Queen.

“Did I mention apples for everyone? You get an apple, and you get an apple, everybody gets an apple!” Riley yells at the crowd. Drake is worried she might crowdsurf any moment.

Instead the horse started slowly pulling the wagon, parading the Apple Queen around her subjects as she tossed apples for everyone to catch.

Drake saw Riley get a determined look on her face. Following her eye line, he spotted Olivia.

“Drake, why are you smiling like The Grinch when he ruined Christmas?”

“Just watch, Maxwell.”

Riley grabbed and apple and threw it at Olivia. It hit her square in the chest.

Drake was laughing so hard, he had to hold on to Maxwell’s shoulder for support.


“How do you like them apples?” asked Riley with a cheeky grin.

Drake wiped tears from his eyes.

“Very funny,” Olivia fumed.

“The Apple Queen’s power is absolute!” declared Riley.

Damn, that’s the smallest amount of power I’ve ever seen go to someone’s head.

The wagon came to a stop in a spot of the orchard that was more or less bare. Riley hopped down and was handed a potted sapling by the Queen.

Drake did not pay much attention to the tree-planting ceremony; he was distracted by Hana’s arrival.

“Hana!” Maxwell hugged her from the side. Hana seemed surprised at his affection, but pleased.

“Hello, guys! I’m so glad I found you! I do like Penelope but there is only so much time one can talk about her poodles.”

“Yep, and for me it is exactly no minutes with zero seconds,” agreed Drake.

Hana laughed, pushing him playfully. “Well, anyway, how are you?” The question seemed innocent enough, and it could’ve been directed to both Maxwell and him, but judging by Hana’s piercing look, she meant Drake.

He replied, “Never better!” which might have been more convincing if he had ever said something like that before in his life.

Maxwell, fortunately, was preoccupied with something else. “Oh, there’s Bertrand, I have to go talk to him.” He quickly disappeared through the crowd.

“Huh. I wonder what that’s all about. They’ve been acting weird for a while now. I mean, Maxwell did kind of explain but–”


“But something doesn’t add up because–”


“I just think something’s–”

“Drake! Stop!”

He had never heard Hana speak so loudly. He didn’t think it even qualified as a yell but by her standards, she might as well have screamed his ear off. It shut him up instantly.

“I know I said you didn’t have to tell me anything yesterday, but it just seems like you’re really hurting and I think it could help to–”

“To what exactly, Hana?! To talk about my feelings? To try to explain that I had never felt this way for anyone before? To have to face that it’s not just the wrong time but the wrong person? No. I think I’d rather not, thanks.”

Great. Now your little outburst rendered sweet, well-intentioned Hana speechless. Nice job losing all of your friends, asshole.

To his bewilderment, he felt an arm wrap around his waist and Hana’s head leaning on his chest. He squeezed her shoulder, hoping she understood he was grateful for her understanding and friendship.

“Yes. I do think that helps,” she finally said in a small voice.

He exhaled loudly and nodded. She let go of him as they heard the audience clap once more. Riley had planted the baby tree.

“Thank you, gracious Apple Queen,” the Queen was saying. “As for your final honor…”

Liam came up to the front, handsome as ever. He stopped in front of a smiling Riley and kneeled.

“You are entitled to a kiss, my queen.”

“Liam, I humble accept your offer,” she blushed.

“As my queen wishes.”

The words were a gut punch. One day soon he will be calling her that all the time.

Riley offered her hand and helped Liam stand up. The crowed whooped as Liam planted a long, tender kiss on her cheek.

Drake turned to look at Hana only to find her already staring at him. He was certain she saw the same pain her eyes showed mirrored in his. Embarrassingly, Drake felt his eyes grow watery and averted them, though he thought Hana had had a similar problem.

“Yeah, um, I’m gonna go.” His voice sounded strangled.

“Yes, me too.”

They parted in opposite directions, although it was obvious neither one had a destination in mind.

When he was a few feet from the exit, Drake saw a familiar, rigid figure standing at the gates. He walked more purposefully towards Bastien.

“I’m sorry, okay?” he said, as soon as he reached him.

Bastien was staring straight ahead. Drake would’ve thought he hadn’t noticed him if he wasn’t acquainted with the man’s cat-like reflexes.

At length, Bastien asked, “For what?”

“Come on, you know.”

When Bastien said nothing and continued to avoid looking at him, Drake groaned in frustration and elaborated, “Everything! Being an immature jerk because you said I had feelings for Addams.”

Bastien gave him a sideways glance. “I understand. You’re forgiven.”

“No, Bastien, you don’t understand! Because the thing is, you were right! And I don’t know whether to thank you or punch you but you were right and now I can’t stop thinking about her but I have to because Liam loves her and she does too, I think, and even if she didn’t, she could be a queen! A QUEEN, BASTIEN!” He said all this in one breath, leaving him panting.

Bastien finally looked at him fully and put his arms on his shoulders.

“Drake, you need to calm down. I already knew I was right. To be perfectly honest, not only have you have been fairly obvious, but I have known you for years. I’d have to retire if I couldn’t tell you had feelings for Lady Riley.”

Drake gaped at him. Shit, I knew I’d been obvious.

“Furthermore, as they say, ‘it ain’t over till it’s over.’ No matter how much you think you know Liam, you do not know his feelings… You barely even know your own. As for Lady Riley, I do not think you give her enough credit nor recognize her agency in this.”

After a long pause, during which Drake tried to form coherent thoughts, he said, “Okay, two things: one, I love that you said ‘ain’t’ and I hope to hear it again soon.”

“Not happening.”

“Two, you’re right, again. At least about Riley. I guess it’s just hard for me to believe anyone would choose me over… a whole kingdom.”

“You’re getting ahead of yourself. We don’t know what will happen at the Coronation.”

Bastien’s normally still frame was fidgety.

“What’s up? Don’t tell me you’re nervous about the Coronation! You’re getting old, man.”

He’d said it with a smile, but he seemed to have hit a nerve, as Bastien snapped, “Shut up, Drake. It’s a hugely important event and I am under a lot of pressure.”

Drake balked at being told to shut up by his usually mild-mannered, if stern, mentor.

“What the hell, Bastien? Look, if you need help with anything you know I–”

“You can’t help,” he cut him off. He rubbed a hand across his face. “I’m sorry Drake, I shouldn’t have snapped like that. Now, I need to check on my men. I’ll talk to you later.”

He strode away, leaving Drake standing there, hurt and confused.

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