The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 19: Long Live the King)

He couldn’t tell how long he’d been sitting there, trying to gather the strength to stand up and pour himself another drink, when a raspy voice asked, “This seat taken?”

He looked up to see a familiar face. “Leo!”

He got up so he could shake hands with the handsome man, who clapped his back.

“Hey, Drake. It’s good to see you.”

“You too, man! I didn’t know you were coming but I guess I should’ve guessed.”

“Yeah, I may be the black sheep of the family but I got Liam’s back.”

Drake bit his tongue to keep himself from saying something rude. As much as he liked Leo – and he did; the man was as different from the other nobles as one could be – he couldn’t agree with that. Leo had always been… not selfish, exactly, but he definitely looked out for his own happiness before others.

Come to think of it, Drake wasn’t sure whether to resent or admire him. One thing was certain, he could learn a thing or two from Leo’s certainty that he deserved to be happy.

Drake cast about for something to change the subject and landed on, “So where’s your wife? Liam told me you got married recently?”

A huge smile spread on Leo’s face. “I did. She couldn’t come, unfortunately. She’s in the middle of setting up her own home decor shop so this was a very inconvenient time for her.” He grimaced.

“Oh, cool. Well, you seem happy.”

“So happy. I can’t even explain what it’s like, knowing someone will be there for you no matter what, that they love you with all of your flaws and baggage, that they’ll make everyday an adventure…” he trailed off dreamily.

Drake was feeling more than a little uneasy at this sentimental monologue, not least because he could think of only one person he thought could fit that criteria. He cleared his throat and reached for his glass, taking an imaginary sip of his nonexistent drink.

“Forgive me, I tend to get emotional when I talk about Mia. I very much hope Liam finds the same thing for himself tonight.”

“Oh, he will,” muttered Drake.

Leo raised his eyebrows. “Do you mean that girl Riley I’ve been hearing so much about? What is she like?”

“She’s, uh, she’s something else.” He licked his lips. “She’s confident and fun, but she still knows when to be serious, and she can talk a lot, but is a fantastic listener–”

He cut himself off before he went on a full-on rant about Riley Addam’s many qualities.

“She’ll… make a great queen,” he finished weakly.

“Well, you make her sound delightful! I was already hoping to meet her tonight, but now you’ve made it my mission! But how is she with Liam? Do they make a good couple?”


He hadn’t actually asked himself that. He’d been so busy assuming that Liam would pick Riley and vice versa, that he hadn’t stopped to think whether they made a good couple. He knew he’d be biased, but he tried his best to think about this coldly. What even makes a good couple? 

One the one hand, both of them were harmonious, cooperative people – unlike him – so they were unlikely to have too many big fights. Not only that, but their different types of wisdom complemented each other and they were both highly empathetic people; he was sure they’d make for exceptional rulers.

And yet… It was painful to admit this to himself, given that Drake knew his feelings for Riley would never be anything other than a fool’s wish, but he didn’t think he’d ever seen her laugh or joke around with Liam as much as she did with him. It wasn’t Liam that she was sneaking off with during boring functions.

And then there was the grateful look on her face as she’d said, “it felt good to tell someone,” after sharing something so deeply personal…

But no, he wasn’t being fair. She’d surely been on countless dates with Liam by now and who was to say she hadn’t been even more affectionate with him than she’d ever been with Drake? Who was to say they hadn’t already–

His nostrils flared. Hell no, please don’t go there. 

In order to distract himself from the uncomfortable truth that he’d have to get used to the idea of Riley having sex with Liam soon – They’re getting engaged, you dickhead! – he returned to the conversation he had mentally left for a little too long.

“Yes,” he finally answered firmly. “They make a good couple.”

He was relieved to say that Leo seemed to be taking his weirdness in stride. He probably thought Drake was drunk and spaced out.

“I’m glad. I trust your opinion, Drake. And what about you? Wedding bells on the horizon?”

Drake snorted.

“Not quite.”

“Living that bachelor life, eh? That can be fun too!” Leo gave him a devilish grin. “But when you do settle down, make sure it’s with someone you enjoy spending the quiet moments in life with.”

With a flash, Drake saw himself drinking whiskey with Riley, celebrating the moments in between. He blinked several times rapidly, his eyes feeling watery.

“Uh, yeah.”

“Oh, and please give Liam noogies every now and then to remind him of me.”

“Ha! Only if you promise not to ask him the same thing!”

Leo shrugged. “I’m afraid I can’t promise that.”

They laughed and walked back into the ballroom together. Leo promptly asked Drake to point out Riley. He did so with a smile, watching her talk to Maxwell in that animated way of hers.

Once Leo had left him to go introduce himself, Drake ordered a drink from the bartender and went back to sulking in his corner. Before long, Hana found him.

“Are you ready?” she almost whispered.

They each avoided the other’s eyes, looking straight out at the ballroom, and probably at the same person.

“Not nearly. You?”

“I… think I’ve made my peace with it,” she answered, still quietly. “Telling her really helped, so thank you for your advice.”

Drake choked on his drink and whipped around to look at Hana open-mouthed. “You–you told her?

She gave a small nod.

Haltingly, Drake asked, “So… what did she, um, say?”

“Oh,” Hana shrugged carefully, but there was no keeping the hurt from her voice, “what you’d expect. She said…” her voice wavered, yet she didn’t cry. Drake felt his admiration for her grow.

“She said I’m her best friend and, although I can’t deny I’d hoped for more, that’s enough for me.”

Drake squeezed her hand.

“You’re a class act, Hana. And brave, too. I’m gonna miss you and I’m glad we’re… friends.”

Hana stared at him, her eyes and mouth equally wide. “You said it! Voluntarily!”

“Shh!” Drake elbowed her lightly. “I’ve got a reputation to maintain!”

Hana giggled and mimed zipping her mouth shut.

Across the room, somebody cleared their throat importantly. They turned to see King Constantine rising from his chair.

He said, “If I may have everyone’s attention, please…”

Hana and Drake shared a resigned look and started towards Riley, Maxwell and Bertrand, who were clustered near the dance floor.

“It’s finally happening…” said Hana, giving Riley a brief hug.

Drake balled his fists and set his jaw. “Here we go…”

A hush had settled over the room; all eyes were on the royal family.

King Constantine launched into what Drake thought to be a very self-aggrandizing speech about his reign, though he did pause on a sweet note, praising Liam by saying he couldn’t have wished for a better successor. Drake could not agree more; Cordonia had really lucked out, but he, the King, Riley and everyone who knew Liam personally had won the lottery.

The Prince smiled softly and put an arm on the King’s shoulder, bashful at the compliment. “Father…”

“It’s true,” Constantine continued. He looked over to Leo, who was standing next to the Queen. “I love your brother, but you will be the King that Cordonia needs. Reliable, steady, wise, just. Though you weren’t born to be my successor, it feels as though this outcome was inevitable.”

There was a pause during which King Constantine looked at each other smilingly. Drake felt like he was interrupting a personal moment.

“Liam, you are ever bit the King I always hoped you’d be. Today, I pass the royal signet ring to you.” The King took the signet off and slid it onto Liam’s finger. “Cordonia is yours, my son.”

Beside him, Riley cupped her hands and cheered, “Let’s hear it for Liam!” startling Drake into jumping.

Recovering from the scare, he chuckled and shook his head, clapping for Liam until his hands stung.

“Lady Riley, compose yourself,” chided Bertrand, which only made it funnier.

Liam looked like he was holding in laughter as he winked at Riley. The applause and cheers quickly faded so Liam could speak, “Thank you all for being here tonight. This is an incredible honor and a responsibility that I don’t take lightly. I only hope I can serve Cordonia with the distinction that my father did.”

Drake scoffed internally at that. Liam would be a far better king than his father ever was; he was already a better man.

Liam bowed at his father and hugged him formally.

Queen Regina came forward with her usual grace. “And now the time has come. Your Prince will choose his bride.”

Drake’s stomach leaped in a way that made him feel more hungover than he had all day.

Constantine and the Queen thanked the suitors for participating in the social season and spouted some – in Drake’s opinion – bullshit about how they could all make great queens.

Come on, Penelope? Maybe if you wanted Poodle Day to become a national holiday. And I’m sure I’d be first in line to the guillotine if Olivia were queen. He shuddered.

The Queen’s voice, which sounded more shaken than he’d ever heard her, took him out of his thoughts. “If you’ll excuse us one moment.”

The Queen and Constantine were whispering with a royal advisor. Constantine waved Liam over. His brow furrowed, Liam strode to them and joined the whispers.

It wouldn’t take long for the crowd to start murmuring among themselves, but as of that moment, you could have heard a pin drop. Which is why, when the first phone buzzed, everyone’s heads turned as one to the general direction of the sound. A few seconds later, however, two more went off, and then five, and then too many to keep track of.

He heard Madeleine’s prim voice exclaim, “Oh my!

“Oh non,” said Kiara.

Penelope, a hand on her chest, said, “She wouldn’t…

Maxwell’s phone buzzed and he snatched it out of his pocket. His eyes widened in horror. “Bertrand!”

It felt like a heavy rock had dropped inside Drake’s stomach. He had a bad feeling about this.

What?” Bertrand snarled.

Maxwell showed him his phone and Drake leaned in to take a peek. It was a photo of Riley wearing a familiar pink bra and kissing – or rather, being kissed by – Tariq.

Drake felt his whole body grow hot and he clenched his fists even tighter than they already had been. “Those bastards!

Riley turned to look at him, her eyes huge with fear. “Drake…” she said slowly, “I have a feeling I know exactly what this is. That night Tariq thought I walked into his room…”

She gulped and then carried on, her voice monotonous and defeated. “Someone got photos of it, didn’t they? And they’re using them to set me up.”

Hana’s hand was on her mouth. “It’s all over the news!”

She showed Riley her phone, which was covered in headlines of the same news: the “slutty” suitor who humiliated the prince by being caught hooking up with his friend.

Drake yanked the phone out of Hana’s hand. What was she thinking, showing her that?!

Riley’s eyes were filling with tears. “But…”

Several guards came seemingly from out of nowhere and surrounded Riley. Drake could do nothing but stand there stupidly. In fact, he only realized one of them was Bastien when he heard him speak.

“I’m so sorry, Lady Riley, but I’ve been ordered to escort you out… immediately. Along with the representatives from House Beaumont.”

Drake gaped at him. Escort them out?! What the fuck?!

Bertrand seemed to agree with him, albeit more politely. “This is absurd!”

“You can’t do this to Riley!” cried out Maxwell.

A couple of guards grabbed the Beaumonts roughly, and Bastien and another guard seized Riley, dragging her to the door.

Drake’s brain finally kicked into action and he pushed his way to Bastien, roaring, “Get your hands off her!”

Without thinking, he punched Bastien, who doubled over, leaving Riley free on one side. Before she could take advantage though, another guard took Bastien’s place.

Drake’s friend slowly straightened up and he was surprised to see no anger in Bastien’s eyes, but rather a profound sadness. Not that he cared at the moment as he struggled helplessly, being held back by guards as his friends and one of his favorite people in the world were forced out the door.

“Riley!” He’d never heard Hana so out of control. She was being kept back as well and was fighting tooth and nail to get away.

From the dance floor, Liam’s voice boomed over the chaos that now dominated the room. “Where is Lady Riley? Riley!” He looked for her frantically.

Riley’s voice came in a shrill yell from the door as she still resisted security, “Liam!”

Despite the din, the Queen’s voice rang through the commotion, “Given the circumstances, I’m sure Lady Riley has withdrawn from consideration.”

The insensitive announcement was enough to stun him into giving up the fight. Unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable. These people have no shame.

“But…” Liam was saying desperately, still searching for Riley, “I need to speak with her.”

The Queen whispered something in Liam’s ear, which made his face harden, even as his eyes still were wide with shock and sadness.

Constantine cleared his throat. “And now, Prince Liam must make his choice.”

Liam sighed and came forward. Drake had never seen him scowl that much. “I choose… Lady Madeleine.”

There where a few scattered claps, but for the most part, the audience seemed too appalled to do much.

Madeleine, however, didn’t seem to mind as came forward with a grin from ear to ear. “I’m deeply, deeply honored to accept.”

She curtsied before Liam, then gripped his neck and pulled him down for a kiss.

As everyone stared, aghast, Drake looked to the door, where Riley had been enduring the guards’ efforts to force her out. He wasn’t expecting to find her looking at him instead of at Liam, her eyes brimming with tears.

The guards at last succeeded in ejecting Riley from the room, slamming the door after them. Drake fought to break free for a few seconds longer, until the futility of it really sunk in. He let his hands fall to his sides.

His eyes met Liam’s and he could see they were thinking the same thing: This isn’t over.

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