The Marshmallow Chronicles (Ch. 4: Save the Last Dance)

Drake left the glittering ballroom behind and emerged into the main hall, where he found a despondent Hana sitting on the bottom step of the grand staircase. He walked up to her hesitantly.

“Hey, why the long face? Did you find something you’re only very good at?” he joked.

“Ha,” she replied sadly.

Okay, clearly not the time. He nodded to the spot next to her and she shrugged, so he sat down beside her.

“Do you want to talk about what’s wrong?”

She looked up at him, her eyes slightly unfocused. She sighed and he caught a faint whiff of alcohol coming off her.

“Just… Olivia was saying some stuff…” she mumbled. It didn’t seem like she was going to continue.

“Ugh, Olivia, the human equivalent of a relentless fucking mosquito. What did she do this time?” Hana looked down at her hands, looking uncomfortable, so Drake hurried on, “Look, it doesn’t matter what she said, you have to know she’s a child. She says shit like whatever she said because she’s jealous.”

“How can you know that?”

“Please. I’ve known her for years! And sure, she had a tough childhood, but she’s had every chance since then to turn things around! She refuses to take responsibility and to see how much she has going for her. So screw her, ya know?”

“That’s a little harsh,” said Hana in a small voice. Drake opened his mouth to protest and she give him a tight-lipped smile, “but it’s not what Olivia said. It’s just that she got me thinking, what if she’s right?”

“Of course n–” Drake interrupted.

Hana shushed him, too loudly. “Let me just say this. All my life, the only thing my parents have cared about is making me as eligible as possible. They won’t accept me marrying into anything less than a duchy! So this… this is the one thing I’m supposed to be good at, the one place where I’m meant to succeed. But since I got here I’ve realized the competition is a lot tougher than I thought and… I almost think my parents might disown me if I fail.” She gave a sad little laugh that turned into a soft sob.

Oh. Oh no, she’s crying! I’m not equipped to handle this situation, oh my God.

“Uh… there, there…?” Drake awkwardly patted her shoulder and cleared his throat as Hana cried harder. “Listen, um, I know we don’t know each other that well, but even if you were a complete stranger, based on what I’ve heard about you alone, my bet would be on you.”

Hana stopped crying abruptly and looked up at Drake with wide eyes, tears still streaking her face.


“Definitely! You know how to do basically everything, don’t you?”

“Well,” said Hana, suddenly shy, “not everything, but I suppose I do have more than a few skills. Still, that’s not all that matters, and the Prince seems to like Riley. Which is great, honestly! She’s very sweet, but…”

“I mean, obviously, I don’t know what’s gonna happen and I’m not gonna lie, they do seem to have chemistry, but if it’s not this, then you’re gonna succeed at something. That you can be sure of.”

Hana smiled genuinely for the first time, wiping her tears.

“Thanks, Drake,” she said, clumsily patting his shoulder. “I feel a lot better.”

“Cool, glad I could help.”

“You know, you’re not at all like people say… Olivia and the others are always saying you’re uncouth and rude because you’re a commoner, but I don’t think that’s true at all.”

“Yeah, okay, thanks,” Drake replied hurriedly, getting up. He was not having this conversation.

“Seriously! In fact, I believe if you just made an effort you could actually fit in, even if you are a commoner!” she continued cheerily.

Aaand, there it is.

“Gee, thanks, Lady Hana. That’s such an honor, coming from such a distinguished noble.” He mockingly bowed his head and headed out of the palace briskly.

Behind him, he heard Lady Hana stutter, “Drake, no! That’s not what I meant, I’m sorry!”

He didn’t stop walking until he got to the maze. Once there, he looked up at the starry sky, trying to stop thinking.

You’ll never be one of them, why should you even try? It won’t be enough, in their eyes. It’s a nonstarter. The only reason anyone even tolerates you is Liam. And why should they? You’re nothing but whiny, sarcastic son of a–

“Drake? I thought you’d be in bed by now. I saw you leave a while ago.”

He turned and saw Liam had walked up behind him. He arranged his face into a careful smile.

“I just needed some air.”

“Well, lucky for me, because you’re just who I wanted to talk to.”

“Oh? What’s up?”

“It’s Riley.”

Of course it is. He made a valiant effort to stop himself from rolling his eyes. It didn’t work.

“I take it you’re not her biggest fan,” said Liam, frowning disappointedly. “I hope you’ll warm up to her, eventually.”

“What does it matter, anyway,” Drake asked, “You clearly like her.”

Liam tilted his head, seeming honestly confused. “You’re my best friend. I care about your opinion of people.”

Drake snorted, “I dislike most people and you like everyone.”

“I am diplomatic, there’s a difference,” Liam smiled. “Still, you rarely actually dislike people without reason. I know you like Maxwell and even Tariq, to an extent, no matter how much you try to hide it.”

“Shh, I have a reputation to maintain.”

Liam shook his head. “Olivia, on the other hand, I understand.”

“Psh,” interjected Drake, skeptical.

“It’s true. Being fond of her doesn’t mean I’m blind to the fact that she can be cruel, at times.”

At times,” Drake muttered.

“Anyway, why do you dislike Riley?”

“I don’t, man. I just think she’s not cut out for this, she’s too naive.”

“I think you’d be surprised. She is… what’s the expression? Street intelligent?”

Drake let out a chuckle, “You mean street smart. Anyway, I don’t mistrust her, if that’s your question… But what did you want to talk about?”

Unexpectedly, Liam blushed. “Oh, that. It’s-it’s nothing.”

“Come on, Liam, it’s not nothing. It’s clearly got your royal ass worried.”

“My royal… bottom is completely fine, thank you,” Liam replied indignantly, “but the rest of me is worried, yes. I… I really like this girl, Drake. I feel a connection to her that I had never felt before. But I’m not sure she feels the same way.”

Drake burst out laughing. Liam’s mouth actually fell open in disbelief. When Drake’s laughter only got louder instead of stopping, the prince fixed him with a stony glare. Drake regained some control of himself.

“I’m s-sorry,” he said, still giggling, “I just can’t believe you said that.” He finally became serious again. “Liam, all straight girls are at least 30% attracted to you, and that’s when they don’t know you basically own a country.”

“Very funny, but I’m serious. For a moment, it seemed like she might come with me to the maze, but in the end, she said she didn’t want to get me in trouble… I just can’t tell if she was being considerate or if she was politely rejecting me.”

“I’m sure she was being considerate, man. Even if she wasn’t, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to make up your mind! If you ask her out a few more times and she always says no, you’ll have your answer.”

“I guess you’re right,” replied Liam doubtfully.

“No duh. You’ll see, this time next week, she’ll be asking you for some alone time. Wink wink.”

“You could have winked, you know? I can see you.”

“It’s dark, man, I didn’t want you to miss it.”

“Your meaning was about as subtle Maxwell at a party.”

Drake punched Liam playfully on the arm. “Shut up. I’m never cheering you up again.”

Liam laughed. “Speaking of which, I wanted to thank you.”

“What for?”

“’What for?’ Everything! Looking out for me, listening to my love life troubles. It doesn’t escape me that you essentially put your life on hold for me, Drake. That is something I can never repay.”

Drake waved dismissively. “Stop being so dramatic. I have a life here.”

“Yes, well, I still wish it were a happier one.”

Drake’s reply got stuck in his throat. He knew anything he said would either be depressing or insincere, so he chose to simply nod instead.

After a loaded pause, Drake cleared his throat and broke the tension. “Well, I’m gonna head to bed, but if there’s anything I can do…”

“Actually, I hate to ask this of you – you already do so much, but… do you think you could keep an eye on Riley tomorrow?”

“What happened to being street intelligent?”

“Ha ha, funny. She is smart; she is also the most unfamiliar with how the social season works. I understand if you’d rather not, however, and I can always ask one of Bastien’s men…” Liam trailed off hopefully.

“Nah, I’ll do it, man, it’s fine.”

“Thank you so much, Drake. I’ll feel so much better knowing–”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m the best, I should be knighted, etcetera, etcetera. I’ll see you tomorrow.” On babysitting duty.

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