The Missing Piece

The Missing Piece
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This is a short little background piece that was inspired by a conversation with LizEBoredom. This is only relevant to my Lilith universe because those stories are all AUs anyway and this applies to every Lilith story except the Senator (but the background still applies), it’s my ways of explaining what Lilith is. I make one change from canon and that’s that she doesn’t get the first tapestry piece until after she meets Jameson, becasue that makes so much more sense to me.
Rating- PG
Summary- Jameson tells his master the good news about Adrian’s new assistance.
Words- 655

Once Adrian and the girl were gone, Jameson rushed to the stacks. He had to share the news with his master. The day they had been waiting for had finally come.

He reached his destination quickly, his hands caressing the sarcophagus. He’d only dared open it a few time over the years, the risk of exposure too high. But this was worth the risk.

He opened the hatch, trying not to flinch at the sight of what his master had become.

“Why do you disturb me?” His master hissed, “do you bring news.” There was a moment of silence. “I sensed something earlier, someone. Were there visitors?”

“Yes, Adrian,” Jameson hurried over the name, knowing how it distressed him, “brought his newest assistant to be debriefed, but the girl refused. He didn’t insist.”

“Of course not,” his master scoffer, “he was always weak.”

“I think it was more than that,” Jameson demurred, “the girl was adamant. Besides, I doubt a debriefing would have held, not with what I sensed.”

He’d known it the moment she’d stepped before him, had felt it so strongly, that same pull he felt when he was with Master, just weaker and hidden behind the stench of humanity.  

“Tell me more,” the creature demanded. “Tell me about this girl.”

“The blood is unmistakable,” Jameson said triumphantly, “she’s what we’ve been waiting for. I sensed it almost immediately and she had no idea, neither does Adrian.”

But then that was often the case with half-demons, rare as they were. The demon never stuck around to see his offspring, just inflicted them into the world and left them to figure it out themselves. Too many were driven mad by the power or it manifested in the wrong ways.

Only 1 in every 1000 demonic spawn was a female and carried the right variation of the blood. The one that his master needed so desperately. Which was why they had waited so long, but thanks to Adrian and the girl, the waiting would finally be over.

“Are you sure?” The words were harsh, but Jameson could hear the hope behind them.

“I have a test,” Jameson assured him, “a way of testing the psychic link. Your blood should calls to hers, coming from the same source. The longer she is in this world, the more she is going to question what she is.”

Jameson also resolved to put his connections to use and learn everything he could about this girl, what her particular story was.  Because if the years had taught him anything, it was that knowledge was power.

His master’s lips curved into a grotesque smile, “Very good. Test the girl, draw her in, figure out what her weaknesses are and Jameson, it’s time to step up the rest of our plan, then.”

The plan to tear the council apart. To exact revenge on those who had betrayed his master and turn their blasted alliance back on them, shattering it.

“Of course,” Jameson agreed. “I will do it at once, but I need something… Something to push them to the boiling point. The feral situation is increasing tension, but they are still working together.”

“Adrian is the weak link,” his master instructed, loathing dripping from his voice, “he is weak. Use the weakness. Use the girl.”

Yes…  That would work. When he investigated the girl surely he’d learn something that could help them, some weakness, a friend or a lover who could be used as a pawn and then…. Well, then the fun would begin.

Jameson reluctantly closed the sarcophagus, locking his master back inside and binding the chains once more. He hurt every time he had to do that. But soon he wouldn’t have too.

The final piece of the puzzle was now in place. Now they had access to the blood they needed and soon his master would be restored to his former glory and the council would burn for their betrayal.

  • End


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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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