The More Things Stay the Same

The More Things Stay the Same
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine- I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This was a request ages ago from someone who wanted me to write a story about Kenna experiencing a milestone for one of her children. This is set 11 years into Diavolos and Kenna’s marriage and is just a quick look at their life as parents and monarchs. It ended up being expanded to include smut, thanks to some requests.

Rating-  NSFW

Pairing- Diavolos/Kenna

Summary- Diavolos and Kenna discuss the fact that their sons are growing up.

“Leon wants his own chambers.”

Kenna froze and looked up from her paperwork at her husband’s words. “He does?”

“He approached me when we were working on his swordplay,” Diavolos told her, “he is ten now, Kenna.”

She knew that, though that seemed impossible in some ways. He would always be her baby, her precious first born.

“He would like some privacy,” Diavolos continued, “and I think that as soon as Leon gets his own chambers, Rys will demand the same.”

Kenna laughed, despite the mixed feelings churning inside of her. Diavolos was right, Rys was always demanding the same treatment as his older brother, the less than two years between them making them both fast friends and fierce rivals.

“I think both boys have gotten tired of sharing the space with their sisters,” Diavolos pointed out.

Kenna nodded, she could understand that. At 8 and 10, the boys did not have much in common with their 5 and 3 year old sisters. Until now the four children, and their nursemaid, shared a connected suite of rooms, Leon and Rys sharing a bedchamber while Adriana and Livia did the same and then there was a giant play area.

“But the nurse…” Kenna protested.

“Kenna, the boys no longer need to be under the care of a nurse,” Diavolos pointed out patiently.

She knew he was right and she knew rationally that it was time but… It hurt, it hurt in a way she had never expected. “They’re my babies,” she murmured.

Diavolos covered his hand with hers. “This doesn’t make them any less our children,” he pointed out and she could tell he was trying to be patient.

Kenna nodded, appreciating the gesture since she knew this was something she and Diavolos would never quite see in the same way. Just like he had never quite understood her intense grief after Livia was born and she was told there would be no more children. Perhaps it was a woman thing or a personality thing, she mused. Diavolos had come a long way from the hardened warrior she had first met, but she still wouldn’t call him the sentimental type.

“Where have the years gone?” She asked instead. “It feels like he was just born yesterday.”

Leon, her first baby, born the year after the war. It seemed like just yesterday that they had defeated Azura and gotten down to the business of ruling and building, how could more than ten years have passed?

“We’ve bene busy living them,” Diavolos told her, “and they have been the best years of my life.”

“Mine too,” Kenna agreed without hesitation. She grinned mischeviously. “Even if it does mean we are getting old.”

Diavolos raised an eyebrow, “Who are you calling old?”

Kenna just smirked. Diavolos was now forty-four, but he was in better shape than many men in their 20s and she never had any complaints. However, that didn’t stop her from teasing him about his age.

“I can give you a demonstration of how fit I am, if you’d like,” Diavolos said in a low voice, his dark eyes staring into hers, his hands on her desk as he leaned closer to her.

Kenna sighed and leaned forward, so that their faces were almost touching. “What did you have in mind?” She asked with a smirk.

Before he could replay though, there was a knock on the door. Diavolos groaned and stepped back.

Kenna sighed and then called, “come in.” This was one of the downsides to living in a busy castle, private moments could, and frequently were, be interrupted.

One of the maids entered. “Your Majesty, you asked us to tell you when the ambassador from the Foundry arrived.”

“Yes,” Kenna agreed, straightening her skirt and emerging from behind her desk. “Thank you.”

The servant nodded and then bowed.

“I guess that demonstration will have to wait until later,” Diavolos told her with a grin. “When we’re alone and I can my time with you and show you exactly what a man my age is capable of and see just how many times I can have you screaming my name.”

Kenna groaned at the image. “That’s not fair.”

Diavolos smirked before pulling her towards him and kissed her deeply before letting her go. “Good. I don’t play fair, you should know that by now. Besides I want you to spend the rest of the day thinking about me and imagining exactly what I’m going to do to do you when we’re alone.”

Kenna wondered if he’d ever stop teasing her like that, if she’d ever stop wanting him? Probably not. No matter how many years passed, how much their lives changed, one thing had stayed the same. She had never ever wanted anyone the way she wanted Diavolos and she never would.

As soon as Kenna and Diavolos retired to their chambers for the night, he pulled her into his arms.

“I believe I made you a promise,” he said in a low voice, his hands resting on her back, “and you know I always keep my promises.”

“And what promise was that?” Kenna asked coyly, her body tingling in anticipation. She’d been thinking abut him all day, just like he’d wanted her too. Imagining what it would be like once they were alone in their chambers.

“To make you scream my name until you’re hoarse,” Diavolos told her in a low voice, his eyes dark with promise.

Kenna bit her lip to contain the moan that threatened to spill at his words. How could he make her want him so much with just a few words?

“After all, I have to show you that with age comes experience,” Diavolos continued, releasing her and moving behind her to undo her gown, his lips trailing every bit of skin that he revealed, “and knowledge.”

Kenna sighed at his touch, at the way his hands and lips caressed her skin.

“Eleven years together means I know your body as well as I know my own,” Diavolos continued, pulling her against him now that she was naked, his hands reaching to cup her breast while his head bent to kiss her neck. “And I plan to use that knowledge to my advantage.”

“Do you?” Kenna asked weakly, marveling at how quickly he could have her aching for him.

“I do,” Diavolos promised and then he suddenly swung her off her feet and into his arms, carrying her to the bed. He set her down on the edge of the bed, then stepped back long enough to shed his own clothes.

Kenna watched him eagerly, her eyes glued to his spectacular body. He might be forty-four, but he didn’t look it, and he was still in phenomenal shape. He was also hers, a thought that never failed to fill her with satisfaction.

Once he was naked, Diavolos approached the bed, he leaned down and kissed her. A hard, possessive kiss that had her sighing against his mouth. Kenna reached her hand out between them, running it over him and noting how quickly he hardened to her touch. One thing that hadn’t changed with the passing of time, her husband still wanted her as desperately as she always wanted him.

Diavolos stilled her hand as he broke the kiss. “This is about you,” he reminded her and then he dropped to his knees. He lifted her left leg over his shoulder, placing tender kisses along her thigh as he did so.

“Oh,” Kenna sighed.

She could feel him grin against her skin, “baby, I’m just getting started.” Diavolos moved his mouth inward, covering her core and she moaned as he licked and sucked before plunging his tongue into her. At the same time, his hands caressed her breasts, teasing her nipples into hard points.

It wasn’t long before Kenna found herself reaching her peak. “Diavolos!” She cried out, arching against him, but he didn’t pull back even as she cried out his name and dug her hand into his hair.

Instead he continued to pleasure her with his tongue, one hand dropping down to play with her clit while the other continued to tease her breasts and Kenna had barely come down from her orgasm before she was coming again. “Diavolos!!!” She sobbed, barely able to handle the pleasure, it was so intense.

This time Diavolos pulled back, letting her come down with a sigh. He lowered her leg and she collapsed against the bed. Yet, as intense as that was, as incredible as it had been, it wasn’t enough.

“I need you inside me,” Kenna gasped, reaching for him. “Please.”

“Anything for you, my love,” Diavolos promised her before climbing onto the bed with her. He covered her body with his, his mouth claiming hers in a deep kiss as he slid inside of her. Kenna sighed, knowing she’d never get sick of the feel of him inside of her, of how right it felt.

Diavolos kept his pace steady, hitting all the right notes, his hand tangling in her hair as he grazed her collar bone with his teeth. He bit down, making her groan, she loved when he marked her like that. It meant she’d be selective about what gowns she wore this week, but it would be worth it.

Kenna ran her nails across his back, making him groan in return and increase his pace. His lips continuing to trail across her chest, alternating kisses and bites.

“Diavolos,” she groaned, the combination of his body and his mouth too much for her. She arched into him, her nails digging into his skin as she came yet again.

Diavolos continued to move within her as she shuddered around him, his movements becoming more frantic and demanding and she knew he was close. His hand was in her hair, his mouth rough against her skin and he pounding into her hand, his other hand massaging her clit and Kenna could feel herself building back up, the pressure too much.

“Diavolos,” she sobbed over and over, clinging to him, and this time as she came undone, he came with her.

“Kenna,” he shouted as he spilled himself inside of her.

Kenna collapsed against the bed, holding Diavolos against her, loving the feel of him. He kissed her tenderly, gazing into her eyes before he rolled onto his back. Like he did every time, he quickly settled her into his side, his arms tight against her.

Kenna snuggled into his chest. She loved the way he made love to her, the way he made her come so completely undone with his touch, but she also loved the way he held her afterward and made her feel so loved and treasured.

“Still think I’m too old?” Diavolos teased.

“I never said you were too old,” Kenna corrected, “just that we were getting older. But I think something can definitely be said in favor of experience.” She grinned up at him. “Though I’m going to regular demonstrations, preferably for the rest of our lives.”

Diavolos smirked, “that can definitely be arranged, because there will never be a day where I don’t want you desperately.”

He placed a tender kiss on her shoulder and Kenna sighed happily, knowing the same was true for her. She would never get enough of this. After eleven years, it just kept getting better and she had a feeling it always would.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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