The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: A Walker Family Tradition

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year: A Walker Family Tradition


This was written for @the-whiskeywife Christmas Prompt list.

#21. What time is it?  requested by anon.

Rating:  It’s mostly G rated fluff with a moment of um…suggestion.


Drake heard the pitter-patter of little feet in the hallway that came to an abrupt stop just outside his bedroom door, followed by peals of high pitched giggling.  A small smile pulled at the corner of his mouth as he pulled Ava tightly to his chest, curling his body around hers as he buried his face in the hair at the nape of her neck. “They’re heeeeere.” He whispered into her ear.

“Mmmmhmmm.” Ava opened her eyes and quickly shut them again. “What time is it?” She moaned, “it’s still dark.”

Drake lifted his head and looked at the clock. “5:35” He said, dropping his head back onto his pillow with a sigh.

The door slowly creaked open and two little faces peered in.  Drake kept his eyes tightly shut, hoping that maybe, just maybe… if they thought he and Ava were still asleep, they’d go back to their beds, at least until the bloody sun came up.

He heard Emelia shush her little brother as they crept steadily forward until they stood by the side of the bed, waiting…

Drake opened his eyes and met Ava’s amused gaze.  He grinned mischievously and in one fluid motion, twisted around to scoop them both up in his arms, flinging them into the middle of the bed between he and Ava as they screamed with laughter.

“Daddyyyyyy!” Emelia giggled as she bounced up and down happily, unable to contain her excitement, “Did he come?  Did he?”

“Who knows?” Drake said with a shrug, “ It’s the middle of the night.  He has lots of houses to visit, y’know. He may not have made it yet.”

Ava’s bottom lip jutted out in a pout as she crossed her arms across her chest. “No fair.”

Jack crawled across the mattress and plopped himself down next to Ava, resting his head on her shoulder, shoving his thumb into his mouth as he rubbed his eyes sleepily.  She smiled up at Drake as she stroked his downy hair.  “Looks like at least one of them wanted to sleep a little longer.”

Drake raised a brow at his Emelia. “Em, did you wake your brother up?”

Emelia stopped pouting and looked up at Drake with big, innocent eyes. “Noooo Daddy.” She shook her head sending her chestnut curls bouncing across her shoulders, “He was awake when I got into his crib.”

‘Um hmn.” Drake bit the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling as he met Ava’s gaze over Em’s head, “And how exactly did he get out of his crib?”

Emelia grinned. “I helped.”

Drake laughed and reached out to ruffle her curls, “What would he do without you?”

Emelia began to bounce up and down on her knees, unable to contain her excitement, “Can you go check Daddy. Pleeeaseee?”

“ Okay kiddo, you win.”  Drake lifted up the edge of the down comforter and motioned Emelia under.  “You know the drill.  Get in.”

Emelia scrambled happily into the warm bed and snuggled up against Ava as she shifted Jack to her other side and wrapped one arm around each of her babies. Drake covered them all up and tucked the comforter around them, stepping back to gaze at them all for a moment as a feeling of utter contentment washed over him.

He smiled at Ava.  “I love you.” He whispered

She whispered it back as they all snuggled back into the pillows, waiting for Daddy to go check and see if Santa Claus had come.

The first thing he did was head straight to the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee. The kids presents could wait, but he and Ava wouldn’t make it five minutes without caffeine hitting their bloodstream after being up half the night playing Santa, first for the kids…and then for his wife.

She was definitely on Santas good list this year.

After coffee, heat was the next pressing need.  The fire had died out during the night and there was a definite chill in the air.  He headed to the fireplace, filling it with wood, stoking it until he had a good blaze going.  It wouldn’t be long before it warmed the whole cabin.  He turned to the Christmas tree and turned on the lights before taking a last look around to make sure everything was in order.  The Thomas the Tank Engine train table that he’d spent weeks constructing by hand for Jack dominated one side of the tree while Em’s side featured a pink, frilly teepee where she could hide from her baby brother and read her books in peace…in theory.

With a satisfied nod, Drake grabbed their stuffed Christmas stockings from over the fireplace.  Tucking them under one arm he grabbed the plate of cookies from the hearth and bit into one, dropping the half eaten cookie back onto the plate.  Then he grabbed a carrot off the plate and gnawed on it.  The cookie was definitely better.  Drake grabbed the glass of milk and downed it quickly, washing down the carrot before wiping the back of his hand over his mouth.  He’d have to remember next year to make Ava eat the damn carrot.  She liked that rabbit food.

Santa duties completed, Drake jogged up the stairs and burst into the bedroom with a huge smile on his face, holding up the filled stockings.

Emelia squealed with joy and clapped her hands.  “He came!” She said beaming from ear to ear, “Santa came!”

“He sure did.” Drake said, climbing onto the bed to join his family, “I guess he didn’t hear what rotten little brats you were this year.” He teased.

Ava smirked and shook her head at him. “Look who’s talking.”

Drake winked at her. “I can be a brat.  I already got my present last night.”

Ava rolled her eyes and took Jack’s stocking from him, turning her attention to her son.

“Jax! Look what Santa brought you!”

In no time at all the entire surface of their bed was covered with toy cars and trucks, coloring books, stickers, doll clothes, picture books, hair ribbons and stuffed animals.

Em popped a candy cane into her mouth as Jack drove a small wooden race car over Ava’s thigh.

Ava reached over and plucked the candy right back out of her mouth. “How about we hold off on the sugar rush until after breakfast, huh lady?”

Emelia opened her mouth to protest but Drake cut her off, “Shouldn’t we go check out what Santa left under the tree?”

“Yayyyy!!” Em squealed as she jumped off the bed.  She was halfway to the door before Drake scooped her up in his arms. “Slow your roll, kid.  We need to wait for mommy and Jack.”

“Mama!” She wailed, “Jaxxie…Come onnnnnnn.”

Ava swung her legs over the side of the bed and pulled on her robe before reaching for Jack and swinging him to her hip.  She sashayed past Drake and Emelia, rolling her eyes at her husband, “I hope you realize that that bossy gene comes from your side.”

Drake grinned, but he couldn’t argue.  Em looked just like her mother, but her personality was all him.

Once they hit the hallway Drake put Emelia down and she peered over the railing to the living room below.  Her eyes grew wide in wonder as she took in the sight of all of the presents under the tree.  She sucked in her breath sharply before taking off at a full run.

“Em, be careful on the stairs!” Ava called out before turning to press her face into Drakes shoulder, “I can’t watch.”

Drake laughed and put his arm around Ava’s shoulder pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.  “She’s fine babe.  Just excited.”
Ava looked up when she heard Emelias excited voice call out from below.  “Mommy!  Come see!  Santa ate the cookies we made for him and Rudolf ate his carrot!”

“Yeah.” Drake whispered with an exaggerated shudder, “About those carrots.”

“One vegetable a year wont kill you, babe.”

“You don’t know that.  I nearly choked to death on it.”

“Mommmmmmy! I got a teepee!  It’s pink and it has my name on it!”


Ava was curled on the couch watching Jack tear the wrapping paper from present after present, tossing them aside without even glancing at the contents as his chubby hand reached for the next one.

She looked up at Drake, giving him a grateful smile as he handed her a cup of steaming coffee before dropping onto the couch next to her and flinging his arm over her shoulder.

“Next year we should just wrap empty boxes.” he said with a grin, “He’d never even notice.”

They snuggled together, sipping their coffee as they watched their kids play.  Emelia had emerged from her teepee and was kneeling next to her brother, helping him maneuver his Thomas engine along the wooden tracks and over the drawbridge.

Drake rested his chin on Ava’s shoulder as he watched them. “Remember when I told you I didn’t want anything for Christmas?”

Ava smirked and glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. “Please, you’re a bigger kid than either one of them.  I didn’t buy that for a second.”

Drake grinned, “Okay, you got me.”  He paused, his dark eyes softening as he gazed into into the face of the woman who had changed his life in ways he never even knew needed changing,  “But I just thought of one more thing I want.”

“How do you know I didn’t already get it?” Ava said with a laugh, “You haven’t even opened your presents yet.”

He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers softly before pulling away slightly.  “I know we said we only wanted two kids, but…” He nodded his head toward their children. “Look at them…”

Jack had crawled into Emilia’s lap and was giggling uncontrollably as she made two trains crash into each other with all the appropriate sound effects.

Ava turned her head to stare at Drakes profile as he watched his children play, a look of utter adoration on his handsome face.

“Drake.” She said, her voice barely a whisper. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

He turned his head to gaze down at her before leaning forward to press his forehead to hers. “ I want another baby, Ava.” He lifted his head, his eyes shining brightly, “Whaddya think?”

He chewed his bottom lip nervously when she didn’t answer him right away. Finally her face broke into a wide smile and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

Laughing, Drake buried his fingers in her hair and kissed her long and hard before pulling his head back to smile into her beaming face. “So that’s a yes?”

“That’s a definite yes.” She agreed happily.

Drake pulled her in for another kiss.  “We should probably get started sooner rather than later.”  he said, “These things take time, you know.”

Ava nodded, giving her husband a sexy smirk.  “As luck would have it.  Your darling children were up with the sun this morning, so I’m guessing there’s a nice long nap coming this afternoon.”

“Prime baby making time.” Drake agreed with a grin.  He slid from the couch and pressed a kiss to the top of Ava’s head, “I’m going to make more coffee. We’re gonna need it.”

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