The Next Adventure

The Next Adventure
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is a request fic that I’ve had in my inbox for a while and finally was able to find the right idea for it. It’s very loosely Halloween-themed (at least it takes place on Halloween). The request was for the lines “We’re having a baby” and “This is just the beginning.” This is set several years after the end of Book 3. Since I don’t write a lot of ROE fic, the names I use are: Maya (older sister), Mikayla (party!twin) and Marcia (cousin).

Paring- Blake/Party!Twin

Rating- PG

Summary- Mikayla has special news for her husband.

Words- 465

Mikayla flipped through the Halloween photos that both Marcia and Maya had sent her with a smile. She had the cutest nieces and nephews in the entire world.

Just then she heard the front door open. “In here, babe!” She called out.

A moment later, Blake entered the room, pausing to give her a quick kiss.

Mikayla wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him towards her and deepening the kiss. “I missed that this morning,” she told him when they parted. Blake had been out of the house early that morning because of restaurant business.

“Me too,” he said as he sat down next to her on the couch and wrapped his arm around her.

“Want to see Halloween pictures?” Mikayla asked, handing him her phone. “Both Maya and Marcia sent some.”

“Of course,” Blake said eagerly, he was just as crazy about the kids as she was. He laughed as he opened the picture from Marcia. “I see Chaz picked the costumes.” The entire family, including two-month-old Sophie, were dressed as various birds.

“He’s been trying to convince Marcia for years,” Mikayla said with a laugh, “and she finally gave in.”

Blake nodded and then laughed again as he moved onto the pictures from Maya, “Leo makes a very convincing dragon.”

Mikayla smiled. “I believe that Meredith chose his costume.”

Blake handed her back the phone and she could see the wistfulness in his eyes. “They all look very cute,” was all he said though.

“We should start thinking of costumes for next year,” Mikayla said casually, “it would be cute for all of us three to match.”

Blake went very still at her words. “You mean?” He asked after a moment, a look of incredible longing on his face.

“We’re having a baby,Mikayla confirmed, “I got confirmation this morning.”

Blake pulled her into his arms, kissing her enthusiastically. “I… That’s wonderful,” he said when he released her.

“I know,” Mikayla told him with a beaming smile. They’d agreed to wait a few years to have kids because she’d been so young when they got married, but she’d known that Blake really wanted to be a father and a few months ago, they’d decided to start trying.

“You make me so happy,” Blake told her, wrapping his arms around, “from the moment I met you, you’ve brightened my life. The baby is just… It’s just an extra blessing.”

“You make me happy too, besides this is just the beginning,” Mikayla reminded him, “we have years of love and laughter and happiness ahead of us.”

There was a time when the idea of settling down and getting married and having kids had sounded like a nightmare, but now she saw it as just another adventure, one she was excited to begin.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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