The Night Before the Wedding

Summary: Kerri worries about Kate, and thinks about Flynn.

Author’s note: This was written for Round 63 of #ChoicesCreates: Veil of Secrets. It takes place after Kate’s bachelorette party, the night before Kate and Tanner’s wedding.

Kerri returned to her room at the lodge, worried about Kate. Tanner had been so angry, and had spoken to Kate so harshly. He seemed far more concerned with how things looked than with Kate’s feelings. She shouldn’t be surprised, considering what Kate had said about the rest of his family. His brother Bryce had already proven to be a disgusting person, calling Kate a gold-digger and a slut.

Money wasn’t everything. It didn’t make the Sterlings good people. Kerri found it hard to believe that Kate would really be happy marrying into that family. They would probably keep making her feel as if she wasn’t good enough, even though she was a far better person than any of them. Money wasn’t everything. Kate deserved to be loved and appreciated, not to be made to feel inferior. Tanner’s behavior had already raised some red flags. If he behaved that way before they were even married, how would he behave after the wedding? Far worse, Kerri suspected.

It was too bad that Flynn hadn’t been there. Surely he would be concerned too. Although he had said that Tanner made Kate happy, he might not be aware of certain dynamics in their relationship. He and Kate weren’t that close. Kate had never even mentioned him to her. Kerri still didn’t understand why. She and Kate used to be so close. How could Kate not tell her that she had a brother? That seemed like a pretty big omission to her.

If only she knew how to reach Flynn. She wished she could talk to him about what had happened at Kate’s bachelorette party. Honestly, she wanted to talk to him anyway. At the rehearsal dinner, she had noticed him immediately, and not just because he didn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the guests. She had been instantly attracted to him. Kate’s bachelorette party would have been a great opportunity to get to know him better, but when they headed out, he was nowhere to be found. Oh well, there was always tomorrow. She turned out the light and got into bed.

“You wanted to talk to me?”

Kerri looked up and saw Flynn sitting at the side of her bed, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. “How did you know?”

“I have my ways,” he smirked.

She sat up, bringing the two of them closer together. “Do you also know what I wanted?”

“Yeah, this.” He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against hers. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and deepened the kiss. He guided her downward so she was lying on the bed, and pressed close to her. She ran her fingers through his hair as they continued to kiss.

He pulled back, startled, as Kerri’s phone rang. When she picked it up, she heard Kate’s voice. “Help me!”

“Kate! What’s wrong?”

Kerri opened her eyes. The room was dark, and she was alone. Since she had been thinking about Kate and Flynn before she fell asleep, it wasn’t surprising that she had dreamed about them. But was it just a dream? Or was it a bad omen?

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