The Night Monarchy, An In the Dark Preamble

Tippy’s Note: So this series came about because of The Sims 4.  Hear me out. My sister was playing The Sims one day and I look up and she is building a Vampire.  He was looking kinda familiar. Like a good sister, I pestered suggested that she make the vampire look like Liam.  She did. From there I started chronicling the adventures of VampireLiam in the group chat.  (TL;DR: Lot’s of surly organ playing. Like, a lot.) Then Misha was like, “maybe we should do a Vampire Liam AU.”  I was like “Sure.” Here we are.

Misha’s Note: I’ve never done a collaboration before, but there was something very tempting about the idea of a vampire TRR AU but I also knew I wasn’t willing to take it on on my own (because we all know I have enough WIPs and I am running out of hours in the day) and thankfully Tippy agreed to do this with me. This is a TRR/Bloodbound crossover (with some The Crown & The Flame thrown in for good measure). So we’ve got royal intrigue and vampires, what else could you ask for?

Tippy’s Chapter Notes: This takes place before the series starts and essentially explains how Liam became a vampire and how the Vampire World in Cordonia came to be/functions within the country.   I feel like other chapters will have room for Liam to talk about how being Turned has affected him and that whole process.


It was the first New Moon of the season, it was just after 11 at night.  Normally, Liam would be chatting with Drake or getting ready for bed in preparation for a tedious day.  That is not tonight. He is still in his suit and ascot, and he has one last meeting to attend.

This meeting was different than the others though.  It was always at Midnight on the first New Moon of the Season.  At 11:15, Liam and his father and Bastien would make their way to The Lower Tombs.  There they would meet The Night Monarchy.

Everyone knows about The Night Monarchy.  In the daytime, Cordonia is ruled by the Royal Family.  They do all of the press, diplomacy, they are the public face of Cordonia.  At night, The Night Monarchy reigns. No one knows exactly what The Night Monarchy does other than not attack them and keep the economy stable.  For this the Day Monarchy is grateful, and there is peace between them.

This arrangement has been maintained for the last 500 years.  

The first Vampires came to Cordonia during the time that Kenna Rhys was uniting the 5 kingdoms.  The Vampires stayed out of conflict at first, they wanted nothing to do with mortal disputes, but Kenna recruited them into her army.  When the war was over, and all was said and done, The Vampires wanted to be repaid for their assistance. The Day/Night alliance is that repayment.

The Vampires were allowed to have their own land, their own hierarchy, support for their needs, and no interference from the now United Five Kingdoms.  In turn for their compliance, the Vampires will let the people of the land live in peace and be available to assist in both the country’s financial and military needs.

The agreement has been in place ever since.  The Cordonian citizens knew of both sets of Rulers, and that knowledge is just part of their history and culture, just like The Apple Blossom or The Five Kingdoms Festival.   

Liam started attending the meetings with The Night Monarchy when Leo abdicated.  They were never very long. They were really just a status update between the two ruling bodies.  

Now he feels the drafty winds of the Lower Tombs against his neck.  The air always made his body go tense, on high alert. His brother warned him that The Night Monarchy can be unpredictable and volatile if pushed.  Liam hasn’t seen any reason to believe that, but he was not looking to test that theory either.

Liam, Bastien, and Constantine made it to the passageway that led to the meeting space. There was a large, jagged, stone door that blocked off the sacred space. Constantine took out his dagger.  His hands shook as he brought the blade to his palm.

“Allow me, father,” Liam offered.

His father handed him the dagger without protest.  Liam brought the tip to the palm of his hand. He winced as he drew blood.  Once there was enough, he rubbed it on the stone. It warmed under his hand before starting to shake.  The three men stood back as a crease cracked the rock open. The gap grew until it was wide enough for them to walk between the two sides.  It was a long dark corridor. Bastien turned on his flashlight to illuminate the path.

At the end of the corridor was an open section of the cavern.  Tall, marble blocks formed a semi-circle around the space. Fertile soil was beneath their feet.  In the center of the circle, there was a long marble table. On one side of the table, there were three chairs, on the other was four marble chairs with high straight backs.  The most ornate chair with the highest back was meant for the Queen of The Night Monarchy, Annelyse. She was already seated awaiting their arrival, a sly smile on her lips, her embroidered green corset cinched tightly lifting her ample breasts.  A flash of her fanged teeth caught Liam’s eyes before the smile faded.

The Table consisted of the four most powerful vampires in all of Cordonia and make up the ruling body of The Night Monarchy.  Annelyse was their leader and had final say. The other members of the table resembled previous heads of houses or former kings.

Valerian Nevrakis was on her left. He was very tall and broad and looked like former King Diavolos if you looked long enough. By Valerian’s side is his trusty sword Oathkeeper.  Rumor has it that Oathkeeper used to belong to his father and was the same sword used to behead his grandfather. Liam was unsure if it was true, but if it were, he wouldn’t be surprised.  

Jareth Drammir had his mother’s fair skin and green eyes and his father’s facial features. His auburn hair was pulled up into a casual bun as some strands were left out. Lastly, Lark Thorne looked like a wax replica of her mother was brought to life.  Their faces bore an uncanny resemblance, especially the high cheekbones. She had vine tattoos along her collarbone that peeked out from her bodice. Her hair was in dreadlocks down to her breasts and tied back with a leather sash.

Jareth was Annelyse’s right hand.  He never said much, he just quietly took things in and commented only when it was absolutely necessary.  Nevrakis and Thorne were there for additional support, Liam supposed. He never formally asked what their jobs were, though he knew in life, Valerian had been the son of Queen Kenna.

“Good evening,” Annelyse greeted the men.  

Each of the men knelt and kissed her hand.  When Liam held her hand, she felt the blood from his cut wet her fingers.  Her eyes flashed red as she licked herself clean.

“Poor baby,” she cooed.  Annelyse dragged her thumb along her fang.  She pinched the fleshy pad of her thumb to encourage more blood to come out.  Then she took Liam’s hand in hers as she pressed the pad of her bloody thumb into his wound.  The wound closed immediately leaving the faintest white scar behind.

“There, all better.”  Annelyse’s eyes savored his body.  “You are much too…attractive to be marred like that.”

“Thank you,” Liam said as he carefully withdrew his hand from hers and sat down.

The meeting started unceremoniously after that.  The Vampires didn’t have anything new to report. There were no new nobles that had to be Turned.  No news of anyone attacking mortals or any other threats to the Cordonian citizenry. Liam was glad since this meant that after Constantine gave his report, he can go to bed.

Constantine cleared his throat and adjusted his collar.  “There is nothing that would be a direct threat to vampires to report.  I do, however, have a request to make.”

Liam’s eyes went wide as his father spoke.  Annelyse leaned forward, her green eyes focused on him.  Constantine wrung his hands together.

“I need your help with some enemies.  I am planning to retire soon, and I want to take them out before they can see Liam’s ascension to the throne as an opportunity to seize power.”

Annelyse straightened her back against the chair.  She unsheathed one of her emerald encrusted daggers using it to clear the dirt from under her manicured nails.  

“Absolutely not,” she said, her eyes examining her nails.  “That is not a direct threat to Cordonia or to us. That is your problem.”

“Your Majesty, but the agreement–”

Lark’s amber eyes flashed with rage as she grits her teeth, baring her fangs.

“Says that we have to help when it’s a national security issue.  Your enemies are your problem.”

Constantine tightened his jaw.

“I am the King of Cordonia.  My enemies are an issue of national security.”

“Have they attacked the Cordonian public?” Jareth asked.

“No, but–”

“But nothing Conrad,” Lark said.  Liam knew Conrad ate at Constantine.  Lark called him that one day for fun and it got such a rise out of him now the whole Table uses it when they think he is out of line.

“We are not mercenaries that kill to resolve your personal problems.”

“My enemies aren’t nothing!” Constantine shouted.  “They have threatened my life, the life of my son. My second wife is dead.”

Valerian chuckled, “You have another wife, now.  Your second wife is long gone.”

Liam seethed, staring stakes into the Nevrakis vampire’s eyes.  Valerian smiled.

“No use crying over spilled milk.”

Constantine’s heart raced as he stood.  His face flushed red with rage. Liam looked at his father.  He recognized that look in his eye. Liam loved his father dearly.  Constantine is his role model. His beacon. Despite his profound admiration, he could not ignore that King Constantine was a prideful king.  When Constantine’s pride has been attacked, reason, calm, or any other diplomatic tools to maintain peace get tossed aside and all that is left is anger.  

Constantine and Liam’s eyes met, their matching shade of blue at this moment conveying different messages.  The son’s said, don’t do this.  The father’s said I must.

“I have asked for tor intervention and protection time and time again.  Each time you write off my concerns as personal problems.”

Valerian and Lark stood. Nevrakis drew his sword, Oathkeeper. The motion causing a lock of his hair to fall on his face.  

“Watch your tone, mortal King.”

Annelyse took a breath.  “Nevrakis. Thorne. Sit down,” she commanded.  “The Day King has his grievances. Let him air them.”

“I don’t need your permission to be angry or to say why.”

Annelyse didn’t bat an eyelash, but her grip on her dagger tightened.

“Ever since I sat on the throne, I have watched your kind sit back, and do nothing while my family has been left vulnerable.  What benefits do we even get from the Day/Night alliance? We haven’t seen them since the early days of the agreement. I don’t understand why I still come here when it’s always ‘No new threats’ and denial of your intervention.  My second wife is dead. I lay her corpse directly at your feet, Queen. Liam. Bastien. We’re leaving from this farce. We shall not return until there is reciprocity in this arrangement.”

Constantine stormed out, Liam and Bastien trailed behind him.  Valerian rose to follow them, but Annelyse held him back.

“Are we just going to let them talk to us like that?” Valerian sneered.

Annelyse waited until she was sure that the stone entrance was closed.  She looked over amongst her table. Lark was quietly seething along with Jareth.  Valerian was tightly gripping his sword. His breathing was rapid, and his eyes were trained on the path.  Annelyse knew that if she gave him permission, Valerian would bring the heads of the entire Day Monarchy if asked.

“Are we?” Lark asked, echoing Valerian.  “If we let them go unpunished, they will think that they control us.”

Annelyse turned to him before her gaze landed on Lark and Jareth.  

“I deeply apologize for the extended meeting.  If I may, I would like to ask for a bit more of your time before we adjourn?”

Lark nodded.  Jareth’s eyes never left her.  Valerian turned to face her direction.

“We need to discuss the issues the Day Monarchy have raised.  Conrad isn’t wrong when he says that parts of the agreement have outlived their usefulness.”

“You don’t mean–” Lark started.

“Connie is just wrong about what parts.  We don’t need a Day Monarchy anymore.”

Lark’s eyes widened.  Jareth leaned forward.  Valerian’s breathing calmed as he rejoined everyone who is sitting.

“The Day Monarchy has been ornamental for quite some time,” Annelyse explained.  “We don’t need them to be our face. The people already know about us.”

“What about tourism, diplomacy?” Jareth asked.

“Well as for diplomacy, we have human diplomats who understand the nature of our existence.  Our policies have been relatively isolationist anyway. I don’t see a need to change that structure,” Annelyse reasoned.

“Cordonia makes a great deal of its income through tourism,” Jareth reasoned.

“That would be unaffected.” Lark countered.  “The kind of tourism we get is not from people who aren’t open to the unusual.  Most of them are obsessed with The Crown and the Flame and want to see shooting locations.  The other wants to engage in the local legends but believe them only to be myths.”

“Exactly, Thorne.  As for the palace itself, we will leave it standing.  We just have to make sure there is never another Day King after Constantine.”

The three other Table members paused.  Jareth and Lark’s eyes grew while Valerian smirked.

“You are not proposing,” Lark started.

“Yes,” Annelyse confirmed.  “I am.”

“My Queen,” Jareth started, “I have never doubted your judgment.  I do feel compelled to say that if we do this everything changes.”

“The moment Constantine challenged us has already set this in motion.”

“But this?”

“We have to strike back strong,” Valerian added.

He turned to face Annelyse.  “May I do the honors?”

A smile grew on her lips as she steepled her fingertips.  

“I was hoping you would say that.”


Liam was walking back to his chambers from a long day of meetings.  Ever since Leo abdicated, his schedule has grown exponentially. There were still 24 hours in the day, but he was expected to do more with it.  

As he got closer to his bedroom, an eerie feeling came over him.  He got the sense that he wasn’t alone. Bastien was with his father.  He had one of the lower guards today trailing behind. He kept listening for his steps and the guard’s.


Their footsteps pinged through the halls like a metronome.

Liam stopped.  CLACK, CLACK.

The guard stopped just after he did.  Liam’s eyes turned to look out the window.  The moon was full and shone brightly in the Cordonian night sky.  He turned to see his guard still standing there he smiled at him and continued towards his bed.


Liam stopped again.  He waited to hear the sounds of his guard’s footsteps behind him.  The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.

Liam felt someone behind him.  He felt the hard hit to his head before he could see who hit him.  Liam closed his eyes as his body crumpled to the floor. His head throbbed, the throbbing making it hard to will his eyes open.  His face resting on the cool tile. When Liam did, he saw Valerian Nevrakis standing above him.

“Nevrakis,” Liam weakly gurgled out.  Valerian smiled.

The vampire put his one of his heavy boots on Liam’s chest.  He used his free leg to position one of the fallen prince’s legs to make a clear shot to his inner thigh.  Liam cried out at the unnatural position his leg was being placed in.

“Your father really should have learned to keep his mouth shut and respect his elders.”

With that, Valerian unsheathed Oathkeeper and sliced through his thigh.  The blade left a long gash along his inner thigh that bled profusely.  Liam’s hoarse scream reverberated through the halls as the sharp, stinging pain course through his body.  His labored breaths were hampered by the weight of Valerian’s boot. Liam felt weaker and weaker as his blood left his body.  He swung his arms weakly, but it was of no use. He knew he was going to die.

Valerian lifted his boot and saw that Liam was no longer resisting.  Annelyse came out from the shadows and knelt down by the slain prince’s side.  She felt a weak pulse from his neck.

“Make it quick,” Valerian hissed.  We don’t have much time.

“I’m working on it.”

Annelyse took out her dagger and cut into her wrist.  She put the fresh wound to Liam’s lips. She forced them open so her blood could reach his tongue.  It didn’t take long for Liam to suck on the gash. Annelyse smiled.

“Aww, look Vale.  He’s a natural.”

Valerian rolled his eyes.  Heavy steps were approaching them.

He hissed, “We have to go now!”  

Annelyse frowned.  She was enjoying the sensation of Liam sucking her blood, but she knew he was right.  Nevrakis hoisted the prince’s limp body over his shoulder.


The two vampires turned towards the guard at the other end of the hall who was running towards them.  

“Go, boy,” Annelyse said to Valerian.  “Do not take your time. He needs to be in the chamber as soon as possible.  We can’t have this fail.”

Valerian nodded and walked off.

The guard swung his baton above his head and tried to bring it down on the older woman.  Annelyse grabbed the man’s wrist. Using her superhuman speed and strength, she used her forearm to pin him to the wall.  

She shook her head at him.  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that it’s wrong to hit women.”

The guard’s eyes were wide, his legs were flailing beneath him.

“Don’t fear.  I got the target I wanted.  I do not intend to kill you.  I need to send a message to the king.  Tell him to meet me at the Lower Tombs in six hours if he ever wants to see his beloved son again.”

She relaxed her forearm.  “Do you understand?”

The guard refused to answer or indicate that he heard her.  Annelyse took her blade and ran it against his cheek.

“I will not ask again.  Do. You. Understand?”

The guard nodded.  She released her forearm and let him fall to the ground.

“Run along now.”

The guard stood up and was shaky on his legs.  Annelyse blew loud obnoxious kisses as the man walked away from her.

“Send Connie my love.”

Six hours later an angry Constantine and an incensed Bastien are waiting in the Lower Tombs.  It’s not a long wait. Some of the vampires from other noble houses file into the lower tombs first.  Bertrand of House Beaumont flashes Constantine a worried look before his usual dour demeanor returns. Lark and Jareth follow.  A minute later, Valerian and Annelyse follow behind them.

Constantine was ready to lunge at Annelyse.  Bastien held the King back, the rage he felt could be seen in his eyes.  She walked up to him.

“Hey, Conrad.  Thank you for prompt and punctual arrival.”  She held out her hand for Constantine to kiss.  The older man stood still. Annelyse glowered at the disrespect, but her smile returned.

“I think it would be in the best interest for all of us to just get started.  It’s practically dawn, and some of us would like to get to a restful slumber.” Annelyse announced clasping her hands together.  

The Table went to their usual meeting seats.  The other vampire nobles sat along the edges. Annelyse beckoned for Constantine and Bastien to take their places.  When they refused, guards showed up from behind them and prodded them to their seat.

“During our last meeting tensions were high and things got a little emotional.”

“A Little emotional?  I don’t have time for these antics witch!  Where is my son?” Constantine shouted. His hair was flung out of place by his rage.

“There is an agenda Constantine, if you want to see Liam, you need to allow our meeting to run its course.  You will see Liam soon enough.” Annelyse said calmly.

Valerian snickered and was quickly smacked by Lark.  He narrowed her eyes at her, and she raised her eyebrows at him.

“Constantine, you brought up a valid point during our discussion.  Your rude departure did not allow us to discuss and readjust our terms accordingly.  As a result, we made changes without you.”

“Changes? What kind of changes are you talking about?”

“I am glad you asked.”

Annelyse stood and gave two firm claps as if she was trying to activate a clapper light.  Four guards carried a casket. Another two vampires, most likely servants for Annelyse, came to her with a printout with the new terms.

Constantine’s face paled as he saw the casket being brought into the room.  He didn’t want to believe that Liam’s corpse was within it. It didn’t look good.  Of all of the horrors he has seen during his time as a monarch, the massive pool of Liam’s blood that he saw on the floor hit him to his core. He loved Leo, but Liam was his heart.

“What? Were you expecting a scroll?  I like to get with the times as the young people say.  The copies are for you.”

Constantine threw down the printout onto the table.  

“I am done with the games.  Where. Is. My. Son?”

“Your lack of interest in showmanship is really quite shameful.  I will just get to the point.” Annelyse stood behind the table.

“Conrad, you said that there were parts of arrangement that were outdated and no longer necessary.”

She walked over to the coffin.  

“I agree, parts of our arrangement have outlived their usefulness. Upon further review, a Day Monarchy is a redundancy.  The Cordonian Royal Family is ornamental at best. We have diplomats to advocate for our interests, the populace knows of our existence.  The is no role that the Royal Family plays that is particularly unique or necessary.”

Annelyse snapped her fingers.  “Nevrakis. Thorne. Drammir. Get stakes at the ready.”

The three vampires each produced an ornate stake from within their clothing.  They walked over to the casket and covered it at three different angles. Each of them stood in their fighting stance ready for anything.

Constantine and Bastien looked at the casket with anticipation.  Bastien kept a close eye on the King ready to hold him back or catch him should he fall.

“You and you,” Annelyse said pointing to two guards.  “Open the casket.”

The guard released the bolts that have been holding the casket closed.  They look questioningly at the three younger Table members, they gave a firm nod for the guards to continue.  The guards open the bottom section of the casket and then the top.

A tall, young man instantly stood erect.  His breathing is erratic. His pale skin glistened with sweat.  Red irises glow in eyes wide with fear and confusion. One of the guards approaches the man in the casket.  The man pushed the guard, and he fell close to Constantine and Bastien’s feet.

Valerian quickly got behind him and held the young man tight.  The man shook and kicked trying to free himself. Constantine and the young man lock eyes, the King fell to his knees defeated.

“What have you done to my son?” He wailed.  “How could you do this to my boy?”

The King sobbed into Bastien’s waist.  The King’s guard held the man as his horrified gaze remained locked on Liam.  The witnessing nobles jaws dropped but could not utter the gasps they wanted to express.

Annelyse looked from Liam to his father and smiled.

“Buck up, old man.  I gave Liam a gift. A wondrous gift.  I gave him strength, speed, eternal youth, and everlasting life.”

Constantine eyes widened and immediately started to cough.

“Careful, careful Conrad.  If you are coughing up bloody sputum, you could be putting yourself at risk.  Liam hasn’t fed yet, and he is famished.”


“The Day Monarchy is of no use.  We could have continued to live peacefully despite that fact, but you had to be ungrateful of our benevolence.  I cannot allow for you to be as defiant as you were without consequence. As rulers, we both know that any show of weakness is an invitation to be exploited.  So I had to end the Royal line.”

“The Day/Night Alliance stipulates that no vampire shall harm any member of the Royal Family.  You broke the contract.”

“You would think, but on the contrary, my esteemed colleague, harm means permanent and lasting injury.  Vampirism is not an injury. Liam is very much alive.”

Annelyse paused and added with a smirk, “His second life.”

Constantine’s face went red as he lunged for Annelyse.  

“You bitch!”  

Bastien held him back as Constantine fought him.

“You should be happy,” Annelyse consoled, patting the king’s cheek.  “Liam will live forever.  You would be the last King of Cordonia.  This worked out for you better than one would have hoped for.”

She looked towards Liam who seemed to be calming down in Valerian’s arms.  

“We will keep Liam for the next week.  The first 7 days of being a vampire are usually the roughest.  We will spare the Royal Family of taking on that challenge.”

Annelyse gave Constantine a pointed glare. 

“I can still show kindness even though you have greatly offended me.  Liam will adjust with me, and he will return to you within a week. If he needs any support staff Turned, we will Turn them then.”

She snapped her fingers again.

“Take him away and make sure he feeds.”

Valerian dragged a struggling Liam away.  Lark and Jareth followed behind. The other vampire nobles and Annelyse left after them.  

Constantine and Bastien stood there looking at the path where his son was taken

3 thoughts on “The Night Monarchy, An In the Dark Preamble”

  1. OMG love love love love love! I can’t wait to read more of this series! Also, I play the vampire expansion on TS4, and not gonna lie, I’ve made some Choices characters on there.

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