The Past Comes Back

Summary: Levi is upset after his encounter with Guy.

Levi rushed into his apartment and kicked the door shut. He had to get inside before Stephanie saw how upset he really was.

If he never saw that douchebag Guy again, it would be too soon. He couldn’t believe it when Guy showed up practically on his doorstep with Stephanie, Kayla, and some young woman. Or course Guy laughed at him. The prick hadn’t changed at all.

It was bad enough to see Guy again after all these years, but to make matters worse, he was Stephanie’s ex-husband. Of all people for her to have been married to! Just the thought of it horrified him. How could she ever have seen anything in Guy? He had started to hope that maybe they had a chance at starting something, but maybe he wasn’t her type after all. She had once thought enough of Guy to not only date him, but decide to spend the rest of her life with him. She must have really loved him. And the son of a bitch just had to flaunt his wealth and remind him that he was still struggling. What chance could he have with Stephanie now, after Guy made him look like a total loser?

The bastard was Rocket’s father, too. Kayla had looked at Guy adoringly, and was so happy when he told her that they would be seeing a lot of each other. Even if he did have a chance with Stephanie, a future with her would mean that Guy would be in his life as long as they were together. He couldn’t expect Kayla to not have a relationship with her father. Knowing Guy, he would probably try to turn Kayla against him. Even if it didn’t work, it would create tension. Guy could still get under his skin after all this time. Stephanie and Kayla had enough problems without having to deal with him being in a bad mood because Guy had pissed him off. Just the sight of Guy tonight had enraged him.

He walked over to the fridge, grabbed a beer bottle, and opened it. Maybe a drink would help to calm him down. After several big gulps of beer, he reached for his guitar. Music had always been an outlet for him. He began strumming a Metallica song.

Outta my way, outta my day
Outta your mind and into mine
Into no one, into not one
Into your step but outta time
Headstrong, what’s wrong?
I’ve already heard this song before
You’ve arrived
But now it’s time to kiss your ass goodbye
Dragging me down, why you around?
So useless

As he sang and played, he vented his emotions. He wished Guy would go crawl under a rock. So much for having a nice night with Stephanie and Kayla, sharing the tater tots he’d brought home from work. Guy had to ruin everything.

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