The Path Least Expected: A Spontaneous Proposal

A Spontaneous Proposal
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request a while ago to write out Dante’s proposal to Eleanor (which I described in an ask) and I finally was able to sit down and do it. Maybe because I stopped pushing myself to finish the January challenge stories (sorry). This is set shortly before “Almost a Tragedy”.

Pairing- Dante/Eleanor (MC/Other)

Rating- PG

Summary- Dante asks Eleanor to marry him.

Words- 549

“How do you feel about pancakes this morning?” Eleanor asks as she rummages through the cupboards, looking for the ingredients. “I know you usually prefer high-protein breakfasts, but I’m in the mood for carbs.”

“Whatever you want,” Dante assures her, leaning against the kitchen wall watching her with a warm expression. “You know I don’t expect you to make me breakfast.”

“I know,” Eleanor says with a laugh, reaching for the mixing bowl, “But I like doing it.”

She’s always enjoyed cooking and it’s nice to be able to do it when she chose. It’s one of the little things she appreciates about her life with Dante, the ability to be domestic if she chose and to have these little moments and her own space. She reaches into the fridge, looking for raspberries since Dante prefers them to blueberries.

“Marry me.”

Eleanor almost bumps her head on the fridge door as she straightens and then turns to stare at Dante. “What did you say?”

He steps forward and then, to her amazement, he drops to one knee in front of her. “Eleanor Sloane, will you marry me?”

As surprised she is by the question, Eleanor doesn’t hesitate to answer. “Yes!”

Dante immediately stands up and gathers in his arms, kissing her deeply. “I have a ring,” he tells her when they break apart, his arms still wrapped around her. “I had planned on taking you out for dinner tonight and asking you then, but something about the way you looked this morning… I couldn’t wait.”

Eleanor laughs. “I can’t believe you proposed to be looking like this,” she teases, motioning to her tank top and pajama pants. Not that Dante’s any better, he’s only wearing a pair of black pajama bottoms. Ok, actually, that’s a pretty amazing imagine and she has zero complaints about it.

“You look beautiful,” Dante tells her sincerely, “you always look beautiful.”

“And that’s why I adore you,” Eleanor tells him sincerely, wondering if she’s ever been happier.

Dante kisses her again and then suddenly, he swings her off feet and into his arms.

“Dante!” Eleanor cries out happily, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I feel like a change of scenery is in order,” he tells her, heading towards their bedroom, “after all, we need to celebrate.”

“What about breakfast?” Eleanor asks.

“Later,” Dante tells her, “right now all I want is you.”

“That sounds nice,” Eleanor agrees, gazing up at him, and then she smiles, “see, this is the perfect proposal. Because if you proposed to be in public, we would have had to wait.”

“That’s true,” Dante agrees as he pushes open the door to their bedroom, “and I don’t want to wait. I just want you.”

“Forever,” Eleanor agrees, pressing her lips against his, her arms wrapped securely around his neck.

She feels like she’s bubbling with happiness over the life she’s going to have with this man. The proposal might not have been the one he planned on, but that was pretty much the theme of their whole life together.

It wasn’t what either of them had expected, instead, it just happened and it was perfect and Eleanor has every confidence that the rest of their lives will follow that same pattern and she can’t wait to find out.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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