The Path Least Expected: Appreciate the Unexpected

Appreciate the Unexpected
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- Another birthday fic! This is the newest installment in “The Path Least Expected” and focuses on Liam and Amanda. It is set roughly a month after “Take A Chance” and is a response to the prompt “getting stuck in the rain”.

Paring- Liam/Amanda

Rating- PG

Summary- Liam and Amanda spend the day together.

Words- 1275

“The grounds of the palace are so pretty,” Amanda commented as she and Liam walked companionably, through the palace orchard. “Thank you for inviting me.” She reached out and touched one of the trees and laughed. “Reminds me of home.”

“Oh?” Liam asked companionably, thinking that she was so pretty when she laughed.

“I used to go apple picking with my family,” Amanda told him, “it’s one of the things I like about Cordonia, the apple trees.”

For some reason, that simple statement filled Liam with warmth. “If I had known you liked apple picking, I would have brought a basket,” he teased, reaching over her to pluck an apple off the tree and handing it to her, “though the harvesting season is almost over.”

“Maybe next season?” Amanda asked, taking the apple he offered.

Liam smiled, liking the sound of that because it implied that Amanda would still be in his life in a year, something he wanted very much. “I’d like that,” he told her sincerely.

She smiled, “Me too.” She held the apple in her hand. “You know my yia-yia used to go looking for the Cordonian Ruby, there was only one market that exported them and she would clean them out. She said there was no better apple to make a pie with.”

Liam was about to comment but was cut off by a loud crack of thunder and suddenly, the previously blue skies started to open up. Liam hastily took off his jacket and held it up over his head, motioning for Amanda to join him under it and the two of them ran towards the palace.

“That wasn’t the way I’d planned on the day ending,” Liam commented with a laugh, once they’d made it safely inside.

“Is it ending?” Amanda asked curiously.

“It doesn’t have to,” Liam told her, “I can arrange to find you some dry clothes and then we can continue our conversation.”

“I’d love that,” Amanda said softly, “just because we can’t walk and enjoy nature, doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company.”

There was a hint of nervousness behind her words, evident in the way she softly bit her lip as if she was uncertain about moving this encounter from a friendly walk to something more and yet she obviously wanted to. Just like Liam did.

“Let’s go get dressed then and I’ll send for some coffee.” He promised with a smile, happily noting the way she returned his smile. He arranged to find her clothes and then ducked into his own rooms to change and when he emerged, he went to his private living quarters.

After a few minutes, Amanda joined him, looking a little nervous as she entered. “I have to admit when I came for my interview about accessing the archives, I never imagined a situation where I’d be invited into the King’s private quarters,” she commented.

Liam smiled, “are you objecting?”

“No,” Amanda assured him, “not at all.”

“Come, sit down,” Liam invited, motioning for her to do just that. Amanda nodded and stepped forward, taking a seat on one of the cozy chairs, her eyes falling on the DVD case that Liam had left on the coffee table next to their cups.

She leaned over and picked it up. “Were you having a The Crown & The Flame marathon?”

“I’ve been watching it at night sometimes,” Liam admitted, “when I want to unwind or just have something on in the background. I’ve seen bits and pieces here and there, but it’s nice to sit down and watch it in order.” He didn’t mention that his renewed interest in the series was because of her and her research.

“I see you’re on season 3,” Amanda commented, “Where in the season are you?”

“The night before the battle,” Liam answered, “Kenna’s banquet for her loved ones.”

Amanda smiled, “that is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series, even if the plot twist caught me off-guard.”

“Yes,” Liam agreed, though without much enthusiasm, knowing exactly which plot twist she referred too.

“Not a fan of the third season?” Amanda asked curiously, picking up her mug.

“It’s not my favorite,” Liam admitted, picking up his own cup of coffee.

“I’m surprised,” Amanda commented, “I feel like the third season is the strongest in many ways.”

“Oh, the writing was spectacular,” Liam agreed, “I just I guess I struggle with the ending.”

“The happy ending?” Amanda asked, peering at him, “most people are fond of those.”

Liam laughed, “I know it sounds silly, it’s just… They spent the first two seasons telling one story and then in the final season went a totally different direction, that doesn’t bother you?”

He knew the show had to stick close to the source material, which itself was hampered by a need to at least be somewhat faithful to history, but he found himself struggling with the execution.

Amanda shrugged, “sometimes, that’s how life works, besides they did it well. Diavolos is a compelling character and it was easy to understand why Kenna chose him, despite her previous attraction to Dom and Raydan.”

“He is very compelling,” Liam agreed, though there was some reluctance, which was silly given that the man was his great-great-great-whatever grandfather. It wasn’t his fault that Liam had a prejudice against Nevrakis men who came in and changed the ending of the story. “I guess… It just seemed unrealistic,” Liam said finally, “Kenna barely knew him and yet, she suddenly fell for him to the point that she could just abandon these other relationships? I guess, I had a hard time buying into it.”

Or maybe he didn’t want to, Liam admitted, maybe he was resistant to the idea that feelings could develop that quickly and be the real thing, some part of him still resenting the way his own love story, or what he had perceived to be his great love story, had ended at the hands of a Nevrakis.

“I personally prefer a slow build,” Amanda acknowledged, “I was rooting for Kenna and Raydan, I liked the way the relationship grew and they came together, but I can appreciate the ending for what it is.”

“True,” Liam agreed, smiling at her, “you can’t always dictate where the story goes, but you can appreciate it.”

Amanda beamed at him, “exactly.”

“Do you want to watch with me?” Liam asked impulsively, moving to take the DVD from her. “Since you’re the expert?”

“I’d love that,” Amanda told him, her hand brushing his.

On impulse, Liam leaned down, bringing his lips to hers. He had been wanting to kiss her since he’d met her and see her like this, in his private quarters, so comfortable, he couldn’t resist any longer. Amanda immediately leaned into him, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I’d be ok with a lot more of that too,” Amanda told him when they pulled apart.

“Me too,” Liam told her, gently brushing her cheek with his free hand. He straightened and put the DVD in the machine and then he took a seat on the couch, motioning for Amanda to join him. To his delight, she snuggled against him, her head on his shoulder.

“I’m going to warn you, I have a tendency to talk through shows,” Amanda said with a laugh, “especially ones I’m invested in.”

“I don’t mind,” Liam assured her, “I’m sure there’s a lot I can learn from such an expert.”

She laughed again, snuggling closer as the credits began. Liam breathed in the feel of her, thinking just how right this was and how he wanted more of this, a lot more.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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