The Path Least Expected: Begin Again

Begin Again
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is the latest installment in The Path Least Expected and focuses on King Liam and Amanda Theodorakis. This was a request from @lizzy for the prompt “seduction”. It took me a while to write this, as I needed to get to know these characters and their relationship and figure out who Liam was in this universe and I hope I did ok (also smut from the male perspective is hard).

Pairing- Liam/Amanda (Liam/Other)

Summary- Liam and Amanda’s relationship progresses to the next step.

Rating- NSFW

Words- 1627

“You know, I think luring me into your bedroom so I can give my opinion on your romantic setting might be a new level of oddness for our friendship.” Drake drawled, leaning against the doorframe.

Liam ignored the comment and surveyed the room critically. “Do you think the flowers and candles are too much?”

“I am 99% certain that I’m not the one you’re trying to seduce, so my opinion shouldn’t count,” Drake said dryly.

“If you were there would be fewer flowers and more whiskey,” Liam quipped, “however I am not trying to seduce anyone. I am merely preparing for the possibility that the night might go in that direction.”

“Uh huh.” Drake commented, “I’m going to leave you to it since I really doubt you need me around for whatever directions things might go in.” He paused and clasped Liam on the shoulder. “I am happy for you, you know, I think she’s great.”

“So do I,” Liam admitted.

He watched Drake go and then turned a critical eye to the setting, wondering if he was over thinking this or overdoing it. He and Amanda had been keeping company for three months now. Three months of her joining him for dinner or at his guest at a royal function or just spending time together on the palace grounds and he’d enjoyed every moment he’d spent with her.

He hadn’t felt like this in almost two years and he wasn’t quite sure how to proceed, exceed he knew he needed to be cautious. Cordonia couldn’t afford another misstep and he couldn’t another heartbreak and yet…

He couldn’t help feeling like this time it was right. The time, the right woman, and he was confident enough to at least hope that they’d be taking their relationship to the next step that night. Liam smiled at that thought, it felt good to hope again, one of the many gifts Amanda had brought into his life.


Liam and Amanda lingered in his study after dinner, wine glasses in their hands, discussing random topics and just enjoying each other’s company. Neither of them seemed in a hurry to call an end to the evening and Liam was trying to right the right opportunity to suggest that the evening not end at all.

Finally, Amanda set down her wine glass, staring at him intently.

“Something the matter?” Liam asked her, covering her hand with his.

“No, not all,” Amanda assured him, “just… Sometimes I can’t believe, I’m here. With you.”

“Me either,” Liam admitted, leaning closer, “But I’m glad I am.”

“So am I,” Amanda agreed before their lips met. The kiss quickly deepened, the two of them shifting so that she was practically in his lap, his hands tangling in her long blonde hair. Liam pressed kisses along her jaw and down her neck, loving the way she sighed at his touch.

One thing he’d learned about Amanda in the last few months was that she was very silent about her pleasure, it was all about her body language, the way her eyelids fluttered and she bit her lip. He wanted more of that, wanted to see how she’d react when he made her come completely undone.

Liam pulled away then, breaking the kiss. Amanda gazed up at him without speaking.

“Will you come upstairs with me?” Liam asked her quietly. “Will you spend the night with me?”

“Yes,” she answered without hesitation.

They both got to their feet and then Liam took Amanda’s hand and let her out of the study and down the hall to his private quarters. She hesitated at the door.

“What’s wrong?” He asked her gently. “If you want to wait, we can.” He wanted her desperately, but he would not push her.

“I want you,’ Amanda assured him and then sighed, “it’s silly, I guess I just worry about ghosts.”

He knew she wasn’t talking about the supernatural kind.

“I’ve never been with another woman in this bed if that is what you are worried about,” Liam said quietly. His marriage had never been consummated and he had Eleanor and had only made love at the palace once, in the maze garden.

Amanda looked relieved. “I know it’s silly…”

“Not at all,” Liam assured her, he cupped her face in his hands. “Tonight is about the two of us, Amanda. No one else.”

She nodded and then smiled. “What are we wait for then?”

They stepped over the threshold together. Liam watched Amanda take in the flowers and the candles, lit thanks to a discreet message to the staff.

“Confident weren’t you?” She teased.

“Not at all,” Liam admitted, “but I was hopeful.” He stepped towards her. “And I wanted to be prepared, to make it as special for you as it will be for me.”

“Liam…” Amanda whispered, “you are the most wonderful romantic man.”

He took her in his arms then, kissing her gently, his hands resting on her back before reaching for the zipper of her dress. Slowly, carefully he helped her undress, with Amanda doing the same for him.

She hesitated. “I’m on the pill.”

“I haven’t been with anyone in two years,” Liam assured her, knowing what she was asking. She nodded, her eyes meeting his, both of them understanding the unspoken question and agreeing to it.

Once their clothes were discarded, Liam took her hand again and led her to the bed, encouraging her to sit down and then kneeling in front of her. “I want to explore every inch of you,” he told her, though he wondered if he’d have the patience for that.

It had been so long and yet… He wanted this to be special, needed it to be special. Especially if things went with Amanda the way he was already hoping that they would.

Liam lowered his mouth and began to kiss his way up her legs, noting the way she squirmed impatiently the higher he got. His hands explored as he continued to kiss her soft flesh, caressing her breasts before slipping slower. He could hear a slight hiss as he teased her with his fingers, but no other sound. That was interesting. He kissed her inner thigh and then he replaced his fingers with his mouth, eager to taste her. She dug her fingers into his hair as he explored her with his tongue, but still no sound.

Deprived of that cue, Liam paid more attention to the other signs, the increased sound of her breathing, the way she impatiently arched towards his mouth, her hands in her hair, taking his cues from her body language and it wasn’t long before she was shuddering against him, making breathy little moaning sounds that might be the sexiest thing he’d ever heard.

“Liam…” She whimpered when he pulled back.

“Did I meet your satisfaction?” He asked her, gazing into her eyes.

Amanda nodded. “Yeah, but I’m hoping you’ll continue to exceed expectations.”

“That’s the plan,” he agreed, kissing her quickly, before joining her on the bed. “I want to see you,” he told her, shifting them so that she was on top of him.

Liam gazed at her. “You are so beautiful,” He told her sincerely.

She smiled shyly and then she slowly lowered herself onto him. She felt so good. Liam gave her a moment and then he began to thrust up towards her, moving with her. As they moved, he watched her, saw the way she bit her lip, how her hands caressed his chest.

He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her down to him for a deep kiss as they continued to move and then let her go, his hands moving to her breasts, enjoying the way she caught her breath and the look on her face. Most of all enjoying the way she felt. It wasn’t long before Liam could feel himself getting close and he could see that Amanda was too. She leaned back, pivoting her hips in a way that had him gasping and he watched the way she bit her lip, the way she clenched her fist and he knew she was close.

Liam grasped her hips and then suddenly flipped them so that she was under him, causing Amanda to gasp and then cling to him. He moved within her fast and furiously, he was so close and this felt so good. Suddenly Amanda dug her nails into his back. It was a new sensation and yet not an unpleasant one and he suddenly understood that it was her way of coming undone and that knowledge and the feel of her against him was enough to push him over the edge and he came with one last thrust, collapsing against her.

He kissed her tenderly before rolling onto his back.

“You are very quiet,” Liam teased afterward, running his fingers through her hair.

Amanda laughed, “it comes from years of living at home and sneaking around.”

“Sounds like there are tales of misspent youth there,” Liam commented with a warm smile.

“Surprisingly few,” Amanda told him, “what about you?”

“I left that to my brother,” Liam said lightly.

Amanda just nodded, shifting so that her head was resting on his chest. Liam wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. It felt good to be like this with her, to share this easy laughter.

An admission hovered on the tip of Liam’s tongue, words he wanted desperately to say, but he hesitated. As wonderful as this was, he wasn’t ready yet and he wanted to be 100% ready before he said those words, Amanda deserved that. But as he looked at her in the candlelight, smiling up at him, he was confident that they would come.

This was just the beginning.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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