The Path Least Expected: Family Trait


Family Trait
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes-  I put out a call for drabbles where people sent me what they wanted me to write one was a fic where “Eleanor gets to know more about Nevrakis family, about Diavolos and finds him pretty similar to Dante” and this is what I came up with. It’s set right after “The Ending You Least Expect”.

Pairing- Dante/Eleanor (MC/Other)

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Eleanor gets a brief history lesson from Dante.

Words- 596

“So was Diavolos Nevrakis a real person?” Eleanor asked Dante curiously as they laid in bed, their limbs entwined. “I mean I know The Crown and the Flame was loosely based on Cordonian history.”

It was one of the reasons she’d been interested in coming to Cordonia, because she’d loved both the books and the show and was intrigued in checking out the modern day country that served as the setting. However, she wasn’t really familiar with the real history and it wasn’t something that had come up during her brief time in Cordonia.

“Yes,” Dante told her, “I mean, not quite like he’s described in the show. But, Diavolos was the oldest son of Luther and he married Queen Kenna, joining their kingdoms.”

“Are you a descendant?” She asked curiously.

“I am,” Dante confirmed with a grin, “So is the royal family.”

“How does that work?” Eleanor asked, choosing not to acknowledge the reference to Liam.

“Basically Cordonia is small enough that if you go back far enough we’re all related,” Dante said with a laugh, “but, and it’s been a while since I studied the family histories so I’m going off memory here, Kenna and Diavolos had multiple children. Their oldest son formed what is now the royal line, while their second son ended up with what is now Lythikos and I’m directly descended from him.” He played with a strand of her long hair. “Livvie is actually descended both from Diavolos and his sister. Her mother is a direct descended of Zenobia Nevrakis.” He grinned. “Did you know Oliva and Madeleine are third cousins? Though neither one of them will acknowledge it.”

Eleanor laughed because she could picture that very easily. “Really?”

“Yeah, my Aunt Melina was from Fydelia originally,” Dante explained.

She frowned. “Does that mean Olivia and the Queen are related?” That didn’t make sense, because Regina was so fond of Madeleine and not so fond of Olivia.

“No,” Dante shook his head, “different sides of the family.”

“This is hard to keep track of,” Eleanor commented, trying to make sense of it all.

“And super boring,” Dante added with a handsome grin.

“I think it’s cool that Diavolos was real, though,” She told him with a smile, going back to the original point. She silently decided that she was going to have to research the real Diavolos Nevrakis and maybe see if she could find a portrait. Maybe he looked like Dante… “He is definitely my new favorite The Crown and the Flame character and I’m glad Kenna picked him in the end.”

“Is that so?” Dante asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Well, sexy does obviously run in the family,” Eleanor pointed out, running her hands along Dante’s bare chest. “I can certainly understand why Kenna found him irresistible, I mean if you take after him at all.”

“Are you saying you find me irresistible?” Dante queried, his eyes full of heat, his hands starting to do some wandering of their own.

“Definitely,” She told him sincerely, sighing into his touch. It was the truth, she certainly hadn’t been able to resist him. She had thought her destiny had lain on one path and then Dante had come into her life and changed everything.

Eleanor thought about the finale of The Crown and the Flame and how Diavolos had changed everything for Kenna, ending the Dom or Raydan debate and shaking it all up. That was what Dante had been like for her. And she had a feeling that the real Diavolos had probably been the same because Nevrakis men were just irresistible.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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