The Path Least Expected: Make You a Habit

Make You A Habit
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished. 

Author’s Notes- This is my newest Eleanor and Dante fic. I have no idea why I keep writing them having workout sex. It’s an addiction. This is set the day after “The Ending You Least Expect” and is a response to a request for shower sex.

Pairing- Dante/Eleanor (MC/Other)

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Eleanor interrupts Dante’s morning workout.

Words- 1440

“I’m starting to think you have a workout obsession.” Eleanor teased, leaning against the doorway of the home gym. She’d woken up alone and a glance at the clock had told her it was too early for Dante to have left for work, so she’d decided to check the home gym and sure enough, there he was, hard at work and looking ridiculously handsome.

Dante ran a hand through his hair as he stepped away from the bench press. “It’s a good stress reliever for me,” he said with a shrug, “and it makes me feel good.”

“And look good,” Eleanor added, letting her gaze linger over the sight of Dante in his workout clothes. A blush crept onto her cheeks as she remembered what he looked liked without those clothes. She wouldn’t mind seeing that sight again, as soon as possible.

“I’m glad you approve,” Dante told her, stepping towards her. He wrapped an arm around her waist. “I actually thought you’d still be asleep. Normally, you don’t get up until after I’ve finished my work-out.”

That was partially true. In the last two weeks, Dante had always gotten out of bed before her, but… “I’m a fairly early riser,” Eleanor told him, “I usually just lay in bed for a while, thinking.”

Often thinking about him. Since agreeing to come with him to London, she’d spent a lot of time laying in bed thinking about Dante, both wondering where their relationship was headed and imagining him there with her. The latter had usually led to restless nights and a lot of frustration.

“I’ll remember that,” Dante told her and then he grinned. “You know you can always work out with me?”

Eleanor laughed and looked around the gym. “Uh… I’m not sure I could lift most of this.”

“We can start you out small,” Dante promised, his hands resting on her waist, “what do you normally do?”

“Some yoga, some cardio exercises and basic aerobics,” Eleanor told him, “Maxwell made me jog with him.”

“Well, whatever you want to do, we have the space,” Dante told her. “Though, if you work out with me, you might end up being a distraction.”

“Is that so?” Eleanor asked curiously.

“Yeah,” Dante agreed in a low voice, “because I’m sure I’d rather do this than lift weights.” He lowered his mouth to hers, his kiss firm but possessive, his arms holding her tight against his chest.

“Mmmm….” Eleanor murmured, unbothered by the fact that he was covered in sweat. It just felt so good to be in his arms. “I could get used to this.”

In fact, she already was, two weeks of living with Dante and she was already addicted to his kisses, to the feel of his arms around her and now that she knew what he was like in bed, she wanted more. A lot more.

“That’s the plan,” Dante told her, he grinned down at her. “Though first I should shower.” His arms tightened around her. “Want to join me?”

“I could do that,” Eleanor agreed, “since you got me all sweaty.”

“I’d apologize, but I’m not sorry,” Dante told her with a grin. “Not if it means I get you into that shower.” He finally let go of her and stepped back, motioning for her to come with him.

“Where are we going?” Eleanor asked in confusion, wondering why he was leading her into the gym and not to his (or was it their?) room.

“To shower,” Dante told her, “there’s an attached bathroom here, so I don’t have to walk through the house all sweaty.”

Well, that made sense. Somehow it had never occurred to her that there was a bathroom here. Of course, she’d only peer ion the gym during the grand tour and that was it, even though she’d become very familiar with everything else. But then the gym hadn’t held much interest to her, though now that she knew what Dante looked like when he worked out it had gotten lost more interesting.

They stepped into the bathroom, which was on the small side and dominated by the large shower. Dante turned on the water, letting it heat up as they undressed. The shower was large and was equipped with multiple shower heads and a bench.

“Sometimes I’m exhausted after my workout and the hot water just feels good and I just sit on the bench,” Dante explained as he shut the shower door.

“Is that what you plan on doing today?” Eleanor teased, her eyes glued to the sight of his naked body as he stepped under the water. He was beautiful.

“No,” Dante told her, reaching for her, “resting is the last thing I have in mind.”

Eleanor stepped closer to him, reaching past him to grab both his shower gel and a loofah. “First you need to get clean,” she reminded him, pouring some gel onto the loofah, “let me help you with that.”

Dante acquiesced, shifting to accommodate her as she lathered soap all along his hard muscles. Eleanor took in the sounds he made, the feel of him underneath the hands, and the sight of him glistening with water. He was truly the most beautiful man she’d ever met and he was hers.

“My turn,” Dante said in a low voice after he rinsed the soap off, taking the loofah. “Sorry, I only have the one kind of soap, we can put some of your shower gel in here.”

“I don’t mind smelling like you,” Eleanor assured him, sighing at the feeling of his hands against her bare skin.

“I like the sound of that,” Dante told her in a low voice, pressing a kiss to her bare shoulder as he continued to later her up, his hands felt so good against her skin.

He stepped back to let her rinse off and then they were in each other’s arms, his mouth against hers. Dante maneuvered them so that he was sitting on the bench and she was straddling him. As Eleanor slid down onto him, the water spraying against her back all she could think was how good this felt. Dante’s hands are tight on her hips as he thrust up into her, their chests pressed together and his arms wrapped tight around her. They continued to kiss desperately as they moved against one another.

“Fuck,” Dante groaned, “you feel so good, baby.”

“So do you,” Eleanor sighed, loving the way he called her baby.

They continued to move as one, the heat of the steam and the feel of the water against her back just adding to the intensity and it wasn’t long before she coming apart, screaming his name as she did.


“Ellie, oh Ellie,” he groaned as he spilled himself inside of her.

Eleanor rested her head against his shoulder, feeling totally spent but also so content and blissful. They stayed like that for a moment, arms wrapped around each other, sharing lazy kisses as the water continued to spray. Finally, they got to their feet and they rinsed off before exiting the shower.

Dante wrapped her in a giant towel, before pulling her close and kissing her deeply. “I could get used to ending my workouts like that,” he told her.

“That sounds nice,” Eleanor commented, smiling up at him. It occurred to her that they had no clean clothes. At least she didn’t, because she spied a small dresser where she assumed Dante kept spare clothes in the corner. However, he didn’t move toward it, instead, he tied a towel around his waist and grinned at her. “Why don’t we take this back to our bed?”

Our bed, Eleanor had to admit that she liked the sound of that, of the fact that she and Dante were moving forward together.

“Don’t you have to work today?” She asked, after all, it was a Monday.

“I moved my schedule around last night,” he told her, “I knew that once I got you into my bed, I’d want to keep you there.”

“And yet you were the one that got out of it,” Eleanor teased as they exited the bathroom.

“I’d say it was my mistake, but I think I got pretty damn lucky,” he joked, “best ending to a workout I’ve ever had.”

“Maybe we’ll have to make it a habit then,” Eleanor commented and she had to admit, she had no issues with the idea of watching Dante workout. In fact, she was a big fan of the idea because he was so incredibly sexy, the only question was, would she be able to keep her hands off of him?

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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