The Path Least Expected: Take A Chance

Take a Chance
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- This was written for @lizzybeth who wanted to know all about Liam and Amanda’s first “date”. Also tagging @en @blue and @viole who have all expressed interest in seeing more of Amanda.  This is set immediately after an “Unexpected Feeling” and is part of my “The Path Least Expected” Universe. If you aren’t familiar with it—Eleanor (my MC) left Liam during the engagement tour and he ended up marrying Madeleine only to have her betray him and try to have him assassinated. This is set eighteen months after “Take You Away From Here”.

Pairing- Liam/Amanda (Liam/OC)

Rating- PG

Summary- Liam and Amanda have dinner together. 

Words- 1049

“Are you sure you don’t want to stick around?” Liam asked Drake.

His friend raised an eyebrow, “for your date?”

“It’s not a date,” Liam denied, “or is it?”

“You invited a woman whom you find attractive to have dinner with you, it sounds like a date to me,” Drake said dryly. “She is single, right?”

“She is,” Liam confirmed, “or at least unmarried.”

She’d been vetted before being given access to the palace records and Liam had quickly checked the file between meetings, though he felt a little bit like a creep doing so.

“I’d clear that up,” Drake advised, “and then you’ll know if she thinks it’s a date.”

“Thanks,” Liam said with an eye-roll. He groaned. “I’m not good at this.”

“No, but at least you’re willing to try,” Drake commented with a smirk, “though if you really want to skip this step, I’m sure another social season could be arranged.”

Liam shuddered. “No thank you.”

One of the things he had insisted on after the mess with Madeleine was the ability to choose his own future. He had lived through an arranged marriage, he refused to ever do that again.

He sighed. “OK, I can do this.”

Drake rested his hand on his shoulder. “You can and it’s a good thing.” Drake took a deep breath as if he wanted to say something, but then he changed his mind and just smiled. “Have fun tonight.”

Liam nodded and then exited his study, heading towards the library, where Amanda would be waiting for him. She stood as soon as she saw him. “Your Majesty.”

“Liam,” he corrected like he had wanted to earlier. She hesitated. “Please,” he said quietly, “at least in private.”

Amanda smiled and once again he was amazed by how beautiful her smile was. “I guess, I can do that. I guess ‘Your Majesty’ is a little formal for dinner.”

“Just a little,” Liam agreed as they exited the library and headed towards the private dining room.

He held out her chair for her and she smiled gratefully. “A title and impeccable manners, are you sure you didn’t step right out of a fairytale?”

Liam smiled as he took his seat. “Cordonia isn’t nearly idyllic enough for a fairytale.”

“I don’t know, I’ve enjoyed my glimpses,” Amanda told him, taking a sip of her wine. “I’m hoping to get a chance to see more of the country while I’m here.” “

What have you seen so far?” Liam asked curiously. Amanda answered and the conversation kept moving for the next several minutes, but Liam could sense that they were both hesitant and that neither of them quite knew how to move forward.

“You mentioned that your research was inspired by The Crown and the Flame?” Liam asked curiously.

Amanda blushed and then laughed. “Yes, I know it sounds silly, but I loved the books and then the show and I wanted to learn as much as I could about the history behind it.”

“Even though so much of that history has been changed?” Liam queried, “the show is only very loosely based on real events.”

Amanda shrugged, “yes, but it peaked my interest. Before I read the first book, I only knew bits and pieces about Cordonia and that was only because of my grandmother. Most of my friends had never heard of the country and then suddenly, I was boring over history texts.”

“There are many in Cordonia who hate the show,” Liam told her, “they don’t like the liberties it takes with Cordonian history.” His step-mother was amongst them. “Ghastly show.” She would say with a shudder whenever it came up, though secretly Liam thought it was actually very well done.

“That’s a short-sighted viewpoint,” Amanda said passionately, “yes, it takes liberties with history but it creates interest. The whole world knows who Kenna Rys is now, something that wasn’t true fifteen years ago before the first book was published.”

“That is true,” Liam conceded with a smile.

“How much has tourism revenue risen since the show first aired?” Amanda asked him. “How many people have decided to explore Cordonia because it’s the real-life Five Kingdoms?”

“Quite a bit,” Liam admitted, “though there is no way of knowing what exactly caused the increase in tourism.”

“Well, it certainly wasn’t the political instability,” Amanda said frankly and then froze, obviously afraid she over-stepped. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be,” Liam assured her, “the last few years, the political situation in Cordonia has been rocky, there is no denying that.” He smiled. “You are also right about the increased tourism, especially to historical sites that can be directly looked to the book or the show.”

“A lot more demand for old ruins?” Amanda asked with a laugh, obviously glad that he wasn’t offended by her comment.

After that, the conversation flowed much easier and Liam found himself wishing the evening didn’t have to end. It had been a long time since he’d enjoyed him so much in another person’s company. Not since Eleanor. He quickly dismissed that thought, not wanting anything to ruin his enjoyment of Amanda’s company with thoughts of the past.

Eventually, though, she rose. “I really should get going,” she told him, “it’s getting late.”

It was, Liam noted, glancing at the clock on the wall.

“Thank you so much for inviting me to dinner,” Amanda told him as he walked her to the palace doors.

“It was my pleasure,” Liam assured her, nodding to the security guard who would walk her to her car, “and how would you like to do it again? Maybe next week.”

He wasn’t quite sure what his schedule looked like, but he also knew he would do whatever he had to make time to spend with her.

Amanda paused for a moment and then smiled shyly. “I’d like that.”

Liam looked at her, wondering what it would be like to kiss her, but knowing it was much too soon for that. He needed to proceed carefully, there was too much at stake both for himself and for Cordonia.

“I’ll call you with the details,” he promised.

“I’ll look forward to it,” she said softly before turning to leave.

Liam watched her go, already looking forward to the time he’d be able to see her again.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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