The Path Least Expected: Weather Wimp

Weather Wimp
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- This is an incredibly short fluff piece that was inspired by the terrible weather we are currently having in Southern Ontario. This is set in the Path Least Expected Universe, sometime after Liam and Amanda get married.

Pairing- Liam/Amanda

Summary- Liam objects to the weather when he and Amanda make a trip to visit her family.

Words- 379

“I told you to pack warmly,” Amanda commented, giving Liam a stern look.

“It’s April!” Liam defended, throwing up his hands, “it doesn’t snow in April.”

Yes, she had warned him to be prepared for all weather situations and that he might want to pack a heavy jacket, but he hadn’t listened to her advice. It was April and he’d been to Toronto before. Yes, the weather reports had called for unseasonably cold weather, but he hadn’t expected this.

“Sometimes it does,” Amanda said calmly, seeming incredibly amused about the situation. “I’ve sent the staff to procure you a winter jacket.”

“Thank you,” Liam commented, but then glared at his wife. “This isn’t funny.” He walked over to the window of the hotel and motioned outside to where the world was cold and grey. “There is ice falling from the sky.”

“This is Canada,” Amanda reminded him, coming up to stand beside him. She grinned up at him, “why do you think I moved to Cordonia?”

Liam smiled, wrapping his arm around her. “Maybe I should be grateful to the weather then.” He cast another look outside. “Do we really have to go out in that?”

“Well, since the whole purpose of this trip was to see my father for his 60th birthday, yes, I’d like to leave the hotel,” Amanda answered him, “but it’s not like I’m going to make you go for a walk in the park, although…”

“Please, no,” Liam begged, “anything but that.”

“You’re such a wimp, your majesty,” Amanda teased, “who knew the King of Cordonia can handle anything but a little ice and cold.”

“In April,” Liam corrected, “I can handle snow. I like snow, at the appropriate time, this is not it.”

Amanda just continued to shake her head. “I guess we won’t be doing any sight-seeing this trip, then.”

“That’s ok,” Liam told her, “I can think of other ways to occupy our time.”

Amanda twisted in his arms. “Is that so? Do I get a demonstration?”

Liam leaned in and kissed her deeply, pulling her closer. “How’s that?”

“I like it,” Amanda said, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Maybe it’s not a bad thing that you’re such a weather wimp, because I think your plans sounds very, very good.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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