The Perfect Gift

The Perfect Gift
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This little fic was written after a conversation with Lizzybeth1986 about Hana’s gift and how the telescope wasn’t the best choice for her. I decided to rewrite the scene in my Amelia-verse (as Amelia and Hana are much closer than Eleanor and Hana). This very loosely references “Family History” and “Honest Opinion”, as all my Drake/Amelia fics intersect.
Rating- G
Summary- Amelia finds the perfect bridesmaid gift for Hana.
Words- 407

As I was about to pick up the telescope, my eyes fell on something behind it.

“Ohh!” I breathed, immediately abandoning the telescope.

“What is it?” Kiara asked, trailing me and then her eyes widened, “Oh, that is lovely.”

It was a tapestry of a couple embracing, flowers in the background. Beautiful and delicate, yet obviously strong enough to have survived the test of time. I wondered how old it was.

“What are we looking at?” Olivia said as she wandered over. She looked at the tapestry and I expected a snarky remark, but instead she looked at the tapestry with admiration, “he cuts a fine figure doesn’t he?”

I raised an eyebrow. “You recognize him?”

She grinned. “Of course I do, that’s King Diavolos and Queen Kenna. They founded Cordonia.”

I looked at the tapestry again, taking in the details of the dark-haired couple, the way he held her close to him. It was really quite lovely.

“I know who they are,” I told her with an eye-roll, “just not what they look like. Well, except in the TV show.”

Olivia just shot me a look and reached for the tapestry. “Well, your… interesting interpretations of History aside, this is a fantastic find and would look great in the front hallway at the Chateau.”

“Not so fast,” I told her, grabbing the tapestry before she could. “I’m buying this for Hana, as a thank you for being my Maid of Honor.”

It was perfect, much better than the telescope. The flower border, the delicate embroidery, the historical significance. Hana would love it.

Olivia sighed but backed away. “Fine, I found a decent ax anyway, I’ll make do with that.”

With that, she wandered off again, leaving me with Kiara and Savannah.

“That is a wonderful gift,” Savannah commented, “very thoughtful.”

I nodded. I was making an effort to get along with Savannah, for Drake’s sake, and weirdly our little talk had kind of cleared the air between us. We weren’t best friends or anything, but we knew where the other stood and we could move forward.

Though I still didn’t want to give her romantic advice.

“I’m going to buy this,” I decided, carefully gathering it up with the whiskey box and heading towards the cash. I couldn’t wait to give it to Hana, to suggest that she should hang it in her rooms at Valtoria, to help make them feel more like home to her.

It was perfect.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

One thought on “The Perfect Gift”

  1. This is so beautiful 😭😭😭 I love the tie in with TCaTF and Diavolos x Kenna, the way Amelia so beautifully understands Hana, and how it’s Olivia that explains the tapestry’s significance to her. I wish this was the scene we’d gotten rather than some random telescope. Absolutely loved this!!

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