The Perks of Dating a Barista (ILB, Danni x MC)


Danni and MC (Harper) are enjoying a lazy morning together, eating breakfast at Danni’s place and…sharing thoughts about the(ir) future. Crossover references to TF series characters. Hope you guys like it!


Harper slowly woke up in Danni’s bed. She sighed happily curling up in the sheets: she could still smell her girl’s perfume on it and…was it coffee? She put on her clothes and messaged Elliott before heading to the kitchen.

Danni was standing there, in her sporty shorts and flannel cooking what smelled like tacos. Harper walked to her and hugged her from behind, wrapping her arms around Danni’s waist and nuzzling her neck. “Morning, beautiful”.

“Oh, Harper!” Danni smiled at her and kissed her quickly on the lips. “Perfect timing, sleepyhead. I just finished making coffee and the breakfast tacos are ready”.

“Oh I see, you want to win my heart with food now”

“I thought last night proved that I don’t need food to sweep you off your feet” Danni smirked and raised her eyebrow. “But I wanted to cook my favorite breakfast for you” she pecked Harper’s cheek. “Now grab your plate before they get cold”

“Aye aye, Captain!”

Danni’s tacos were simply mouthwatering, all the flavors blended in together perfectly, and the coffee was “top shelf quality. One guy at the coffee shop owed we so..” she explained.

“The perks of dating a barista” Harper winked at her.

“It was your evil masterplan since the very beginning, huh?” Danni bumped her playfully.

They cracked jokes and flirty lines as they eat their breakfast while Danni’s David Bowie’s playlist playing in the background. Once they ate the last taco, Harper became quiet and looked lost in her thoughts. Danni noticed.

“Penny for your thoughts?” She said, squeezing her hand and trying to hide her concern.

Harper looked her in the eye and blushed imperceptibly.

“I was wondering…have you ever considered enrolling to college?”

“Miss Vance needs someone to cook her breakfast before she heads to class?” Danni teased her.

“I’m not a brat, you silly” she laughed. “And for the record, I can cook my food! No, I was wondering because the photos you showed me at the party…well, they’re just great! I’m no expert, but still….I’m sure you would kick asses as an art major! I’ve heard that Hartfeld courses have a pretty good rating-”

“Hartfeld, huh? Isn’t it your college?” Danni raises an eyebrow, smirking.

“Hey, I’m being serious here!”, Harper playfully bumped her arm. Then she added, shyly: “I mean when this is over, it would be nice…you know, sticking together, if-if you wish so too obviously…”.

Danni looked at her. “You serious? About my photos and…us?” -her cheeks turned rosy when she pronounced “us”. Harper nodded.

Danni inhaled sharply. “Well, I’ve never considered that before. When I got my diploma I wanted to help my family so I started looking for a job right away. You know, mom, dad, medical bills…I told you about that” she frowned. “But…I would love to study Photography: being a photo reporter one day would be pretty badass.”

“I get it, Danni, and I’m so proud of you for caring so much for your family. I didn’t mean to pressure you. But you said your parents suggested you art school…” Harper said tentatively.

“Yeah, I know but I should look for scholarships and a part-time job too maybe…does Hartfeld has a cafeteria?”

“Yep! I know a guy who works there, name’s Zig. He’s cool and I’m sure he would help you. I’ll give him a call when you…I mean, if you join me.”

“That’s sweet of you, Harper, thanks” Danni smiled brightly at her. “…If it has nothing to do with tacos in the morning”.

“Well, I wouldn’t mind getting this treat again in the future…” she winked. “But being there together would be awesome! We could hang out together more frequently, I could show you around and maybe you’d find some interesting spots for your photo assignments. Can you see it? And oh my gosh, we could go to concerts together! There are good bands over there…and I’ve heard that Loose Pins and Midnight Mayhem will have the last gig of their tour at Hartfeld “where it all started”. Loose Pins are not bad, the vocalist is impressive, but Midnight Mayhem girls are my favorite. They will blow your mind!“

“Oh, so you’ll make a punk rocker out of me too?” Danni asked playfully.

“You bet I will”, Parker whispered, leaning close to plant a kiss on Danni’s lips. “It will match you rebel attitude”

“Your word, not mine, doll” Danni laughed.

Harper smirked and checked the time on her phone.

“Elliott is on a date with Robbie, he won’t call me back anytime soon. In the meantime” -she leaned closer- “I’m sure I can find more persuasive arguments” she purred capturing Danni’s lips in a passionate kiss.

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