The Prisoner

The Prisoner
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will give them back when I am done.

Author’s Notes- violetflipflops and I were talking about Marco and wondering if you got any special scenes in the third book if you don’t execute him (apparently you don’t) and then speculating how he would react to hearing about Kenna and Diavolos. This story was born out of that idea and is set shortly after Kenna and Diavolos’s wedding.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- PG-13

Summary- Kenna and Diavolos pay Marco a visit.

Words- 914

“At some point, I’m going to need a proper tour of the castle,” Diavolos mused as he rolled onto his back. “We seem to spend a lot of time in the war room or the bedchambers.”

Kenna laughed, propping herself up to get a better look at him. “It’s been an interesting few weeks for sure. We could start with the dungeons if you like.” She paused, a thought occurring to her. “Actually, your brother is rotting there.”

Luther hadn’t negotiated for Marco’s release, probably because he knew that those crimes couldn’t be pardoned by any alliance. Or maybe he just didn’t care, she didn’t know if Luther had even bothered to visit his son during his brief time at Stormholt before his untimely death. She herself hadn’t given him any thought until now. The dungeons were well guarded, even during the invasion and she knew that he’d had no chance of escape.

“Is he now?” Diavolos said with a disinterested shrug.

“Do you want to see him?” Kenna asked, linking her fingers with his.

He paused obviously considering and then grinned. “Yes, I think I would.”

Kenna knew that grin and wondered what motivated it, but she simply nodded. “Let’s get dressed and go then,” she suggested, moving to sit up and get out of bed.

Diavolos stopped her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him. “There’s no hurry,” he reminded her, “Marco isn’t going anywhere…”

Kenna laughed, but let him draw her back into the bed. It was quite sometime before they finally roused themselves and headed downstairs in search of Jackson. Once they found him Kenna alerted him to their intentions.

He looked at Diavolos curiously. “You’re not about to suggest mercy are you?”

Diavolos laughed. “No. Marco deserves his fate. I just want to have a little brotherly chat.”

Jackson studied Diavolos for a moment and then grinned, the warmest gesture Kenna had ever seen Jackson offer Diavolos, and lead the way to the dungeons.

Kenna saw Marco in his cell.

“It’s about time someone visited me in this godforsaken hole!” He cried as soon as they came into view. His eyes widened as he saw Diavolos. “Diavolos, did Father send you to negotiate my release?”

The words were hopeful.

“No,” Diavolos answered, “Father is dead.”

“Dead?” Marco asked in disbelief, looking from Diavolos to Kenna. He sneered, “am I to guess that you are have claimed Abanthus for yourself and negotiated some sort of peace.” He said it as if it was a curse word.

Diavolos merely grinned. “I have. I’ve also taken a bride.”

“Why do you think I care?” Marco asked and then he froze, obviously noticing that Kenna and Diavolos were holding hands.  “You stupid girl,” he told Kenna, “do you really think you can trust him?”

“He killed your father for me,” Kenna said with a shrug, leaning against her husband, “so I feel pretty confident, yes.”

Marco’s eyes went wide. “You killed Father?” He asked in obvious disbelief. “Diavolos, the loyal one, the good son, the faithful soldier killed Father? And for her?”

“That’s right,” Diavolos confirmed, “Kenna’s my wife and I would do anything to protect her.”

The threat in his words was obvious.

Marco glared back, giving his brother a look of pure hatred. “You’re a traitor to the family name,” he spat, “at least I’m willing to pay for my convictions. I didn’t jump ship.” He turned his gaze to Kenna. “And you, you are a foolish as I always thought you were if you trust my brother. I’m sure he plays the tragic romantic hero well, but he’s still a Nevrakis and you’d do well to remember that.

Kenna didn’t let Marco’s words phase her. She knew he wanted to hurt her, to stir seeds of doubts and break her faith in Diavolos, but he couldn’t do that. No one could.

“I’m going to arrange to transfer you to Lykos,” Kenna said after a moment, thinking of what she and Diavolos had discussed earlier once they’d finished being distracted.

Marco looked surprised, “is the family feeling getting to you?” He asked Diavolos with a sneer. “Are you showing me mercy?”

“No.” Kenna informed him, “I just don’t want to deal with you, so I’m going to send you to Lykos and let Zenobia deal with you.”

Marco’s eyes widened at the mention of his sister. “Zenobia?”

“She’s helping rule Lykos in my absence,” Diavolos said casually, “I’m sure she’ll think of a suitable punishment for you.”

“You can’t do that!” Marco insisted. “My crimes were committed here, I should serve my sentence here!”

He continued ranting long after Diavolos and Kenna turned away and headed towards the exits.

“Do you think Zenobia will have him tortured?” Kenna asked, wondering if she should feel any guilt or remorse at the idea because she didn’t.

“Maybe,” Diavolos said, “but she’ll probably just have him assassinated and have the problem taken care of once and for all.”

It was cold, but Kenna couldn’t bring herself to care. She’d spared Marco because she thought she might be able to use him as a bargaining chip, but there was no need for that now. Maybe, it was wrong, but she knew she wouldn’t shed a tear or lose a moment’s sleep over his death.

Still, she was glad that she’d kept him alive because the look on his face when he’d learned about her and Diavolos was totally worth it.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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