The Reunion

“With our guests arriving from Abanthus in just over a fortnight there are some preparations to be made, not in the least security-wise. I know Queen Zenobia will be balanced out by Adder, but quite frankly, Your Majesty, I don’t trust either of them so I think some extra additions to your personal guard are in order, starting with…”

Queen Kenna Rys glanced out the window of the council room for the fourth time in the past three minutes. Dominic was supposed to be back any day now. He had been away with the mountain tribe, teaching them to hone their fire skills as well as fostering diplomacy between them and the rest of the Five Kingdoms as an ambassador. His passion for helping people was one of the countless things Kenna loved about her husband, but she missed him terribly when he was away. She forced herself to bring her focus back to Will Jackson, her sworn protector and leader of her guard, who was no doubt saying something very important.

“…Don’t you agree, Your Majesty?”

“Hmm? Oh yes.” She cursed internally and hoped she didn’t just agree to something potentially catastrophic. Jackson gave her a long look that let her know she had been caught not paying attention.

“Now, when the King’s back—“

“Dom’s back?” Kenna interrupted, the rest of her focus fully snapping back.

“When the King’s back…” She tried to keep the disappointment off her face as she listened attentively for a few minutes before her gaze inevitably returned to the window.

Kenna was so distracted looking out into the yards that she didn’t notice her lady in waiting who had entered the room until she spoke.

“Your Grace? His majesty has returned.” Kenna let out a small, involuntary gasp.

“Thank you, Rose.” Kenna made to get to her feet but quickly remembered her surroundings and reluctantly lowered herself back into her chair.

The sides of Jackson’s mouth curved upwards reluctantly as he jerked his head towards the door, “Oh, go on then!” Kenna leapt up, wide grin lighting up her face, kissed him on the cheek, and sped off towards the corridor, grateful she chose not to wear one of those obtrusive gowns.

She took the familiar halls at a run—they seemed so much longer than usual. Luckily most of the castle’s occupants were busy making preparations for their guests, leaving the corridors mainly empty; she didn’t have to worry about appearing un-queenly, or have to dodge any human obstacles for that matter. After what felt like ages, she caught a glance of sandy hair from a distance and picked up her pace.

“Dom!” He raised his head in her direction as her cry.

“Kenna!” He yelled back, now running as well. It wasn’t very regal and they both knew it, but they couldn’t help themselves. This was the longest they had been apart since those two terrible years she was in exile. When they reached each other, Dom stopped short and stuck out his hand in a business-like manner.

“My Queen.”

“My King.” Kenna replied, shaking it while fighting a twitching smile. But it was Dominic who caved first, breaking out in an ecstatic grin before pulling her forward by the hand already in his. He kissed her deeply and when she thought her would legs might give out, he dropped her into a low dip.

“Careful, Dom,” She warned breathlessly, pulling back, “Or you’ll have me swooning.”

“Maybe I should keep it up then,” He teased, kissing neck softly, “Because I would love to see the great warrior queen Kenna Rys swoon.” She swatted him playfully, then grabbed the front of his tunic, bringing his lips back to hers. The pair soon remembered their surroundings and reluctantly parted, moving towards a more private area of the castle.

“I’m so happy you’re back.” She took his arm and looked up into his adoring eyes, which were already focused intently on her.

“I’m happy to be back. We made incredible progress, both in training and diplomacy, and I’m glad I went, but being away from you was torture. And I’ve been tortured, you know, so I can say that.” She shook her head with a small smile.

“Always with the jokes. I swear, Dom, I could count the number of serious conversations we have had on one hand. Maybe two if you count—” He moved in front of her, stopping her in her tracks with a new, intense look in his eyes.

“You want serious? How is this?” He kissed her powerfully but quickly, pulling back with his hands holding her face and his eyes holding hers, “Kenna Rys, love of my life, each second that we were apart I felt like half of me was missing. You never left my thoughts, not ever. Every flame conjured by a member of the mountain tribe brought to mind your fierceness, your burning passion. Hells, every time I saw the color brown I thought of your eyes. There was not a single moment that went by where I didn’t miss you with everything in me.” Kenna was struck silent for an instant. She then shot a quick glance over her shoulder, and pushed him into an alcove.

She kissed him with a ferocity that sent him backing up into the stone wall behind him. Dom let out a small moan as her hands hungrily roamed his body. His own drifted down to her rear, giving it a squeeze before turning her so that she now had her back to the wall.

“I love you.” He whispered in between kisses.

“I love you too.” She started working at the fastens of his pants but he grabbed her hands, stopping them.

“You are Queen of Stormholt, I’m not going to take you in an alcove like you’re some kitchen maid.” Kenna raised an eyebrow.

“Well you would know all about that, wouldn’t you, Dominic Hunter?” Dom threw her a wink.

“A gentleman never kisses and tells, let alone a king.” He took her hand and lead her laughing to the royal bedchamber.

As soon as the door was closed, they were back on each other.

“I missed you so much.” She sighed, pulling his shirt over his head and kissing his neck.

“Really? I couldn’t tell.” Dom teased, making Kenna laugh as her mouth moved across his chest.

“How about now?” She asked, kissing down his stomach.

“Still not really feeling it, I’m afraid.”

“Oh?” She feigned surprise. “However shall I prove it?” She undid his pants, lowering herself all the while, and moved in.

“Kenna,” He groaned, running his fingers through her silky hair.

“What?” She asked, pulling back, “I’m just giving the hero of the Five Kingdoms the greeting he deserves.” Dom inhaled sharply and brought her back up to standing, making quick work of her clothing.

“While I certainly won’t say no to that, I believe you are the hero of the Five Kingdoms, Kenna.” Her eyes lit up playfully as she shook her head.

“Our children will certainly have a lot to live up to, won’t they?”

“Well, in order for our children to grow up to resent us for casting such a large shadow for them to step out of, there has to be children in the first place. So why don’t we get to it?” He lifted her at her waist and tossed her gently onto the large featherbed. She stretched her arms up by her ears as he peeled off her slip dress. He leaned back in as if to kiss her and then froze, eyes traveling across her body.

“Why have you stopped?” She asked, sitting up slightly

“Because even now, seeing you like this takes my breath away.” Her heart felt so full under his loving gaze.

“Come here!” She pulled him onto the bed and on top of her, unable to wait another moment.

The immense heat radiating from Dom’s skin was the only way she could tell what was hers from what was his as they moved together as one. Their movements were hungry and frantic, the weight of their separation apparent in every kiss and caress. This was the most whole Kenna had felt in months. She let out a sharp cry, the waves of pleasure pulsing through her body matched the waves of heat Dominic sent through his hands. Shortly after, Dom let himself go, rolling onto his back and clutching her to him, as if unwilling to be separated for even an instant.

Dom’s rumbling laughter woke Kenna, who had fallen asleep with her head on his chest.

“What is it? She asked, propping her chin up in her hands to gaze into his eyes.

“When I was in the Blackspine Mountains, far away from Stormholt, I had almost managed to convince myself that this wasn’t real. That everything with you and me had been a dream. I would come back and you would be married to some perfumed prince and I would resume my place as a lowly scout, loving you from afar.”

“Oh, Dom, it is real. You and I, what we have, it’s the most real thing I have ever had in my life.” He leaned in to gently meet her lips.

“For me as well.” She returned his kiss for a long while before breaking off.

“So we’re clear, I would never marry a ‘perfumed prince’. I like my men a little more…”

“Rugged? Manly? Beefy?” She laughed, stroking the chest hair around his brand.

“I was going to say genuine. But yes, all of those as well.” She conceded, leaning in to nip at his collarbone while continuing to stroke his chest.

“Don’t we have… I don’t know, meetings or something?” His voice became more strangled the lower her hands wandered.

“Our council can handle them. For now,” She leaned up to stare at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes, “I am the Queen and I command that my husband not leave my bed until I permit it.”

“Yes, my Queen.” He said with a smirk, flipping her over onto her back and descending beneath the sheets. It would be quite some time before she granted her permission.

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