The Sexiest of Sacrifices

With shaky hands, Amy rang the bell. Now, there was no going back…

She controlled her breathing, her heart beating louder than the barking that was coming from the inside of the building.

A familiar face opened the door.

“Hey, Sergio…”

“Uh, Amy, is it?”

“Yes. Can-Can I see Priya?”

A bit of surprise was visible on the young man’s face, but his answer was calm. “I think Priya is not available right now.”

This made Amy feel both glad and disappointed at the same time.

“…Then again, I do think she wanted to see you.”

Her heartbeat fastened…

Sergio motioned her to come in, and she followed him inside. As the door fell shut behind them, Amy realized she wouldn’t be getting out anytime soon…

She followed him inside, taking in the same view she had seen a few hours ago with Lily and Adrian. Now, she was alone, with no one to protect her.

They stopped in front of a closed door to another room. Priya’s voice could be heard clearly, coming from the inside.

…She was yelling. “What the hell? Is that what you call a cake?”

Next, they heard the shaky voice of a man… “I-I’m sorry. That’s the way I received it, I swear-” …which was being interrupted by a short scream, as if he was being lifted up in the air!

“I don’t give a fuck if that’s how you received it! Margarita is turning two, and that’s a pathetic excuse of what I wanted her to have!”

“I’m sorry, I-I could go to the bakery again and-” They heard a thud, as if a body was hitting the ground!

“Take this nasty cake out of my sight!”

There were quick, hurried footsteps hearable, before the door opened, revealing a houseboy! He was rushing outside, carrying a beautifully decorated but partly collapsed three-tiered marzipan cream cake out on a tray.

Sergio cleared his throat, clearly a bit scared, yet determined. “Priya, you have a guest.”

“If it’s Tommy, I swear to fuck-”

“It’s Amy.”

For the first time, the room was silent. “…Oh.”

Amy gulped. Priya’s sudden calmness was almost scary. She wanted to collect her thoughts a last time before facing her, but Priya didn’t waste a single second – suddenly, she stood in front of them!

“Now, what do we have here?” she asked, wearing a smirk.

“It’s me… I came back.”

“They all come back.”

Amy swallowed, being brave, and looking Priya in the eyes.

This bold move, however, caused Priya to reach out for Amy’s face, cupping her cheeks in her hands. “Naww…”

Amy felt uncomfortable, wanting to move, but somehow she was unable to. She couldn’t even speak.

“Isn’t she cute, Sergio?”

“Uh… Yes. Of course.”

“What brings you here yet again, you little snack?” Priya asked, digging her nails into the soft skin on Amy’s cheeks.

“I… need your vote for Lily.”

“Oh, of course you do.”

“Adrian and Lily don’t know I’m here and-”

“Bold. I love it.”

“-and I…” She gulped just once, “…I want to accept your deal. About voting yes tonight for… getting to have me.”

Priya presented Amy a big smirk. It was just a single reaction, one that was supposed to display happiness, but it made her look like the biggest kind of predator.

…Fuck. Was this a mistake Amy would pay with her life for?

“Good choice, Amy. I want you to feel good.”

She looked into the vampire’s eyes, for the first time having her own ones display vulnerability. “…Really?”

Priya’s smirk didn’t fade. “No.”

Every corner of Amy’s mind was screaming at her to leave, but something kept her from moving. Was it curiosity? Or simply stupidity?

No matter the answer, Priya grabbed her arm, roughly. “Come.”


“My bedroom.”

Oh shit. This was really happening. It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t a show. Priya meant everything she had displayed. She would take Amy to bed. Right here, right now. And there was no going back.

Priya started moving, Amy in tow. They walked up the stairs and disappeared in a dimly lit room, before Amy took a last look behind her, taking in Sergio, eyes on her, breathing, “Take care.

Arrived, Priya let go of Amy’s arm and turned around to lock the door. “The next few hours, we want no one to bother us.”

…The next few hours?

“I like group sex, but I don’t share my food.”


Priya grabbed Amy’s hair with her left hand, the right one caressing her forehead – icy cold. “Are you scared, Amy?”

She had had no idea that Priya whispering was as scary as Priya yelling. A cold shiver ran down Amy’s back. “…A bit.”

Priya smirked another time. “That’s cute. And absolutely justified.”

“What will you do to me?”

“First, I’ll tell you to get naked.”

Amy was silent, eyes still on Priya, who took a step back. “…And then?”

“Get naked,” Priya ordered.

Still, Amy was facing Priya, eyes looking for whatever.

“Excuse me, are you deaf?”

“I… You want me to get naked? Now?”

“What the hell do you think you’re here for?”

Amy took a quiet breather. What did she think she was here for?

Priya scowled, absolutely impatient.

Finally, Amy removed her shoes, then leggings. Her heart beat loudly the moment she pulled her oversized grey sweater over her head. She was facing Priya, wearing nothing but black lingerie.

“Turn around.”

Amy did as ordered, turning around one time, slowly, for Priya to see her fully. As she was facing her yet again, she waited. Too long, apparently.

“Did I stutter when I said naked?”

“N-no…” Amy’s hands moved upwards to the clasp of her bra. She opened it and hesitated for a moment, before letting the bra slip over her shoulders. Immediately, she felt cold, scared, exposed.

“Mhm. More.”

Amy’s hands made their way down to her hips, and she took a big breather before collecting herself, her heart racing, and pulled down her underwear.

Finally, Priya moved herself. She circled around Amy like a shark around its prey, eyes set on her most intimate parts.

Amy tried to keep her calm, but it felt risky, dangerous, to be alone with Priya, naked, having her analyze her every part. No talking, no touching, just cold judging in the most predatory way.

When Priya had reached Amy’s front again, she did something unexpected and sudden, something that made the human startle – without a warning, she reached out unbelievably fast, and grabbed Amy – between the legs!




“Get on the bed.”

Amy looked behind her, for the first time taking in the interior. Mainly, a huge queen size bed, covered in red satin sheets. She walked backwards, carefully, slowly, afraid to turn her back to Priya.

But this only caused the fully-dressed vampire to approach Amy with big steps, pushing her back! “Move.”

Amy landed right in the middle, feeling the instant need to cover her body with the sheets.

But Priya left her no chance. She was on Amy in a heartbeat, grabbing handcuffs from the side! She pinned Amy’s arms above her head and chained them to the bed frame!


“Shh. Quiet.”

When Amy thought she had no control over her body, she remembered her legs, moved them, just to not feel powerless.

…Little did she know that Priya had more than one pair. She grabbed each ankle and chained it to bed, using two more pairs of handcuffs.

Suddenly, Amy realized how serious this was. Handing over her body to a creepy stranger. “Oh shit…”

Just then, she felt Priya’s cold hand between her legs. Before Amy even had a chance to get used to her touch, she felt Priya’s fingers inside – four in total.


“You’re so horny, Amy, like I know you’d be.”

“You’re cold…” Amy mumbled, barely hearable.

Priya slid her fingers back out. Then, she leaned over Amy and stuck them into her mouth. “And, how’s it taste?”

Amy blushed, and as soon as Priya’s fingers moved out again, she told her, “…Good.”

Priya laughed dirtily, as if that was just what she had wanted to hear, and answered, apparently satisfied, “I knew it. You slut.”

The next thing, Amy said without thinking. “I wanna taste you.”

Priya laughed another time. “Oh, you gotta earn that.”

“Make me. Make me earn it.” Amy couldn’t believe her words. Was she insane?

This was an invitation. Priya tossed her high heels off, before kneeling down on the bed, both knees left and right to Amy’s waist. Then, Priya took her dress off. She did it as slowly as Amy had, but instead of coming off as scared and insecure, she looked absolutely alluring and seductive. How often had she taken this dress off that it looked this hot to watch?

Amy’s eyes were on Priya’s breasts. They were round, perfectly formed, not big, not small, but perfect.

“You have amazing tits,” Amy whispered, rather to herself.

“What did you say?” Priya asked, leaning forward, a perfect eyebrow raised.

Amy looked her in the eyes when admitting, “…You have amazing tits.”

Priya’s response was a cocky “I know”, but she seemed happy about the compliment regardless.

For another moment, Amy admired the view. Priya was so gorgeous, her curves so stunning, that the feeling of fear had almost entirely faded…

“And now…” Priya grabbed the sides of her lacy string and pulled it down slowly, seductively, revealing the soft, hairless skin underneath.


“That’s right. Wow.” She threw the string away.

Amy had the urge to touch her, but she was in no way able to move her hands.

Apparently, Priya saw her struggle. Surprisingly gently, she told her, “Wait, I’ll open one up.”

“Oh my, thanks…” Amy couldn’t believe it. Behind Priya’s rough facade, there seemed to be a soft and tender- “Ah!”

The handcuff Priya had unlocked was the one to Amy’s right ankle, and now she was holding her leg up, scissoring her!

“Ahhh, Priya…” Amy moaned, feeling surprised and horny at the same time. She felt Priya against her, wet and warm, unlike her hands had been. She believed herself to be reaching the peak soon, but this was just the beginning – Priya continued for endless minutes.

The vampire groaned, moaned, screamed, cursed loudly, until she had enough. That was, almost an hour later.

Meanwhile, Amy had experienced more than one orgasm. She was shaking, breathing heavily even as Priya had stopped. In one way, Amy was finished, absolutely exhausted, but in another way, she wanted more. “Priya…”

“Oh, shut up,” Priya whined, breathing no less heavy. “Just enjoy it.” Then, she sat down on Amy’s face.

For the first time, the young human had a chance to do something herself. And that chance, she took. She ate Priya out for what felt like a sweet, warm eternity, and enjoyed every minute of it, tasting her, and hearing her scream.

Later, the women lied on Priya’s bed together, exhausted, shaking, catching their breaths. Moments passed in which they calmed back down, moments in which Amy felt Priya’s skin on hers in a way that was almost romantic. She smelled the last bit of perfume on her, listened to her breathing. Then, she whispered, “Will you vote yes?”

Priya’s answer was bold. “Not until I’ve eaten you.”

Amy felt honored, but worried at the same time. “I don’t know if I can take this,” she admitted, feeling the warm mess between her legs.

…But as soon as Priya smashed her fangs into her throat, Amy knew the way she had meant it.

Minutes passed, in which Priya drunk hungrily, making Amy feel even more exhausted and drained than she had been before. She was chained to the bed, but even if she wouldn’t be, Amy knew she wouldn’t stop her.

When finally fed, Priya paused for a moment. Then, she unlocked both remaining handcuffs, and lied down again, closing her eyes, recovering. Obviously, Amy was now free to go.

Yet, she waited… and fell asleep with Priya.

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