The Strength of Our Love

The Strength of Our Love
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I have been wanting to write Naught Grayson for a while but I have been distracted by how beautiful DJ Cotrona is. However, I finally got some inspiration. This takes place sometime in the future and is the response to three different prompts: “winding the other up in public”, “hungry kisses baring each inch of skin” and “a kiss because I have literally been watching you all night and I can’t take anymore”.

Pairing- Grayson/MC

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Lexi overhears some nasty gossip at a society function and then Grayson takes her home and shows her exactly how much she means to him.

Words- 2039

“Did you catch sight of Grayson Prescott’s fiancé?”

I stiffened at the question, which obviously wasn’t directed at me since I was Grayson’s fiancé. Also because I was hidden out of sight in the bathroom stall.

There was an indignant stiff. “I did. I can’t believe he’s going to marry her.”

“I hear she used to be his assistant,” a third voice, “isn’t that typical?”

“I thought that Grayson was better than that,” the first said scornfully, “But I guess even the sweet, handsome ones can turn out to be terrible cliché.”

I stood there, my hands clenched into fists. I wanted to step out and say something. But what would I say? I doubted it would make a difference. These didn’t seem like women who embarrassed easily. So I waited for the voices to disappear before I finally emerged.

I took a deep breath. I had expected this. After all, I was an unknown, social nobody who was now engaged to Northbridge’s most sought-after bachelor. Of course, there was speculation and gossip.

I exited the ladies room and returned to Grayson’s side. He smiled and immediately wrapped his arm around me. “I was wondering where you’d disappeared too.”

“Just got held up,” I told him.

Something in my tone must have given me away because Grayson frowned. “Is everything ok?”

“Just some gossip,” I answered, trying to push it aside. “No big deal.”

Grayson’s eyes narrowed, “if it upset you, it’s a big deal.”

I smiled, appreciating how protective he was. “They’re just jealous,” I said truthfully, “after all, I came along and stole you right under their noses.”

“Except it’s always been you,” Grayson told me softly, his arm tightening around me, “no one else has ever compared.”

My heart melted and I leaned into his embrace. Suddenly the petty gossip didn’t matter. What mattered was that this wonderful man loved me and I loved him and we were going to have a lifetime together.

I tilted my face towards his for a kiss and he kissed me back lightly, barely more than a peck, and then he pulled away. “If I do anything more than that, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” he murmured in my ear, his breath warm against my neck.

“That would definitely increase the gossip,” I teased, a different type of warmth spreading through me this time. “When can we leave?”

“Soon,” Grayson promised, just as a middle-aged couple approached us. We made polite small talk, but the whole time I was very aware of Grayson right next to me. Of the heat of his body, of his arm around me and I suddenly wished very strongly that we weren’t in public.

After what seemed like an eternity, Grayson told me we could go and lead me to the exit. Grayson had hired a driver for the evening, not a limo, which meant that we had to behave on the way home. Well, mostly behave, he kept his mouth to himself, but not his hands.

He caressed my thighs, slipping a hand under the slit in my dress, feeling me through my underwear.

“Grayson,” I whispered, casting a glance at the driver.

Grayson shot me an innocent look. “Do you want me to stop?” He stilled his hand, resting it right on top of my warm center. “It doesn’t feel like you want me to stop,” he reminded me, his fingers pressing into the damp fabric.

“I don’t,” I whispered, “I definitely don’t want you to stop.”

Grayson smiled and slipped his fingers inside my underwear, caressing me with practiced skill. In the last few months, he’d come to know my body as well as I had.

I looked at the driver again, who seemed focused on his job and blissfully unaware of what was happening in the backseat. I focused on staying calm and collected, making it look like Grayson and I were just indulging in idle chit-chat, even as I fought to control my breathing and suppress the moans of pleasure that were battling to come out.

“Grayson,” I whispered, moving impatiently against his hand.

He continued to tease me, giving me enough to keep me on edge, but no fulfillment.

Finally, mercifully, we arrived home. Grayson tipped the driver and then led me upstairs.

As soon as the door shut behind us, I was in his arms, his mouth pressed again mine. “I’ve been waiting all night to do that,” he told me before kissing me again, his hands gripping my hips and pulling me closer to him while his tongue pushed my lips apart.

I surrendered to his kiss, pressing my body against his, my arms wrapped around his neck.

After a moment, Grayson picked me up, swinging me into his arms as if I weighed nothing, and carried me towards our bedroom. Once there, he set me down on my feet. “Have I told you how much I love this dress,” he asked, moving to stand behind me, his hand resting on my zipper.

“Poppy helped me pick it out,” I told him, struggling a little with the words as Grayson pressed his lips to my the newly exposed skin on my back.

He eased my dress down, kissing his way across my back as he did. “Poppy has great taste,” he told me, “thought you’d look beautiful in a paper bag and as much as I like the dress, I like what’s underneath it better.”

My dress pooled to the floor, leaving me standing in my pale blue lace bra and panties. Grayson kissed the back of my thighs and then gripped my hips, turning me around so that I was facing him and he was kneeling before me.

“Grayson,” I whispered, reaching out to touch him. He grabbed my hand, squeezing it lightly for a moment before he dropped it and reached for my underwear, easing them down around my hips. I instinctively stepped out of them, sighing as Grayson kissed the inside of my thighs, while his fingers explored my wet folds.

“So wet for me,” he murmured in satisfaction, “do you want my fingers again, baby?” As he spoke, he slipped one finger inside, just teasing me.

“Ohhh,” I said as an answered and he immediately sped up his movements, easing another finger inside.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“I do…” I told him breathlessly. He continued for another moment or so and then he suddenly stopped. I clutched to his shoulders in frustration.

“What about my mouth?” Grayson asked, his hands reaching up to unclasp my bra and toss it aside, leaving me completely bare. He caressed my breasts, running his thumb over my nipples.

“Yes,” I said eagerly, “I love your mouth.”

I instinctively arched my hips towards him and Grayson responded immediately, kissing and sucking before plunging his tongue into me. His hands let go of my breasts to grip my hips tight as his tongue works its magic and I thrust against him impatiently, knowing I was so close but just when I was on the edge, Grayson pulled back, releasing his hold on me.

I stumbled and tightened my grip on his shoulder. As I did, he stood up, easily lifting me up with him, my legs instinctively wrapping around him.

“What else do you want, baby?” He asked, peering into my eyes.

“You,” I said honestly. “I want you inside of me. Now.”

“I can’t deny you anything,” he told me tenderly, picking me up and carrying me to the bed. I suddenly realized that he was still fully dressed, while I was completely naked.

“Either your overdressed or I’m underdressed,” I teased, as he lay me down, reaching for his shirt.

“What do you want to do about that?” Grayson asked with a smile, standing completely still.

I sat on the edge of the bed and eased his tuxedo jacket off his shoulders and then I began to undo the buttons of his shirt. Once his chest was exposed I leaned forward and placed hot kisses over it while the shirt and jacket fell to the floor. My hands then began to work on his belt, before slipping inside his pants and caressing him over his underwear.

“Lexi,” He said in a low, slightly strangled voice.

“Yes?” I asked innocently, peering up look at him. “Don’t you like it when I touch you?”

“You know I do,” he assured me, “More than anything. But what I want right now is to be inside you.”

“I want that too,” I assured him.

He hastily kicked off his pants and underwear and then joined me on the bed, maneuvering so that we were both on our sides, facing one another.

“I love you so much,” he told me, as he pulled me closer to him.

I slipped my legs between his, molding our bodies together. “I love you too.”

Grayson massaged his hard cock for a moment and then guided it inside me, the close position pushing him in deep and pulling our bodies even closer together. As he did so, his lips captured mine in a sweet, but passionate kiss. I ground my hips against him, watching the expression on his face as he did.

For the next few minutes, we stayed like that, kissing and caressing each other as we moved against one another, our bodies entwined. Eventually, though, our breathing became more rapid and our movements less controlled and I knew we were both close.

Suddenly Grayson moved his legs and pulled out, causing me to whimper from the loss of him, and then he tightened his arms around me and spun us so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. He entered me again quickly and I welcomed him eagerly, wrapping my legs around his waist. His movements were a lot harder and faster now, but he was still looking down into my face with a look of total love and affection. It was the look that pushed me over the edge and I clung to his shoulders, sobbing his name.

“You are so beautiful like this,” he encouraged, continuing to move inside of me, “So beautiful and perfect and all mine.”

I couldn’t respond, I just clung to him, letting the waves of pleasure rush over me. Grayson captured my mouth in a deep kiss as he gave one more powerful thrust and then I could feel him shudder against me, reaching his own release.

We clung to each other afterward, both sweaty and spent, Grayson burying his face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him, thanking the superpowers that meant that his weight didn’t bother me at all. In fact, I could have happily stayed like that forever.

Eventually, though, Grayson made to move off me and then he laughed. “I’m going to need you to let go, Lexi, since you have me at a disadvantage,” he teased, “after all, I don’t have super strength.”

I reluctantly released him and he rolled off me, onto his back and then immediately gathered me against him.

I snuggled into his side and then tilted my face to look at him. “You didn’t have to reassure me,” I said gently, “I’ve never doubted you.” I had a feeling that the gossip I overheard was the reason he’d taken such extra care with me tonight, why he’d gone to such lengths to show me just how much he loved and wanted me.

Grayson smiled, “good, but I hate that you even have to listen to that poison and I just… I want to make sure that you always know how much you mean to me, Lexi.”

“I do,” I promised him, pressing my lips against his in a gentle kiss.

The gossip was annoying, but it didn’t shake me because I knew Grayson and I had faith in him and in us. It had taken us a long time to take the step from friends and lovers, but that time had created a strong foundation for our relationship and meant that I knew I could always trust and count on him. No amount of gossip could ever change that.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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