The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) – Part 12

Summary: After some disconcerting news and findings at Lucy’s birthday party, Ellie and D finally have a proper reunion…

Note: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Male!MC is named Allen. Ni Ni’s and Santiago Cabrera’s gifs don’t belong to me.

Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)

“Are you feeling better now?” – Damien asked Eleanor, after she choked on her wine.

They were both sitting in one of the super comfy couches of Robert Zucko’s mansion. And Lucy James, her best friend and the birthday girl, had just became engaged to him.

“Yeah, sort of.” – Ellie answered, taking deep breaths. Fuck, she had a headache. And she was pretty sure that it was not because of the alcohol. – “I can’t believe she’s going to marry him.” – they both looked through the glass doors, watching the couple being congratulated by the party guests on their engagement. Lucy still had tears of joy in her eyes. – “How can she be so naive?!” – she felt anger rising inside her.

Dammit, Lucy, why do you have to be such a romantic?! Robert is up to no good!

“Hey, calm down, Ellie. Please.” – she took another deep breath. It was easier calming herself with Damien’s warm hand on hers, his thumb caressing her knuckles, as the other rubbed her back, comfortingly.

“Thank you, D.” – she smiled weakly at him, grateful to have him there with her.

“Ellie! Are you okay?” – Lucy approached them. Thankfully, she was alone.

“Yeah.” – she forced a big smile. – “I just got caught by surprise.”

“You tell me!” – the blondie giggled. – “I’ve never thought he would propose to me! And tonight! Look! He said it was from his grandmother’s.”

“That’s… that’s beautiful, Lucy.” – Ellie said, staring at the giant diamond ring on her best friend’s finger.

“Congratulations on your engagement.” – Damien smiled too.

“Thank you! Ah, the cake is being served now. Do you guys want it?”

“Sure.” – Eleanor shrugged and stood up; maybe eating something sweet would make her feel better. Damien was still holding her. – “I’m okay, D.” – she grinned at him reassuringly, before they followed Lucy out of the house.

Back into the patio, Robert was the first person they met there.

“Was the wine too strong for you, Eleanor?” – he asked her with that mocking smirk on his lips and sipped his drink. Damien glared at him.

Ellie wanted to go grab that pistol in his office and blow his brains out. She really wanted.

God, she fucking hated him so much.

“Yeah, I think it was too dry for my taste.” – she simply said, composing herself and looking away from that motherfucker’s face. – “Anyway, where’s the cake?”

“Over there! I’ll lead you there!” – Lucy said, pointing to where a bunch of kids were piling up one another to get the dessert.

“Okay. D, aren’t you coming with us?” – Ellie asked when she noticed that Damien wasn’t following them.

“I’ll be with you in a second.” – he grinned at her, but Eleanor didn’t seem reassured by it. She raised a questioning eyebrow, nervously glancing to Robert. Damien just gestured for her to go and both women walked towards the table where the cake was, placing themselves in the line behind all those kids.

“Yes, Mr. Nazario?” – Robert asked in a relaxed and bored tone.

Damien wasn’t smiling anymore.

“Listen, I know you and Ellie have your differences. She’s trying to do her best, but with you acting this ways certainly doesn’t help.” – he muttered under his breath, his eyes glaring at the other man’s face.

“What do you mean?” – Robert turned to face him, with a scowl. But Damien wasn’t intimidated by him.

“All I’m asking is for you to try to at least keep things civil. For Lucy.”

Robert Zucko frowned even more, clearly not appreciating the way Damien Nazario talked to him. But before he could say anything, the private investigator simply turned around and walked to where Ellie was. He didn’t give a single fuck about what that man had to say. He had already heard enough bullshit from him for a day.


Eleanor already was eating her cake as he approached her. She watched the whole exchange with great interest.

“I don’t know what you said to that asshole, but you’re good, D. He still is in shock.” – Damien chuckled softly and placed his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. He had already noticed that Ellie always felt more relaxed when she was in his arms. And he himself felt more relaxed too.

“Where’s Lucy?”

“Back onto being a good hostess.” – she pointed to where her friend was. Lucy was serving cake to the demanding kids. He nodded.

“Well, then I guess my work for today is done.” – he looked at his watch. A little after 10 pm. – “I’m going back to the hotel. Would you like to come with me?” – he whispered in her ear. – “This time we won’t get interrupted and won’t take the risk of getting caught. And I really don’t want to spend my night there alone.”

Ellie bit her bottom lip, feeling a sudden thrill. How could she refuse such invitation? And refuse him? Damien Nazario knew that she just couldn’t resist him and, to be honest, she didn’t care. She just wanted him so bad, 24/7.

Eleanor quickly ate the rest of her cake and said goodbye to Lucy and her family while Damien called for a taxi. None of them talked to Robert again.


Damien gave the driver the hotel address as he sat on the backseat of the taxi, with Ellie following suit. As soon as the car started moving, she practically climbed over him.

“I want you, D…” – she whispered at him, lust radiating from her, as she showered his neck with light but ardent kisses that made his heartbeat accelerate and his pants feel suddenly too tight.

“Please, Ellie, not here…” – he cautiously looked at the taxi driver. Thankfully the man looked like he was used to public affection and seemed to ignore them. Ellie giggled devilishly.

“You say this as if you haven’t taken me against a wall about two hours ago. In the middle of a party.”

“This is not fair.” – he murmured back and she laughed again, before leaning in and kissing him hard.

He immediately kissed her back, one of his hands pulling her closer as the other explored her thigh. They just stopped kissing when the driver casually coughed, indicating that they had reached their destination.

“Keep the change.” – Damien told him. The poor man deserved it.

They climbed down the taxi and entered the building, arm in arm. The hotel staff was as discreet as the taxi driver and courteously greeted them with a “Mr. Nazario. Miss”. They nodded back at them.

Thankfully the elevator was empty so they could lose themselves in each other’s arms and mouths again. It seemed just impossible to keep their hands to themselves when they were with one another.

They walked through the corridor to Damien’s assigned room, his arm around her hips. It was really damn hard to find the keys with Ellie’s hands around his waist, already unfastening his belt and exploring his torso under his clothes, and her lips on the nape of his neck.

Damien finally managed to open the door and she practically shoved him inside. As soon as the door clicked shut, he pushed her against it, kissing her hungrily, his body already pressed on hers. She groaned against his lips when she felt him hard and pulsing on her thigh.

“God, the things I want to do to you, Ellie…” – Damien whispered, making her giggle. Eleanor could feel her heart pounding faster and faster and that heat between her legs getting hotter and hotter as his mouth moved to her neck.

Suddenly, he took her dress off with a swift move, letting it fall onto the floor beside them. She took off her bra too and he playfully bit her already hard nipples. Ellie moaned when his fingers slid inside her lacy thong finding her sensitive and wet core.

“Tell me how much you want me, Zhou.” – he said as his fingers rubbed her clit roughly. His other hand was at her throat, holding her tightly, making her even more turned on. She could only reply with more groans.

“I-I want you, D. So fucking bad…” – she stammered, her body slightly shaking, already craving for his. Then he entered two fingers between her folds, making her gasp.

“What? I don’t think I heard it.”

“You’re bad, Nazario.” – he chuckled.

“I’m sorry, this isn’t what I told you to say.” – and he started pumping his fingers in and out slightly faster, making waves of pleasure run throughout her body.

“I want you, Damien…” – her hands cupped his face, bringing him even closer, until he could feel her hot breath on his face. – “I need you… I need to feel you inside me…” – Ellie purred, her lips deliciously brushing against his.

Damien shut her mouth with a desperate and hungry kiss that made her head spin. She breathed harder and harder as his mouth travelled down her body, leaving burning kisses behind, his hands sliding her thong off of her legs. Eleanor gasped again when his lips and tongue were there where his fingers had been just moments before. Her hands immediately fled to his dark brown hair, pulling it, keeping his head there between her thighs.

“Oh, Damien!” – she moaned his name louder and louder, her legs trembling. Thankfully his big and warm hands held her by her hips, so she wouldn’t fall. He could feel her tensing, and let out low groans, still sucking her, when her sex started pulsing against his mouth and tongue, meaning that she was close to the edge. He loved hearing her crying out his name and knowing that he was able to do that to her.

Eleanor was practically begging for him to take her right there at that right moment, when Damien suddenly stood up, his lips on hers again. She felt dizzy, tasting herself on his tongue. She let out a frustrated sigh, her body hot and bothered, still wanting for her orgasm.

“You truly are mean.” – he smirked at her. – “I was almost coming.”

“I know. But I want you to come with me. When I’ll be inside of you.” – he said, his forehead rested against hers. – “But first, I want you on your knees.”

She grinned back at him.

“Yes, sir.”

Damien watched Ellie pulling his pants and underwear out as she went down, with that smirk on her face. He was already so hard and ready for her.

“Fuck.” – he said out of breath when her hand touched him there. With her eyes locked on his, he cursed again when she licked his whole length. Damien had to steady himself, his hands on the door, as her hot mouth wrapped around him. While Eleanor sucked him in, he quickly discarded his blazer and shirt. They both groaned as he pushed against her throat faster and faster. – “Oh, God…”

But she suddenly pulled out before he could release himself inside her mouth.

“Payback.” – she murmured with that mischievous smile of hers, cleaning her lips with the back of her hand.

“Stop playing games with me, Ellie.” – he warned her, breathing hard, his hands already on her hips, bringing her closer.

“You’re the one who started it.” – she recalled, before playfully biting his bottom lip.

With a swift move, Damien threw her over his shoulder and then onto the hotel bed. Ellie laughed hysterically as she felt the soft mattress below her. But she stopped laughing instantly when she felt his lips on hers, kissing her delicately and sweetly.

“Hmmm, D…” – she groaned, her heart pounding harder with excitement.

“Yes?” – he was on top of hers, his hands on either side of her head, his eyes darkened with desire.

“I’m all yours tonight.” – she whispered, hooking her leg around his body to pull his hips close against hers.

He grinned and kissed her deeply, before sliding inside her, making Ellie moan against his mouth. After she had adjusted to the sensation of him filling her, Damien started moving torturously slowly, one of his hands around her neck, and she moaned softly on his ear, her nails digging into his back.

Now that they were completely alone, not taking a risk of getting caught or of being interrupted, this time they were doing it much slower, moving together and in sync, focusing on the sensation of one another. It was incredible how their bodies seemed to fit perfectly.

With his weight pinning her against the bed completely, he gradually started pushing forward in her faster and deeper, making her arch towards his touch. He had to control his own orgasm when she came a little later, her muscles tightening all around him as she trembled from head to toes, panting hard.

Eleanor even still hadn’t recovered from her climax when Damien abruptly pulled out and turned her, making her face the bed. She felt his hands around her waist, positioning her hips to him, so he could have a better access of her.

“Damien…!” – she cried when he thrusted in her deeply and all at once, with him moaning behind her.

That was so intense that Ellie hid her face in the mattress, her hands clinging to the bed sheets beneath her. He was moving so frantically this time that she couldn’t match his rhythm. Damien covered her neck and shoulders with rough, biting kisses.

“Ellie…” – he groaned against her ear.

With one of his hands back to her throat, the other drifted low on her body. She gasped loud when his fingers touched her there, making her lift her hips towards his, her legs shaking with pleasure, her sex throbbing around his again. It was rough, it was fast, it was hallucinating and with him moaning low on her ear, Ellie couldn’t handle it anymore. She came once more, crying out his name. He thrusted into her a few more times until he spilled inside her a few moments after, moaning. Both of them laid down on the soft bed, panting hard, their hearts beating like sledgehammers.

She suddenly felt his arms around her waist, pulling her closer until her back bumped against his chest, with him still behind her. Apparently, she was going to be his small spoon. She didn’t protest it.

“Dammit, Ellie, you’re bad for me.” – he said, showering her naked shoulder with kisses. She laughed.

“Me? Bad? You’re the one who lured me into coming here.” – he chuckled back.

“Alright, can we both agree that we’re bad for each other?”

Eleanor giggled once more. He was right. Although Damien had those crazy set of rules (about not getting involved with another coworker, client and Park, which she matched all those categories) and he still was in love with her cousin, he definitely liked her and they had developed this casual relationship and it just seemed impossible for them to stop it.

They were both so screwed.

“It might be bad, but it feels so good.” – she whispered, her back still turned to his and his arms never leaving her. – “Especially when we do it in a comfy and spacious bed like this one.” – she heard Damien laughing behind her, his body vibrating because of it. Ellie smiled to herself.

“And when we’re not interrupted.” – her grin widened as he reminded about those last times they tried to make love. Freddie interrupted them in the middle of a make out session and, when she still was in NY, Allen was back from his honeymoon and almost caught them both.

“Yes, I have to agree with you. Freddie is one of my most precious things in this world, but it always is a little awkward doing it while your dog watches you.” – they both shared a laugh.

“Has this happened to you?”

“Just a few times. He usually sleeps on the living room, but he knows how to open doors and sometimes sneak into my room, especially if I’m there with someone else, since he loves guests.” – Damien laughed a little more. – “So you can imagine how it went. But I generally ignore him, since my attention is somewhere else. On someone else. Thankfully he can’t understand what’s going on and is not traumatized or anything, but even so. And you already know he likes licking—”

“Alright, alright, I got it. So we will only be working in your apartment. No sex.” – Ellie laughed out loud. They both knew that was a lie.

“Oh, I am sure we will easily find ways to forget that Freddie is there.” – she said, taking his hand that was casually resting on her breast and kissing it lightly.

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