The Third Park (Damien x OC (Ellie)) – Part 7

Summary: Ellie has a proposal to Damien, but will he take it?

Disclaiemr: (most) characters belong to Pixelberry Studios. Male!MC (Allen).

Pairing: Damien x OC (Ellie)

Eleanor woke up with the sunlight on her face. For a moment she was lost, not remembering where she was. Where did Allen’s curtains go? Then, she felt something heavy and warm around her waist and a soft snoring behind her. She turned to face Damien, who slept heavily. God, how could he still look so handsome after everything they did last night? She probably would be looking like a mess, a real gremlin, but him on the on the other hand…

Suddenly, her phone started ringing. Ellie desperately looked for her jeans on the bedroom floor, fishing the mobile from one of the pockets and quickly turning the alarm off. She let out a relieved sigh when she noticed that Damien still was sleeping.

“Shit!” – she cursed to herself. – “Dipper!”

Carefully, she tried to get out of the bed, freeing herself from his embrace, but almost immediately his arm tightened around her. Damien blinked a few times, waking up.

“Hey.” – she greeted him, with a sheepish smile.

“Hey… Were you already leaving? You weren’t planning on running away, right?” – he asked with a sleepy smirk on his face, his morning voice husky, as he pulled her closer. He kissed the love bites he left on her the night before, longing on that big red hickey on her left shoulder.

It was being really damn hard to maintain her focus on going back to Dipper with Damien kissing and touching her like that.

“I wish I could stay here all day long, but I have to feed Dipper. And take her out for her morning walk. The poor thing has been alone since last night. I have to go, D.” – Ellie said softly, brushing the hair out of his face.

He took a deep breath, before finally letting her go:

“Alright. Just give me five minutes and I’ll go with you.”


“Yes. I won’t let you do the walk of shame alone.” – Eleanor let out a laugh.

“Aaaw, aren’t you a gentleman?” – she squeezed his cheek playfully. – “Or is this your way of getting another round with me?”

“I don’t know. Why, is it working?” – she rolled her eyes to his smirk.

“Maybe.” – she said, sitting up, that little devilish grin back onto her face, and started dressing herself up.


Dipper barked happily when they arrived, jumping on her caretaker.

“I know, girl! I’m sorry I spent the night out!” – she said, stroking the dog’s ears affectionately. Damien would never understand the love for dogs that family had. He never cared much about animals in general. – “Can you please take her out while I change? I can’t stand these clothes any other second. And I have to see if she destroyed the apartment or not, while I was out.” – Eleanor asked him as she filled Dipper’s bowl with dog food.

“Sure.” – he shrugged as Ellie walked towards the bedroom, already undressing herself from her blouse. Damien had to control himself to not go there and help her take the rest of her clothes off.

When they were back into the apartment – after Dipper had sniffed every single light pole -, Eleanor was already fetching a breakfast for them. Both Damien and Dipper were attracted to the kitchen by the smell of bacon.

He stopped by the small kitchen door frame, leaning against it, watching Eleanor cooking. She looked so in peace with herself. Dipper approached her with those big puppy eyes.

“No, Dipper, this is not for you!” – Ellie told the dog, who whimpered and went back to the living room, dejected. – “Enjoying the view?” – she asked him, still focused on the food.

“Very much. Do you want me to make some coffee?”

“That’d be great. Mine is black.”

“A woman after my own heart.” – she giggled with his comment as he stopped by Allen’s coffee machine. – “So you enjoy cooking?”

“I do, actually, although I don’t cook as much as I like due to work. But I find it relaxing. You?”

“Let’s say that I cook to survive. But I usually eat somewhere when I’m working or I order food.”

“Yeah, I figured, since it seems that you know every single place where to eat cheap here in New York.” – they shared a laugh and Damien caught himself smiling, thinking how things felt easy and simple with Ellie.

Yes. Things could be simple.

“Alright, breakfast is ready!” – she announced and they sat down to eat.

Eleanor made them some bacon and omelette, nothing special, but Damien felt that it’s been ages since he last ate something homemade like that. They chatted throughout the breakfast, with Dipper prowling the table the whole time. If was so easy talking to her. They always found new and interesting topics to talk about.


“Oh shit!” – Ellie looked at her watch. – “Don’t you have to go work?” – the food was long gone and they’d been talking for the last hour. Time seemed to fly when they were with one another.

“It’s okay, I made some progress yesterday, so I can take the day off today. You’re going back to Northbridge tomorrow, right?”

“Yes, as soon as Allen is back.” – a silent fell between them.

Oh God, why did she had to mention Allen? Fuck fuck fuck…

“…Well, I’ll miss you.” – Damien confessed, to Eleanor’s surprise. – “It was nice meeting you, Ellie. And this is something that I don’t say often.”

She smiled at him.

“Oh, I believe in it. Thank you, D. I’ll miss not teasing the hell out of you everyday.” – and she playfully nudged his shoulder with hers, making him chuckle.

“I will definitely not miss this part.”

“Shush, I know you adored when I did it. Because I am just so cute.” – she winked at him. Damien rolled his eyes, but he was unable to deny it. All the Parks were so darn cute. – “Besides… This doesn’t have to be the end of our relationship. I’ll need you there in Northbridge too.”

“What? Why?” – Damien stopped pouring more coffee to him and looked at her. Eleanor was biting her lower lip, looking at him with a little uncertainty on her face. His mind immediately drifted away to the sensation of her soft lips around his di—

“…I’ll need your help, D. As a private investigator.”

And then the world seemed to stop for a single second.


…What?” – he managed to ask, his breath caught in his lungs.

“I’ll hire you to investigate something for me.” – she said, suddenly looking serious, every trace of the former flirting and silly jokes completely gone.





Damien Nazario just stayed there, staring at her completely frozen for the last five minutes. Did she broke him? Was it something that she said?

“D? Are you okay?” – Eleanor squeezed his hand softly and he finally seemed to be back. He cleared his throat:

“Are you… are you asking me to work for you?” – he asked, watching her intently.

“Yeah, kinda. You see, there’s my best friend, Lucy—”

But he abruptly stood up and walked towards the apartment door.

Fuck. Fuck! He was so screwed. He knew he should have listened to the voice inside his head. And not let a fucking stupid boner decide things for him.

Getting involved with another Park was one thing… but working for her was too much. Just too much.

“Hey, where are you going?” – Eleanor was already following him outside Allen’s apartment. – “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” – she grabbed his jacket, but he immediately yanked out of her reach.

“So it was all about this?! You were just using me for my investigative work?” – he yelled in the middle of the hallway. Ellie thought that he looked like a wounded animal.

“What?” – her dark eyes widened in surprise. What the fuck was going on? She was completely lost. – “Of course not!“

“Stop playing with my head, okay?!” – he shouted again, igniting her rage. If there was one thing that Eleanor Zhou hated was when people yelled at her. – “I should have known this…” – he started muttering to himself.

“Okay, what the fuck?! Why are you so suddenly mad?” – Nice, now she was mad too, and she even didn’t know why!

His eyes were already back to hers, and he had this hurt expression on his face.

“This is what I get when I let people get closer to me. First Alana, then Allen and now…” – he looked away, not finishing the sentence, but Ellie got what he meant.

And she felt her heart breaking a little for him.

“D…” – she took a cautious step towards him. – “It’s not like this… I do care about you, of course. If I didn’t, you think I’d have spent the last few days with you? And about the detective thing, Nadia has always told me how quickly and efficiently you helped her, so I thought—”

“Please. I know you’re hanging out with me because you don’t know anyone else here. And because I’m just this bitter and lone loser. I don’t need your pity, okay?”

Ellie felt anger rising inside her again.

“Oh my God! Can you stop acting like a completely paranoid for a second? Not everything is about you, Damien! Not everyone is trying to hurt you!“ – now she was the one yelling, her voice echoing through the hall. – “Jeez, if I knew that you would react this way, I wouldn’t have asked for your help! What the fuck!! You know what?! Just forget that I ever mentioned this!” – and then she turned on her heels.

Damien watched her marching back to the apartment. Fuck.

Eleanor was already by the door when she felt him behind her, his chest bumping on her back as he put his big hand over hers, stopping her from open it.

“Wait.” – he whispered, his voice low and husky on her ear. She felt a shiver down her spine and cursed herself mentally. That was not the time to become all horny! – “Please.”

“What do you want now? I thought you were leaving.” – she said, still facing the door, refusing to look at him.

“…No. You’re right. I shouldn’t have yelled and stormed off like this. I’m sorry.”

She turned to him, glaring, her arms crossed over her chest.

“What the fuck is going on with you, Nazario?”


His eyes searched hers and he hesitated for a second, before saying in a low whisper:

“It’s just that… I don’t know.” – he let out a frustrated sigh. – “I guess… I thought that you actually was just…getting closer to me because Allen told you to do so, or because of my investigative skills… I don’t know what I thought, to be honest. I’m sorry.”

Oh God. He had his heart broken so much, he had been hurt so many times…

Eleanor Zhou wasn’t the “mother friend”; she never was the one to take care and listen to people’s problems and confessions. She’d rather take them for a night out drinking until they couldn’t remember their own names than listening to people’s problems. She already had too many headaches herself and didn’t need more.

…But there was something about broody and cynical Damien that she couldn’t just ignore. Because that was something that she would do too. She was a cynical by heart and whenever she felt down, she would just shut people away, even those she loved, and drown herself on work.

They were just so similar in some aspects, and this probably was the reason why she found herself wanting to take care of him. Get to know more of him. And that was dangerous.

“…About your work as a detective, of course I’ll pay for it.“ – she said, softly.

“Yes, I know—” – she kept talking:

“…And even if what I felt towards my exes wasn’t as strong as what you felt towards… them” – she decided to not bring Alana’s and Allen’s name again, and Damien appreciated that. – “…I know what you mean. It’s so damn tiresome to have your heart broken. But I was being honest with you yesterday, when I asked you about what was going to happen between us. If we’re doing this, I need you to be open with me.” – he nodded, and she saw a sad smile spreading on his face.

“Thank you, Ellie. I’m sorry I freaked out. I shouldn’t let my emotions and suspicions get the best of me.”

“Hey, don’t blame yourself, Damien. We can’t be logical all the time. We are humans. We have emotions and feelings, and sometimes they’re too strong. Stronger than us.”

“Yeah, you’re right. I just wish I had these mood swings less frequently. I’ve always tried to remain cool and collected, but… I don’t know. I’ve been this mess since Allen told me he was going to marry Hayden, which is just ridiculous, to be honest. I can’t keep on living like this. This is going to kill me. And if he finds out that I still haven’t gotten over him, this will break him too.” – Eleanor smiled sympathetically to him. God, he still loved Allen so much and knew her cousin so well. – “I’m sorry I thought the worst about you.”

She put a hand on the base of his neck, her thumb stroking his cheek. He leaned to her touch.

“It’s okay. I tend to think the worst of people too. People call it cynicism, but I call it ‘survival instinct’.” – he chuckled and then he felt her lips on his for a quick second. He looked at her, an eyebrow arched, when Ellie pulled out giggling. – “Fuck, how can you make me both so mad and horny for you, Nazario?” – she asked him, now both of her hands cupping his face and bringing him to hers.

Their lips met in a searing kiss, Damien’s body colliding with hers and Ellie felt being pressed between him and the door behind her. His hands were already on her ass, while hers fled under his shirt, exploring those abs. He buried his face on her hair, his mouth kissing that smooth skin of her neck as she wrapped one leg around his hips. She let out a low moan when she felt his hard crotch pulsating against her…

Then, suddenly the sound of a door being slammed brought them back to consciousness and to where they were. A young woman around her early twenties with purple hair and glasses watched them intently.

“Oh shit!” – she squealed when they both looked back at her, catching her shamelessly watching them making out. – “I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to interrupt you guys… but, uh…” – Ellie recognized her as Lily Spencer, one of Allen’s neighbors, who lived down the hall. She always played with Dipper when they met. – “Well, I heard some screams coming from here and then suddenly everything went quiet, I didn’t know if you guys murdered each other, but now I see that I was wrong. So wrong.“ – she grinned at them. – “Anyway, that was hot. You two are hot…” – Ellie chuckled as Damien groaned in embarrassment. – “Oh, but don’t mind me! You go, guys!” – and then she went back to her own apartment, leaving them alone.

“God dammit, what the fuck is happening with me, getting caught like some kind of a horny teenager like this…” – Damien cursed under his breath, making Eleanor laugh.

“I think it’s better if we take this inside.” – she purred on his ear.

“Please.” – his brown eyes were almost pleading to her and she giggled again before opening the door and pulling him in by the waistband of his jeans.

Dipper welcomed them when she saw that they were back into the apartment, but Eleanor ordered her to go to her dog house in the balcony. Dipper obeyed her, although the dog didn’t understand why she was being kicked out. Damien chuckled.

“Poor Dipper, she did nothing wrong.”

“Well, do you want to traumatize her? She’s always all around the apartment if you let her. And I’ll shower her with snacks later. Now, where were we?” – he grinned back at her and as soon as they were alone, his lips were already on hers, his hands all over her body, making Ellie groan with excitement against his mouth, her heart pounding.

But in a quick move, she shoved him down and Damien felt his back hitting the couch. He held his breath as Eleanor slowly disposed of her own clothes, piece by piece, her gaze locked on his the whole time. By the time she sat on his lap, completely naked, he already was completely hard.

“Hmm, do you want me this much, Nazario?” – she asked as she bit his neck playfully.

“I always want you, Ellie.”

“Good, because me too.” – she said and started kissing him down, pulling his pants and boxers as she went. Damien bit back a moan when she found his length, her hands and mouth working on it skilfully, soon bringing him to the edge.

He still was panting, his chest moving heavily, after he spilled inside her mouth, when Ellie climbed on top of him again.

“Delicious.” – she purred, licking her lips and hungrily looking at him, her face just inches from his. Knowing that she had swallowed everything was enough to make him hard again.

“You’re going to be the death of me, Ellie.” – he saw that mischievous shine back in her eyes, before she kissed him wholly.

The weight of her body on top of his, pressing him against the couch underneath them was completely hallucinating. He definitely was ready for more of her. He caught himself thinking if he’d ever get tired of her, but that thought was completely gone when he felt one of Eleanor’s hand positioning him there.

“Don’t worry, I’m protected. Now fuck me, D.” – she ordered, lowering herself onto him. They both groaned with the sensation of him filling her, his hands holding her waist.

“Holy sh—“ – suddenly, Damien felt one of her hands over his mouth, muffling his swearing. He opened his eyes and saw Ellie grinning devilishly at him, her dark and long hair partially covering her face.

“You were a bad boy, Nazario. I don’t appreciate when people yell in my face. So I’m punishing you.” – she said as she leaned over him until her mouth was on his ear.  – “You shall not make any sound…”

And then, sitting straight, she started riding him. Her moans were the only thing that could be heard on the apartment, since her hand was muffling his own groans, while her other hand was sprawled on those abs of his that she was so obsessed with.

“Oh fuck…!” – she gasped when he hit just that right spot that made her whole body tremble. Her muscles tightened and pulsated around Damien and his nails buried even deeper on the soft flesh of her ass as she came.

Panting, she laid down still on top of him, until her forehead was pressed against his, her body shivering slightly because of the orgasm.

“Holy shit, Ellie…” – he murmured, his arms pressing her even tighter to him, feeling every inch of her sweaty skin.

Damien started bringing his hips to hers, thrusting faster and deeper until she felt her body tensing again, a delicious shiver going throughout her spine in anticipation. With a swift move, he changed their positions, with him now on top of her, her ankles over his shoulders, to let him have better access.

“I guess it’s payback time.” – he said with a grin.

“Shut up, you— ooooh…” – she moaned, her eyes rolling with pleasure when his thumb started massaging her clit. – “Yes, don’t stop, D…”

“Your wish is my command.” – his smile widened and he thrusted insistently inside her. He felt when she started pulsating around him again and leaned down to her, his lips kissing her neck and shoulders. They almost came at the same time, with him just a few seconds after her.

“Fuck…” – Ellie laughed to Damien’s curse, still under him, his body pinning her to the couch.

“As much as I like feeling you pressed against me, I need to breathe, D.” – she patted him on the shoulder.

“Oh right.” – and then she felt his arm around her and next thing she knew, she was again on the top. – “Are you okay?” – he tucked Ellie’s hair behind her ear, so he could see her face better.

“Better than okay.” – she smiled before leaning in and kissing him sweetly. Eleanor rested her head against his shoulder, completely relaxed under the sensation of his arms enveloping her. – “…I’m sorry if I upset you when I proposed you a job. If I knew you’d be so—“

“I am the one who should be apologising. I’m sorry I got so mad.”

They stayed in silence for a few moments, feeling each other’s body. Damien stared into the ceiling while Eleanor drew figure eights on his abs, one of his arms around her shoulders.

“…Well, I must confess that I’m curious why you got so angry.” – Ellie said first, sensing that he would never talk if she didn’t say anything. He let out a sigh. He knew she would ask him that and she deserved an explanation.

“Alright, I’ll tell you, but… well, it’s a little silly.” – she arched an eyebrow.


“…I have these set of rules to follow. Three, to be exact. One, stop getting involved with coworkers, something I learned after Alana; two, stop getting involved with clients, on a personal level, something I learned after I met your cousins and befriended them; and three, stop getting involved with you, Parks.” – Ellie’s eyes slightly widened before she threw her head backwards, laughing loudly. – “Yeah, yeah, I told you they’re silly.”

“It’s not that. They all actually make perfect sense to me.” – both Alana and Allen broke his heart, but she thought it was better to not remind him of that. – “…I understand that things must be kept professional with coworkers and clients; I totally agree with this. I just found funny how specific was your third rule. But…” – she stroke his jaw, the sensation of his growing beard nice against her knuckles. By the way Damien smiled, she believed that he liked when she did it too. – “…you already broke it.” – she said, grinning at him.

“I know. And this is why I was reluctant to get to know you. I knew that I‘d be so screwed if we got closer.” – she laughed softly, making his heart jump. – “But what can I say? You Parks are so damn irresistible.” – she peck kissed him on his chin. – “Anyway, this is why I freaked out when you asked me to work for you. I’d be breaking another rule.”

“Actually… you’d be breaking both first and second rules too.”


“I’ll be hiring you, which makes me a client. But, you would need my help to undercover things about Lucy, so we’d be working together.”

He stared at her for a couple of seconds before cursing:


“Yes, exactly.” – she rested her head against his chest again, listening to his slow and rhythmic heartbeat. – “But hey, since you broke one rule already, why not break the remaining two?”

Damien looked at her, amused.

“What kind of twisted mind is this that you have, Zhou?” – she giggled to his comment. – “Breaking one rule was bad enough and now you’re telling me to break all of them? At once?”

“Well, why not? For me? I promise you I am worth it.” – she winked at him and he rolled his eyes.

“And to think that you call me ‘cocky’…”

“We’re both conceited souls, I guess.” – she shrugged, with a smirk on her lips. – “So? What do you say? Will you help me?” – her eyes shined expectantly.

Damien stared back at her for a few seconds.


“…Yeah, I will.” – he heard himself saying as he pulled Eleanor’s face by the chin to his, their lips meeting easily in a delicate kiss. – “Why don’t you tell me what is the case?”

“Yes!” – Ellie squealed and jumped out of the couch and ran to Allen’s bedroom to take her laptop, still naked.

Damien Nazario rubbed his eyes as he sat up and slowly started dressing himself. If he was going to do it, he would need a drink. A strong drink.

He was so screwed.

But he already was, anyway.

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