The Weight of a Choice – Liam x MC (Pt. 1)

They were free. It was over. The wedding night spent with Liam had been amazing, she was a queen. Elysse was over the moon to be with Liam. She had been a waitress, some petty commoner, now a Queen. It felt like a story told way too many times. A book, that sat on a thrift store shelf among hundreds of other copies because people had simply tired of reading it.

Elysse felt off. She chalked it up to the stress of not only planning a wedding, but fighting to survive it. Watching her friends gather and fight. It took a bigger toll on her then she had thought. What she didn’t expect, was to want to sleep on her wedding night. Of all nights, she had the urge to fall into the grand bed and rest.

Liam, her stoic and understanding Liam. He had tucked her in, read her his letter which filled her eyes with tears as she fell asleep. But now it was nearly four in the morning. Nearly four am and she found herself wide awake, Liam next to her, fast asleep. She had woken up to him sobbing, his body shaking the whole bed as she turned over, pulling him into her arms.

“I’m so sorry my love” Liam had sobbed “I didn’t mean to make this night so emotional, you’ve been nothing but a pillar of strength for me”

She had calmed him, both of them dozing back off to sleep before she woke up. Her stomach violently threatening for her to get to the bathroom or she’d be sick right there in bed. As though it was a cruel joke, there were pregnancy tests under the sink. Elysse didn’t want to think anything of it, she didn’t want to think about the fling, the night she had spent in someone else’s arms.

The look in his brown eyes, when he’d told her that he’d always love her. How he would eventually be okay, with her choosing Liam. But it was suggestion that he’d leave court, that he was no longer needed around, that broke her nearly in half. A life without Drake. It seemed unfathomable.

Her hands shake as she reads the back of the box, the tiny print moving around, playing tricks on her eyes. She let’s out a low growl, sighing as she forces herself to focus on the words. Her thumb, slides under the cardboard as she opens the box, pulling out one of the thin sticks wrapped in plastic. This tiny stick, holds the possibility of changing her whole life, forever.

She shoves it back in the box, no. Not tonight. Their wedding had already been so tarnished by Anton and all of the drama that ensued afterwards. She folds the small flap under another larger flap and tosses the box back underneath the sink.

Elysse washes her hands, drying them as she sets down the towel and walks back into the suite. She slowly crawls back under the covers, forcing herself to sleep. When it doesn’t come, she gets up and orders room service. Warm green tea with honey and a vanilla scone. As she sits on the balcony, a cool breeze rushes past her, causing her fingers to wrap tighter around the small tea cup. Her eyes close briefly, Claudius’s face flashing across her mind as she shutters, her eyes flying back open.

“My love?” Liam says softly behind her, his voice dark “Are you alright?”

“I’m okay” Elysse responds “Just couldn’t sleep, figured some tea would help me relax”

“I like the way you think” Liam smiles softly as he takes a seat across from her at the small table

He takes in Elysse’s small stature, the way she has her heels pressed into the seat of the chair. The way her knees, hover just below her chin, one arm wrapped around her legs as her fingers, so delicately hold her small tea cup. Her black hair, thrown onto her head in one of the messiest buns Liam had ever seen. The only new thing about her, was the dark bags under her soft green eyes.

“My Queen…” Liam says softly “When we return from our honeymoon, I think it would be wise for us to see someone. Perhaps a palace psychologist”

Elysse snaps her head up to look at Liam, taking in the way his demeanor is so stiff. His hair a tousled mess on his head, the way his pajamas are slightly wrinkled. He, like her, also has dark bags under his eyes, but he has something else in his eyes. Elysse is unable to tell whether it is fear or courage.

“Yes” Elysse says softly “I agree.”

Liam nods, pouring himself a cup of tea and looking out onto the horizon as the sun begins to rise into the sky. It was a new day in Cordonia, but for Liam and Elysse, it felt like another day they had to fight through. That’s what their lives had become. A fight, a will to survive. There always seemed to be a threat. Elysse lowers her chin onto her knees as she blinks back tears, wondering if her child will ever be safe in Cordonia. Not that she could leave now, her and Liam are married.

But she wonders if there will be revolts, if people will want her baby dead. If they’ll call it a bastard. If the poor thing will be stigmatized it’s whole life, by one poor decision she had made. Would Liam still love her? Would Drake ever find out? It was all too much, the mug falls from her hand, shattering against the tile of the patio. Liam jumps out of his chair, knocking it backwards as he takes in the situation. His eyes, wide and wild, slowly return to their normal size as he realizes Elysse dropped her tea cup.

“I’m sorry” Elysse whispers “I am so sorry”

“No, no. You have nothing to apologize for. I am simply jumpy, after the last few months is all.” Liam says softly as he holds his hand out to Elysse

She places her hand on his, their fingers lacing together as he leads her back inside of the suite. He leads her past the bed and to the couch, where he sprawls out, Elysse laying next to him, feeling safe as her back pressed into the cushions. A tear escapes, falling down her face, but Liam wipes it away before she can. He pats down her hair, his lips pressing against her forehead.

“We’ll be okay” Liam says, his voice shaky

“We’ll be okay” Elysse echoes, hoping his words have weight

They hold each other, falling asleep until their awoken by a staff member.

“Good Morning Your Majesties” A woman smiles brightly at them “There is a complimentary breakfast downstairs for you both, if you’d like”

“Good Morning” Liam smiles, plastering his Kingly face back on “We would be honored, thank you. We have a broken tea cup situation on the balcony that needs attending to”

“Of course, I will have a lady come up right away” The woman nods

“Thank You” Elysse says softly

The woman bows her head once again, before turning on her heel and leaving the room.

“So, up for breakfast?” Liam asks, arching an eyebrow at Elysse

“Sure am” Elysse smiles, her stomach churning violently as she wonders how she will get through this

They both dress quickly, a cleaning lady entering the room after they leave. Liam holds Elysse’s hand, lifting the back of her palm up to his lips. He smiles warmly at her as they step into the elevator. The elevator moves so slowly, Elysse feels as though an hour has gone by before they finally reach the main floor. They step out to cheers of people in the lobby, cameras flashing from behind a red rope. They lift their hands, waving to people as a small girl comes running up to them, her mother apologizing profusely as the small girl wraps her arms around Elysse’s leg.

“It’s fine, really” Elysse smiles at the woman

The small girl leans back, kissing Elysse’s knee before she turns and runs back to her mother. Liam lets out a small chuckle as they wave goodbye to the small girl. They follow Bastien down a narrow hallway before entering a dining hall. Decorated similarly to their wedding reception. They greet everyone as they enter, the manager informing them they offer breakfast buffet style, but would be more than happy to have a kitchen staff member lend a hand.

“Thank you, but we’ll manage” Elysse smiles

“Of course, we hope you enjoy breakfast with us and safe journeys on your honeymoon” The manager smiles before turning and leaving

Liam and Elysse stand in front of the buffet. Liam scooping eggs and fruit onto his plate, before he finds toast and some bacon. Elysse on the other hand, sits down at their table with merely some egg whites and a piece of plain toast.

“Are you feeling alright?” Liam asks, eyeing her plate “You always love breakfast”

“I’m okay, I guess I’m just not feeling too hot” Elysse says softly “I didn’t sleep well. I guess just stress”

“Okay, we’ll head back to the palace briefly after this before our honeymoon. Maybe a nap in our bed will help” Liam grins

“Maybe” Elysse grins back

They grab coffee and tea to go before thanking the kitchen staff and the managers, as they make their way out. A car sits out front waiting for them, a driver opens the door for them as they slide into the limo. Elysse rests her head on Liam’s shoulder, closing her eyes as the limo pulls away and heads back towards the palace. The closer they reach the palace, the more nervous Elysse feels. They’ll be getting ready to head on their honeymoon and she wonders if she’ll see him. Or if he made good on his promise to leave the palace and court.

Liam gently stirs her as the limo slows to a stop in front of the palace, the driver opening the door for them.

“Ready?” Liam asks, a slight grin on his lips

“Ready” Elysse says breathlessly

They both step out of the limo, the press snapping photos of them, almost all of their friends waiting for them at the entrance of the palace.

“Elysse!” Hana says happily, scooping her into a hug as the entrance doors close

“Hi Hana” Elysse smiles, relaxing into the hug

Maxwell and Bertrand greet Liam and then Elysse, before Liam asks where Drake is off to.

“He said he’d be around later” Maxwell says “He was super broody this morning, he threw his coffee mug at me”

“Oh, I’m sorry Maxwell” Elysse says

“It’s all good, totally missed me” Maxwell laughs

“Are you alright, Elysse?” Bertrand asks, his eyebrow arched at her

“Yes, I could just use a nap” Elysse says softly

“Didn’t get much sleep during the wedding night, did ya?” Maxwell grins widely, winking obnoxiously at Liam and Elysse

“Something like that” Elysse winks back

“I’ll walk you up, we’ll see you all later” Liam says

Maxwell, Bertrand and Hana all nod as they part ways, Liam’s arm looping around Elysse’s back, his hand at her waist as they make their way up to Liam’s chambers. Now their chambers. He swings the door open, scooping Elysse up into his arms as he kicks the door closed behind him.

“Welcome home my Queen” Liam grins

“Thank you, my King” Elysse giggles as he sets her down on the bed

He sits on the edge of the mattress, his palm resting against Elysse’s cheek as she turns her head and kisses his inner wrist. He grabs a lighter blanket off of the end of the bed and covers her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

“Get some sleep” Liam whispers “We’ll be off soon for our honeymoon and I fully intend to take advantage of our time away”

His voice is deep and Elysse knows exactly what he means. She feels butterflies in her stomach, mixed with fear and doubt and utter joy. She rolls onto her side, forcing sleep she know will struggle to come. Preparing herself, hoping she will be able to see him before she leaves with Liam.

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