‘Til The Sun Comes Up – Part 1

6:58 pm – Vaanti Village

“This is lame,” Zahra complained as her and Craig walked through Elyystel. “Why do I have to do this again?”

“C’mon, Z, it’s a big deal that Taylor asked you to be her maid of honor! This is the least you can do.” Craig reasoned as they sat down on a bridge, swinging their legs off the edge.

The sun was setting, when Craig came up with the idea that to throw a last minute bachelor party. Zahra on the other hand, didn’t love the idea of getting the girls together for a bachelorette party.

“See, this is why I never wanted friends.” Craig stifled his laughter, watching Zahra’s nose crinkle in distaste.

“Okay, how about this? We’ll turn this into a little competition.”

Zahra turned her face toward Craig, looking at him in uncertainty. “Okay… You’ve got my attention…”

“You and me, 1v1. Whoever throws the best party wins.”

“And, the winner?”

“Owe’s the loser one favor to be cashed in at any time.”

For the first time that night, Zahra grinned. “You’re on, dork.”

They split up recapped the plan to the rest of the group – preparing for attack.

At midnight, they strike… And they won’t stop ‘til the sun comes up.

12:00 am – Taylor and Sean’s cabin

Sean awakes to the sound of glass shattering, making him jolt up in bed. He looks right, moonlight shining on fiancée whose still sound asleep, and tries to wake her.

“Hmm… Wha…?” Taylor rolls away from him onto her side, shoving her face under the pillow.

“Taylor! Wake up, someone’s here!” He shakes her shoulder.

I swear on my life, Sean Marcus Gayle… if someone’s not dying, I’m gonna end up a widow before we even get married!” She finally sits up glaring at him… Only to see two figures in gas masks throw something onto your bed before going unconscious.

12:15 am – [location unknown]

“Uggh – my head is throbbing…”

Taylor awakens to an unexpected sight and a figure standing over her.

Welcome to your mother-fucking, goddamn bachelorette party.”

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