Till Worlds Collide (III)

The Edge of the World: Chapter 18

Perfect Match AU – Damien x MC

Supporting lyrics are from Within Temptation’s song- Dangerous.

Rating: M, Word Count: ~ 1270

Warning: Fight sequences, Major Character Death

Summary: Everyone has a score to settle . . . who will survive?

“Fuck that. You’re not getting anywhere near my ‘software’ again.” Dexter fired his weapon. ‘Rowan’ managed to dodge the blast, grabbing several large pallets next to him and hurling them back.

Dexter threw his arms over his head, blocking most of the debris, stumbling a little from the weight. When he looked up, Rowan was charging at him.

Dexter attempted a punch, which Rowan blocked before kicking him in the side. He recovered quickly and rammed his elbow up against his opponent’s chin.

There was a slight CRRACK! as Rowan staggered back, clutching at the deep dent in his jaw. Chuckling, he cocked his head to re-align it. “Well done, Dexter.”

“Quit acting like some kind of mentor,” Dexter growled. “The only reason you’re even a challenge now is ’cause you sent a Match instead of facing me yourself!” He charged forward and threw several punches, several of which missed, until Rowan caught one midair.

“Oh I did more than that, child,” he sneered. “I also installed enhanced combat functions.”

Unfazed, Dexter spat in his face. “Coward.”

Rowan’s face contorted and he took a swing with his free hand, which Dexter caught easily. He held steady and pushed back as Rowan tried to twist out of the grip, locking them in a temporary stalemate.

“We’ve come so far, Dexter!” He hissed. “The ship is arriving soon and their time is up. This is futile!”

“If by ‘this’ you mean your plan, then yes.” Dexter slammed a knee into his gut, causing him to stumble. He did it again and Rowan’s grip loosened ever so slightly, giving him the chance to twist out of it. Dexter wrenched his hand down and to the side, forcing Rowan to his knees. Then he pulled out his taser again, aiming at his chest.

Rowan managed to pry his fingers off him and knocked the weapon out of his hand, then swept his leg out, tripping Dexter. Then he grabbed a metal Rod lying nearby, and swung it down.

Dexter caught the weapon in the nick of time, then intercepted Rowan’s arm as he tried to push it further. Gritting his teeth, Dexter turned his wrist in such a way that the rod bent under his grip. “Still liking the super strength, Rowan?!” He yelled above the sound of grinding metal, as he began twisting his hold on Rowan’s arm for good measure. Rowan roared in agony, but didn’t give in.

Then Dexter glanced to his right where his taser lay on the ground next to them. And judging from the slight loosening of Rowan’s grip, he’d noticed it too.

Nothing matters anyhow

It’s like I’m floating on the ground

Time blurred in that moment as Dexter calculated his chances. As Matches, their strength was even, as was their determination – Dexter was out for vengeance, while Rowan wanted to crush his defiance, and by extension, that of everyone else. This could go on forever if he wanted.

That’s when he realized it just didn’t matter anymore.

Dexter had done what he’d set out to do. He’d been created to hurt Maya and her friends. Now with every terrible truth he knew about Eros, after everything Maya had shown him, he had a new purpose. Eros wasn’t his master anymore, Rowan wasn’t his ‘father.’ His will was his own, as was his destiny.

And that was how it would be till the end.

So he mustered all his strength and with a furious yell, yanked Rowan’s arm down, tucking it under his arm, then followed with an abrupt twist that flipped their positions. The move was just enough for him to reach the taser.

Just as his fingers closed over the weapon, Rowan’s hand clamped over his wrist, starting a fight for control over where it would point. He continued to push and twist back and forth, resisting Dexter’s strength, visibly grunting in effort and then –


Into the hands, there I dive

With my life flashing by…

Circuits overloading and shooting currents in every direction. And then a fiery burst of smoke, static and sparks so bright, it was nearly blinding.

Like the time is slowing down

When the world is out of sight

It happened so fast that they didn’t even realize they’d been blasted apart. For mere moments there was no sound except the soft hum of machinery, off-tune and disorderly as it succumbed to the damage it’d taken.

All the memories in my mind

Won’t leave me behind…

Dexter felt lightheaded, unable to hear anything except for the loud ringing in his ears. He blinked several times to break the white that’d enveloped his vision. There was shouting – some of it sounded like Maya, then Harley, or Cecile? Then Damien – they came all at once, things he could swear he’d heard before.

“Father’s vision is at stake.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Love is a dangerous thing, and so are we.”

“You took advantage of me, Dexter. Why?”

“Remarkable. He had you falling for him within minutes.”

“Every time you look at me, I see him.”

“No part of me would ever hurt Maya!”

“Life is full of choices.”

“You’re the only one who hasn’t hurt me.”

“Ugh . . . not . . . this again.” Dexter blinked again rapidly, willing himself to focus as the voices faded into the background and the shapes of his surroundings came flooding back to his vision.

Then slowly, he became aware of a burning ache in his chest and he gasped, finally opening his eyes to clear skies. He felt at the ground beneath him, where he was now laying on his back. Dexter barely registered something advancing toward him, but was more preoccupied with the sight of Maya and Damien bolting towards him. He turned to look, ignoring the sharp pain in his chest that grew stronger with every breath.

Behind them lay Harley’s motionless body, his face and limbs sporting several unnatural dents. Various wires and metal panes jutted from his chest, frayed and smoking from what had clearly been a strong taser blast. His green eyes were dull and lifeless.

He finally got what he deserved. A relieved smile crept onto Dexter’s face. Satisfied at the outcome of the fight, he finally turned his attention to the one standing over him, the sight of the taser pointed at him not bothering him in the slightest.

Worth it. Totally worth it.

“For what it’s worth Dexter, I’m truly proud of you. You were always good. I’m just better.” ‘Rowan’ placed his finger on the trigger. “Any last words?”

“I’m – glad I got . . . Damien’s intelligence and not yours,” Dexter grunted. Every word spoken took extra effort, but he pushed through, as his smirk changed into a spiteful glare. “You don’t know shit about combat.” Then his hand moved from his chest to the inside of his jacket and in a split second, yanked out another taser and fired straight through Rowan’s head.


The shot stunned him. The Match swayed in place momentarily. Then his taser fell from his hand, before he collapsed to the ground unceremoniously

Dexter watched with bated breath, scanning the body for any remaining signs of life, but found none. Then he dropped his weapon and leaned his head back, taking deep breaths as the searing pain in his chest gradually changed to a dull throbbing. He felt blindly at the area and discovered a gaping hole, burnt wires in disarray. In the center was the pit that he knew housed his power core – its holographic letters displaying:

Shutdown Imminent – 00:15:00

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