Time to Grow

Time to Grow
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This was my entry for the anonymous fic challenge on Tumblr. It’s a short Olivia piece set pre-series (by about 10 years).
Pairing- Minor Liam/Olivia
Rating- PG
Summary- Olivia ponders an upcoming birthday and her relationship with Liam. (pre-series)
Words- 434

“I’ll be eighteen next week,” Olivia mentioned casually as she saddled her horse.

Liam grinned as he did the same, “are you afraid, I forgot? I have the date set aside, no courtly obligations,  I’m all yours for the day, whatever you want to do.”

Olivia’s heart clenched at the words, but she doubted he meant them like that… No matter how much she wanted him too. “So many possibilities,” she said instead, pretending to think, and then turned serious. “But, that wasn’t what I meant. I”ll be 18. Legally an adult. I think, maybe, I should go back to Lythikos.”

She watched Liam carefully, waiting to see his reaction to her words. Would he ask her to stay? Would he miss her?

He was quiet as he mounted the horse. “I guess, it makes sense, you are the Duchess,” he said finally, “and I know, I know you’ll do a wonderful job leading your people.”

Olivia flushed slightly at the compliment.

“I’ll miss you, though,” Liam commented and Olivia’s heart lept before quickly sinking at his next words, “with you and Drake both gone, it’ll be awfully quiet around her.”

He was comparing her to Drake, tossing her in with his commoner friend. Because that was all she was to him, just a friend.

If she’d hoped her announcement might stir something in Liam, a confession, or even just a realization, it appeared she was going to be sorely disappointed. But… She refused to give up hope, maybe the announcement hadn’t change anything but perhaps distance would. Maybe absence really did make the heart grow fonder as the stupid saying said.

“Race you?” Olivia asked after a moment, determined to clear her head.

Liam grinned. “Of course.”

Then there was just no more talking, just the fresh air and the easy feel of companionship. Olivia felt a sudden stabbing pain at the realization of how much she was going to miss moments like this. But… She couldn’t go on like this, living in the palace, a burden on the royal family, someone Liam felt obligated to care for. She needed to go and maybe, maybe in doing so she’d get what she always wanted, but if not… If not, then she’d need the distance because she couldn’t let her whole world revolve around Liam.

She was a Nevrakis. She had obligations. And more than that, she had pride. It was time for her to stand on her own two feet and once she’d asserted her independence and shown the kind of woman she was, then… Maybe, maybe the rest would come too.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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