Tire Pressure

Author’s Note: A silly Parker x Ivy fic that literally came to me while I was sitting in the carpool line one morning. And for the record, yes … I would totally ask Parker to check under my hood. 😉


Ivy was curled up on the chair at the kitchen table, a steaming mug of coffee in her hands and Parker’s baggy Troop #327 sweatshirt draped over her snug leggings.  She shivered despite the warmth of the ceramic in her grip, her gaze lingering on the snow-lined railing on the apartment balcony of their apartment. This winter had been excruciatingly cold, and she had avoided the outdoors as much as possible for the comfort of their cozy apartment and her sweats.  Unfortunately Parker didn’t have that same luxury … someone had to keep the streets of Pine Springs safe from the Abominable Snowman. Or at least maintain a semblance of order in the dreaded carpool line of Pine Springs Elementary.

She chuckled as she pictured Parker out there at the school, directing the traffic flow of minivans and SUVs.  He loved being around the kids, giving them high fives and fist bumps as they filed past him into the building … they made enduring the frigid weather tolerable, even enjoyable.  She just hoped their smiles and greetings would be enough this morning to keep him warm while it was 14 degrees and snowing.

She heard the front door open and turned to see Parker walking in, snow tumbling off his heavy coat as he stomped his boots on the doormat.  His cheeks and nose were pink from the cold, his eyes barely peeking out from under his stocking cap pulled low to cover his ears. He closed the door behind him and started pulling off his gloves, finally lifting his head to find her watching him.  His lips curled in a smile when he saw her. “I see you’re enjoying the heat this morning?”

“That I am, Officer.”  She quipped playfully, rising to her feet and walking into the kitchen.  “I am happy to rest easy in the comfort of our home knowing that you’re out there maintaining order in the world.”  She poured him a big mug of coffee, grinning widely as he discarded the remainder of his outerwear and made his way towards her.

“Good morning.”  He dipped his head down to press his lips to hers in greeting, his hands curled around her lower back.

Ivy jumped at the contact, the cold seeping from his body into hers.  “Ohmygod! You’re freezing Parker!” She shook her head as he laughed, reaching for the warm mug and offering it to him.  “Please … drink this.”

“Thanks.”  Parker took a long sip, settling against the counter as he watched Ivy start cleaning up the kitchen.

“So, how was it this morning?”  She called over her shoulder as she cleaned the dishes, bending down to load the dishwasher.  

Parker stared down at the steam rising from the hot coffee, his brows knitted in contemplation.  “It was, um …”

Ivy raised her head, giving him a concerned look as she wiped her hands on the front of her shirt.  “What? Did something happen?”

Parker shook his head, a sheepish smile on his face as he ruffled a hand through his hair.  “No, not exactly. I just had to help Mrs. Devine with a flat tire after she dropped her kids off.”

Ivy pictured the recently-divorced middle-aged mom in her Juicy jumpsuit, always perfectly coiffed and fully made-up, even at 7:30am in the carpool line.  She rolled her eyes internally, knowing exactly where this was going. “Oh really … is her tire okay?”

Parker shrugged, tipping up his mug to drain the last bit of his coffee.  “Turns out it wasn’t flat, just a little low due to the cold. I helped teach her how to check it though.”

“I’m sure she was veeerrryyy appreciative of that.”  Ivy didn’t even try to mask the sarcasm in her voice.  “Did she ask you to check under her hood after?”

“Pfft, Ivy!”  Parker scoffed, giving her an exasperated look as he rinsed his coffee cup in the sink.  He turned back to face her, his arms crossed over his chest. “Don’t be like that. She just needed some help.”

“Oh COME ON Parker!”  Ivy blurted out, shaking her hands in the air for emphasis.  “These carpool moms all have a thing for you, and you’re too sweet to blow them off.  They eat it up!” Parker grumbled his disagreement under his breath, but couldn’t form a coherent counter-attack to her statement.  

Ivy sighed, placing her hand on Parker’s forearm to get his attention.  “Parker, just last week you helped Mrs. Richards jump her car which, as it turns out, was absolutely fine.  And the week before, you spent ten minutes with Mrs. Ortega giving her detailed directions … to the post office.  She’s lived here for five years, Parker! She knows where the post office is by now!”

Parker’s face twisted as he pondered the accusations.  “I know, I know Ivy … but I’m a civil servant. It’s literally my job to help people.”  He shrugged again, giving her a helpless look. “What am I supposed to do, say no?”

Ivy smiled softly, squeezing his arm in reassurance.  He was right … while these women may not have the purest of intentions, he couldn’t say no.  And she knew he wouldn’t anyway … and that’s what she loved so much about him. “No, Parker …. you shouldn’t say no.  You’re right.” She leaned up to press a sweet kiss to his cheek, then turned to finish tidying up the kitchen.

The room fell quiet as Parker started sorting through the mail on the counter and she put items away in the cupboard.  It was then she got her wicked idea. Speaking in a casual tone over her shoulder as she worked, Ivy began her lighthearted inquiry.  

“So I am curious … how exactly do these women solicit your assistance?  What did Mrs. Devine ask you this morning … Excuse me, Officer, would you like to pump my tires?”

Parker rolled his eyes, giving her a quick annoyed glance.  “Come on, Ivy …”

Ivy turned to face him, leaning back seductively against the kitchen counter which a mischievous smirk on her mouth.  “Or when you pull someone over for cutting in line … do they get out of the car and ask if they should spread ‘em?”

Parker chuckled softly, refusing to look away from his task at hand but Ivy could see the small smile curling the edge of his lips.  “I cannot say that I’ve heard that one …”

Ivy sashayed across the kitchen and nestled up against him, tracing a finger lightly up his arm.  “How about ‘Is that a gun in your pocket Sir, or are you just happy to see me?’” She stifled a giggle, cupping her hand over her mouth.

Parker finally looked up at her, his eyes twinkling in amusement.  “Okay that one was just horrible.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry … I’ll stop.”  She tried to fight the laughter bubbling in the back of her throat.  “But Officer Shaw, what a big stun baton you have!” She blurted out, the dam finally breaking as she burst into a fit of giggles.

Parker’s face broke into a wide grin, his chest rumbling as the laughter came rolling out.  “Oh, you wanna see my stun baton, Ma’am?!?” He quipped playfully, dropping the papers in his hands to make contact with the ticklish spots along her sides.  “I’ll show you this HUGE stun baton, alright!!!” Ivy wriggled against his dancing fingers, squealing and laughing so hard that she was nearly breathless when she finally broke away.  

She slowly started moving backwards, trying to expand the distance between them.  “You’ll have to catch me first.” She gave him a sly smirk before cutting swiftly around the couch, running as fast as her petite frame could carry her towards the bedroom.

“Oh now you’re gonna get it!” Parker took off behind her, finally tackling her against the cool sheets of their bed and quieting her laughter with his mouth on hers.


4 thoughts on “Tire Pressure”

  1. Can’t blame those car pool moms, they don’t have a choice not to stare at Parker. He’s the sweetest thing. I love that he’s got an unwavering sense of justice and responsibility for his town. Thanks for this lovely writing again 🙂

    1. Those carpool moms do have excellent taste June! 😉 You are right though, Parker is such a good man … even the Chief of Police enjoys the occasional morning duty at the elementary school. Thanks so much for reading June!

  2. This is so cute T! And I have to admit, Parker would definitely brighten up the carpool lane. I love the dynamic between Parker and Ivy and the way she teases him.

    1. Thanks so much Misha! As a mom who frequents the carpool line myself, I know I could use some Officer Eye Candy. 👁 👁
      Thank you for reading! 😘

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