To Be the Man Who Wakes Up Next to You

Author’s Note: These two are just the epitome of fluffy silly couples in my mind and I love writing their stories.  I honestly can’t decide if this fic is funny because it’s so bad or it’s just plain ridiculous, but either way I couldn’t stop smiling while writing it.  And yes, I was listening to the song referenced here on repeat while writing, which definitely had something to do with the silly tone.  I hope this makes you smile today. 😊

There are a few references in here to my first Seth x Jess fic, Middle America’s Finest.


“So tell me again why I can’t see what’s in the basket.”  Jessica gave Seth a sideways glance, fighting to hide her amusement as he shifted the heavy picnic basket from one arm to the other.  She casually shrugged her small tote bag up further on her shoulder as she gripped Rocky’s leash in her other hand.  Their large lab mix continued to tug excitedly on the leash, pulling her forward as they approached the park.  

Seth hooked his elbow through the handles of the basket, resting the bottom of it against his hip as he walked.  “Oh, you know, snacks and stuff.  A ball to play fetch with Rocky.  Nothing unusual.”  Jessica observed him as he spoke, trying to catch his eye to no avail.  She still couldn’t figure out what he had hiding in that basket that was so heavy, but she could definitely tell when Seth was up to something.  He was a horrible liar, a trait that she actually appreciated about him except for the occasional surprise birthday party he had botched.  

“Alright, alright …” she mumbled nonchalantly, resigning herself to wait patiently for whatever mischief Seth had in store.  

The trio entered the park and strolled along the sidewalk, surveying the area for an open place to lounge near the fenced-in dog park.  It was still early and relatively unoccupied, therefore they still had their choice of prime locations.  Jessica walked over to a shady spot under a large tree overlooking the pond, a slight incline dipping towards the water.  “How about this?”  She asked, turning to look at Seth as he glanced around curiously, his brow furrowed pensively.  Rocky sniffed around the base of the tree before lifting a leg to mark his territory.  “Well nevermind, I think Rocky just claimed our spot for us.”  She giggled and patted the dog’s head before realizing that Seth seemed to be a million miles away.  “Seth?”

Seth shook his head as he came out his daze, his eyes shifting back towards her.  He processed her statement for a moment as he studied their surroundings, then plastered his best fake smile on his face.  “Sure Iowa, this is great.”  He set the basket down at his feet, lifting the edge to stealthily pull out a large blanket and spread it across the ground as Jessica watched him closely.  He was being entirely too serious and quiet … something was up.

“Seth, are you okay?  You’re acting weird.”  Jessica placed her hand on his arm and peered up at him with a worried expression.  

His face softened and his body relaxed as he stared down into her warm brown eyes.  “Yes, sorry … I was just distracted.”  He pulled her to him in a big bear hug, nuzzling his chin in her hair before placing a gentle kiss to the top of her head.  “I’m fine.  Here, why don’t you lay down and relax while I take Rocky to walk around?”  He motioned to the blanket behind her, reaching down to take the leash from her hand.  “Can you entertain yourself for a bit?”  He asked while slyly digging through the basket to retrieve a tennis ball.

Jessica plopped down in the middle of the blanket with her bag, pulling out her book before spreading out across the fabric.  “A good book, 76 degrees, and nowhere to be … I think I can manage.”  She smirked up at him, placing one arm under her head as she leaned back and admired the view as he walked away.  

A indeterminate amount of time later, Jessica felt a shake and woke abruptly.  Apparently she had been a little too comfortable and had been reading with her eyes closed for a few minutes.  “Hey Sleepyhead, I thought you were reading?” Seth mocked her playfully while Rocky sniffed her face.  As she felt the dog’s rough, wet tongue slather across her cheek, any remaining remnants of sleep were quickly licked away.  

Jessica wriggled underneath the large dog’s kisses and she sat up laughing, pulling the dog to her to return the affection.  “I guess I must have dozed off for a minute.  Did you guys have fun?  Did you have fun, boy?”  She spoke in her goofy doggie-mom voice, a deep playful tone reserved only for her four-legged boy.  

“We did, but we missed you if you can’t tell.  I told Rocky I wanted to be the one to lick your face this time, but he’s so selfish …”  Seth snickered as he watched the two wrestle on the blanket.  “Are you ready to get up?  Because we have a surprise for you.”  He bent down to offer a hand to Jessica, who took it suspiciously.  

“I knew you were up to something, Seth Levine!  You two weren’t playing fetch, were you?”  Jessica arched a brow at him as he pulled her upright, noticing the shy grin on his face.  

“Patience, grasshopper!  Come on, it’s all ready.”  He guided her towards the dock at the edge of the pond, clicking his tongue to call Rocky along.  As they made their way around the large tree that had served as her shelter this morning, Jessica noticed a small rowboat tied to the wooden pier. The enormous picnic basket was already situated in the helm of the tiny boat waiting for them.  Jessica’s eyes widened at the site and glanced again toward Seth, whose shy smile had been replaced with a look of nervousness.  “Can I take you for a quick turn about the pond, milady?” He dipped into a dramatic bow making Jessica chuckle, before carefully assisting her into the boat.  He stepped down afterwards and turned to help Rocky jump in. The dog settled on the floor of the boat between his two masters as Seth took an oar in each hand and pushed away from the dock.

Jessica leaned back in the boat, luxuriating in the sun’s warmth on her skin as the boat plunged forward with each powerful stroke of the oars.  Rocky rested his head in her lap and she stroked his ear lazily.  She gradually noticed the steady rhythm of the oars slowing down and raised her head to look around.  They were in the middle of the pond, with nothing but the calm water surrounding them.  Seth was bent over the basket, a look of concentration in his furrowed brow as he scrolled through something on his phone.  She was about to ask if needed any help when he turned around with a compact Bluetooth speaker and set it along the side of the boat next to Rocky.  He looked to meet her gaze with a focused stare, ensuring she was paying close attention, the pressed a button on his phone with a flourish of his hand.

A soft electric guitar solo fluttered through the airwaves from the speaker, a melody that Jessica immediately recognized before she even heard the lyrics.  When I wake up, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who wakes up next you … She laughed out loud as the quirky lead singer belted out the vocals to ’I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)’, enjoying the look of amusement on Seth’s face when she started singing along theatrically. If I get drunk, well I know I’m gonna be, I’m gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you …

“Do you remember what you said about this song?” Seth questioned her, a goofy grin spread across his lips.

Jessica chuckled as she recalled the story.  “Of course I do!  It was the day we moved in together.  We were unpacking the kitchen and this song came on the radio … and I said it reminded me of you.”

“And tell me, why is that, Iowa?”  Seth gave her a cocky smirk.

“Well, because this song is so funny and goofy and even obnoxious at times, yet I love it and it always makes me smile.”  She smiled warmly at him.  “Just like you.”

“And that day I knew … I knew you were the one for me.”  He cleared his throat, his jovial expression transforming into one far more serious.  “Iowa … ahem, Jessica …” he grasped her hands in his, his eyes glossing over with emotion.  

“Seth. Are you okay?”  Jessica rubbed her thumbs along him reassuringly and dipped her head to peer into his eyes.

“Shhh, Jess … Just let me get through this.” He patted her hands and reached one hand behind him to pull another item from the basket.  “Jessica, the first day I met you I knew my life would never be the same, because only a special girl can turn a feral raccoon tame.”  He reached behind his back and pulled a stuffed raccoon from the basket and handed it to her with a heartfelt grin.  Jessica burst out laughing, remembering their first interaction in her new apartment.  “And ever since when times got rough you were my North Star, because you bring happiness wherever you are.”  He pulled a can of Coca-Cola covered in golden star stickers from behind his back and placed it in her hand.  Jessica could only shake her head and giggle as she listened to his cheesy sonnet.  His nervousness had faded away as he contintued to rhyme in a sing-song voice.  “Friends to lovers is our favorite trope, but to any who call it bologna I tell them ‘Nope’.”  This time he pulled an authentic bologna sandwich out of his favorite He-Man lunchbox, taking a big bite out of it with his smirking mouth before resting both items on the bench beside her.  “And just like this song and this horrible poem I know l sometimes annoy you, but to be with you I would walk 500 miles until my feet were black and blue.”  He paused for a moment, studying her face, then took a deep breath.  “Jessica, you’re the one I’ve waited for all of my life …” He shifted his weight to lean back and dig into his pocket, pulling out a small red velvet box.  “Would you do me the great honor of being my wife?”  He flipped open the top of the box to reveal a simple solitaire engagement ring.

“Oh … Seth, I …” Jessica blubbered, shocked and overwhelmed as the happy tears began streaming down her face.  She met his stare, a hopeful yet hesitant stare … “Of course I’ll marry you!”  She flung her arms around his neck, nearly knocking him over in their tight quarters.  She pressed joyful kisses to his cheeks before finding his lips, sharing the taste of her warm, salty tears.  Rocky wiggled underneath them, leaving excited doggie kisses around their faces in approval.

Seth laughed overtly, a relieved and happy release of emotions that had been bottled up for the weeks he’d spent planning this.  He grasped her left hand in his and placed the sparkling ring on her dainty finger, admiring how it glittered in the sunlight.  She beamed as he studied it and stroked a lock of his blonde curls from his face.  Da da da (da da da), Da da da (da da da), Da da da dun diddle un diddle un diddle uh da …  

“I just can’t believe it … ” Jessica babbled while inspecting the ring. You know, I knew something was up as soon as you brought that huge basket, Seth Levine.  You’re an atrocious liar.”  She snickered, nodding towards the basket.  “What else do you have in there that’s so heavy, anyway?”  

“Well …” Seth pulled a bottle of champagne from the basket, dangling it in front of her face.  “I figured we should celebrate, since you’re finally making an honest man outta me.”  He winked sardonically and pulled the cork, spilling champagne all over his hands and the boat.  He slurped it off and handed the bottle to her, pulling the now-lightweight basket into his lap to rummage through it.

“I will drink to that!  Hand me the glasses.”  Jessica wriggled a little happy dance on the bench, giddy from her newly-engaged status.

Seth glanced back up from the basket, a guilty look on his face.  “Sooooo … in all my preparations for this elaborate production, I kind of forgot about packing actual glasses.”

Jessica giggled, relishing this moment as … well, as just so Seth.  Funny, loving and innocent.  And she wouldn’t want him any other way.  “Even better.  Cheers!”  She lifted the bottle to him in tribute before tipping it up and taking a huge swig of the crisp bubbly beverage straight from the bottle.  She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she handed it back to her fiancé.  He took it graciously from her and took a chug of his own.

But I would walk 500 miles, and I would walk 500 more … The song played softly in the background of their festivities, finishing its second play on loop.  Muffled by their laughter and chatter, but there nonetheless.

“Seth … can I ask you one favor?”  Jessica requested innocently before taking another gulp.

“Anything for you, my lady love.”  Seth cocked his brow playfully.

“As much as I love you and I love this song … please promise me you’ll only bust it out on special occasions!?!”  She pleaded apologetically.

Seth’s face dropped in a wounded frown, a look of hurt on his face … until the corner of his mouth started twitching and the laughter started rolling from his belly. “Thank God, Iowa … even I can only take so much of this song!”

Just to be the man who walked a thousand miles, To fall down at your door …



Author’s Note (continued): This story combines two fic requests from @darley1101 for #17 Go on a picnic in the park, and #32 Rent a tiny rowboat on a small pond and read sappy poetry to each other.  I honestly don’t know how you could do the second request without writing something as ridiculous as this.  Thanks for the ask Dear! 😘

2 thoughts on “To Be the Man Who Wakes Up Next to You”

  1. I’m laughing, I’m crying (of happiness), I’m squeeing uncontrollably! My heart is so happy right now! EEEEE! This was so adorable and funny and so very Seth. That poem was ridiculously sweet and silly (just like Seth). And his nervousness (and use of humor to cover it up) was so true to his character. He is definitely a horrible liar and it’s so cute. THE SONG IS SO PERFECT FOR SETH! Then he forgot the glasses! 😂😂
    I absolutely cannot express how much I loved this! Definitely one of my favorites now! Brilliant job!

    1. Thank you so much!!! This fic idea started as a joke but then I heard that song and it turned into a thing. It was just so Seth! 😂 Thanks so much for reading!!!

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