Together – Flynn x F!MC (NSFW)

Notes: This takes place after the events of Chapter 2. I decided to have Flynn and MC head back to her room to discuss what they know so far since they can’t seem to trust many other people in Birchport. Then I started listening to my friend’s cover of “Wicked Game” on SoundCloud (check it out, it’s seriously amazing) and this fic happened. I nearly included an extra scene at the end where it cuts to the police station and the agent says, “Ma’am, we really didn’t need that much detail about that specific event …” but I resisted the temptation 😂 Hope you enjoy it!

Flynn paced across the floor of Jesse’s room at the B&B, rubbing a tired hand over his eyes. “Okay, let’s go over it again. What do we have?”

“Not much,” Jesse said as she folded her legs on the bed and picked up her notes again. “I made a list of the timeline and possible subjects, but …”

Flynn sat beside her on the bed and leaned over to see the paper. His arm brushed her knee and she was very aware of how close he was to her. His hair smelled faintly of mint and she resisted the urge to lean closer to get a better smell.

“Who would kidnap her?” Jesse asked, trying to refocus. Flynn snorted derisively as he leaned back against the headboard.

“Who wouldn’t?” he asked. “The Sterlings are horrible people and my money is on Margaret.”

“If that’s true, then there’s no way the Sterlings would carry out anything themselves. When you’re that rich, you can hire someone to do your dirty work for you,” Jesse said. “I just don’t understand why they’d do this to Kate … or what ‘Ulysses’ means …” She paused, studying the notebook. “Flynn, do you–” She stopped when she looked over and realized he’d fallen asleep. Jesse smiled sadly at the furrow of worry that remained between his brows, even in sleep. Carefully, so as not to disturb him, Jesse slid off the bed and switched off the lights. She sat back down on top of the covers and pulled out her phone, opening the flashlight app. It was late, after 2AM, but she just wanted to go over her notes one more time, certain there was something she was missing …

The gray, pre-dawn light pushed at the edges of the curtains. There was an arm around Jesse as she lay on top of the bed, and it took her a moment to realize it was Flynn. Still half asleep and without thinking, Jesse turned so that she was facing him and she slid her arm around his waist, slipping her hand just below the hem of his t-shirt to rest on his back. A moment later, her eyes snapped open. God, what was she doing? Yes, he was sexy as hell, but this was so inappropriate. They barely knew each other. Jesse was about to pull away when Flynn tightened his arm around her.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep,” he murmured sleepily. “Is it okay that I’m here?”

“Yes,” Jesse said quickly, before she could talk herself out of telling the truth. She still felt so tired from so little sleep, but as she awoke and began to fully take in her proximity to this beautiful man beside her, she found it hard to relax at all. “Is … is this okay?” she asked as her fingers traced gentle lines across the bare skin of his back.

“That feels nice,” Flynn said, pulling her a little closer to him so that their bodies were flush. Excitement and desire circled within Jesse, a snake eating its own tail. He took his hand a smoothed the hair from her face. His nose brushed against hers, his lips stopping just shy of her mouth.

“Is this okay?” he whispered, the movement causing his lips to touch hers, just for a fraction of a second. In reply, she tilted her face closer, closing the distance between their mouths. Flynn kissed her softly, his lips moving slowly against hers as if they had all the time in the world. In fact, for Jesse, the world seemed to have condensed down to that single moment, the feel of Flynn beside her, kissing her. She flattened her hand against the muscles in his back, trying to bring him closer, but it didn’t feel like enough. When Flynn slid his leg between hers, she brought her leg up to his hip, pulling him to her.

Flynn’s hand was on her knee now, sliding higher to the hem of her dress. But when he reached the edge of the fabric, he hesitated as if waiting for permission. She nodded as they kissed and his fingers roved higher, the calluses on his hand making her shiver. Flynn’s hand was on her hip now, pulling down the thin string of her panties to leave nothing between his skin and hers. But still, his kisses were slow. Jesse was fully awake now without a trace of her previous fatigue. She wanted more, wanted to go faster, but she forced herself to follow his pace.

As Flynn’s hand caressed her hip, Jesse began to ease his black shirt up, exposing tattoos and hard muscles. Flynn let go of her and sat up, pulling the shirt off and dropping it off the side of the bed. He looked down at her as he began to undo the buttons of her dress, his fingers slow and deliberate. Flynn delicate opened the dress, gently, like pages in a book. Jesse sat up and let the soft fabric fall from her shoulders to her waist. Flynn cupped her face in his hands and kissed her gently as Jesse undid the clasp of her bra and slipped it off her arms.

Flynn laid down again and Jesse lay her chest on top of his, overwhelmed by the feel of his bare skin against hers. He ran his hands down her sides, taking his time to caress every curve until he reached her dress, still bunched around her waist. He pushed it down, hooking his fingers in her underwear as he did so, removing all traces of her clothes until they were low enough for her to kick them away. Flynn gently maneuvered her until she was beside him again, pulling her leg back up over his hip.

He kissed her deeply, his hands seemingly everywhere at once, caressing her breasts, brushing at the warm wetness between her legs, clutching at her hips, pressing her lower back to bring her closer, always closer. Jesse let her hands trail down over his stomach to the button of his jeans, undoing them with far less finesse than he’d used on her dress. She was both surprised and delighted to discover that he wore nothing underneath his jeans and she pushed away the denim, revealing his hard length. Jesse took him in her hand and rubbed him against her wet folds, teasing him, not letting him in yet.

“God, Jesse,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust. It was the first drop she’d noticed in his composure. She felt a thrill when he said her name and for a moment she felt certain she could come just from hearing him whisper her name over and over.

Finally, Jesse guided him in and she felt Flynn grip her leg harder, heard him give a slow groan of satisfaction as he entered her. He gave her a moment to adjust before he began to move inside of her, slow and steady.

With every measured stroke, Jesse could feel the climax building within her, the one that had desperately wanted to grow since he’d first kissed her. She looked into his eyes and found him looking at her. Jesse normally found it uncomfortable to look directly into someone’s eyes, but she couldn’t look away from Flynn’s. Every stroke brought her deeper, closer to the edge and to Flynn. She could feel the sweat on his skin under her hands as she gripped his shoulders, his kiss salty from her own skin, but still they went slow.

After a while, though, Jesse couldn’t go slow anymore. Her hips bucked against his, begging for more, and he obliged, thrusting harder, faster. Flynn gripped her leg, holding her tightly. Jesse closed her eyes, feeling the waves pulse through her. Her cries were muffled by Flynn’s kiss covering her mouth and he soon groaned as he came with her. They slowed and finally stopped, both breathing heavily. Flynn kissed her tenderly as they lay there, still connected, still holding each other.

We’re in this together, Jesse thought as she rested her forehead against Flynn’s. Her mind wandered to the pages of notes scattered on the floor beside the bed and the growing light of the rising sun outside. Together.

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Hey all! I'm just a caffeine addict who loves Choices a little too much. Hit me up on Tumblr or, if you really like my stuff, consider supporting me on Patreon. Have an incredible day! Tumblr: Patreon:

2 thoughts on “Together – Flynn x F!MC (NSFW)”

  1. Wowwww, Lola, this was so good and so hot. I loved the physical attraction they had, and that feeling of connection Jesse had at the end was really sweet. I’m a sucker for the pairing that accidentally falls asleep next to each other and wakes up entwined, so I loved this even more for that.

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