
Summary: Liam can’t wait anymore.

Note: Not canon.

Her hands are warm and soft as they drift across his bare chest and stomach, lips trailing after. Her fingers glide down to trace along his hips and dip beneath his waistband. He sighs in pleasure and threads his hands into her hair. She pauses briefly to look up and smile at him. His breath catches in his throat and he tugs her up impatiently so he can kiss her, tongues tangling together.

He bites her lower lip and she jumps against him.

“Too hard?” he asks in a whisper, running a thumb over her lip.

“Mmm, a little. But I like it,” she whispers in his ear.

He groans. “Jesus, Allie. You’re killing me here.”

She smiles wickedly as she sits up and tugs her shirt over her head. He can’t help but stare, hands reaching out for her. She snatches his wrists and pins his arms over his head, leaning down against him. “Not so fast, King Liam.”

“Allie…” he’d be embarrassed about the whine in his voice, but he’s so turned on and impatient that he can’t be bothered to care.

She presses her hips into his and he jerks in pleasure. “Trust me…it’s worth the wait.”

Liam awakens suddenly, flushed and breathing hard. It’s the third time in a week he’s had this dream. He sinks back into his pillow, groaning and closing his eyes in frustration. Damn his self control and guilty conscience making him behave in a manner befitting royalty at all times. Sometimes he wishes he was more like Leo, and could just do whatever he wanted without really caring about how it might reflect on him or the royal family or the entire country.

Almost without realizing what he’s doing, Liam throws the blanket back and tugs a t-shirt on before padding down the hall quietly. He scans the hallway before knocking on the door in front of him.

“Liam?” Allie’s dressed in a long t-shirt and is deliciously sleep rumpled, and he almost slams the door behind them and carries her to the bed.

She ushers him in and softly closes the door behind them. He pulls her into him and presses his lips to hers fiercely, hands gripping her hips tightly. Allie sucks in a surprised breath, then loops her arms around his neck. His hands slide under her thighs and he lifts her, grunting as her legs wrap tightly around him.

He sets her down on the edge of the bed, leaning over her and moving his mouth down her neck and sliding his hands to graze across the bare skin of her stomach. Liam smiles as he feels Allie shiver underneath him and thread her hands into his hair. He moves them back on the bed until they’re lying down, then tugs her on top of him.

He stares up at her, flushed and smiling, and tucks her hair behind her ear. She leans down and kisses him sweetly.

“Not that I’m complaining, but what’s gotten into you?” she asks.

He can feel his face redden. “It’s kind of ridiculous…I keep having these dreams about you.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to wait anymore, Allie. I want you,” he breathes in her ear.

“I thought you wanted to be traditional and wait until we’re married?” She’s having a hard time remembering why she agreed with that idea when his fingers are brushing against her hips and he’s pulling her down to suck lightly on her neck.

“Well, we’re engaged now. What if we make our own tradition?”

He slides her t-shirt up, caressing her back and sides and pushing her hips down into his.

“You’re making it…really hard to…say no,” she manages to gasp out.

“Then don’t,” he whispers, sliding his hands just underneath the back of her underwear.

“Huh,” she pants. “Okay.”

He stills. “Yeah?”

She sits up, grinning as she pulls her shirt over her head. “Yeah. So…wanna show me what happens in these dreams you’ve been having?”

He rolls them and grins down at her. “I do.”

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