Trust in Me

A/N: Inspired by this post but with my twist and Etta James’ classic song, Trust in Me, here’s my next Ethan fic written from his perspective. Taking place at the end of chapter 7 and in the beginning of ch. 8 ,this took a more emotional path than originally intended but here we are. Hope you all enjoy! 

Word Count: 1860

Rated: PG-13 for very light swearing and slight steamy moment.

Summary: Ethan Ramsey is forced to let Katrina in on his secret but maybe being vulnerable isn’t as bad as it seems.

Silence. As a doctor that’s a rarity. For they’re constantly engulfed by noise whether it’s from the sirens of approaching ambulances to the continuous chatter of passing by residents. It’s a never-ending loop of ceaseless sound. Yet, for Ethan Ramsey sitting beside the hospital bed of his mentor and friend, for the first time all it’s silent.

Minus the soft humming of the machine beside the older man, the silence in the barren wing almost brings a comfort to Ethan. It balances out the chaos that resides in his mind. The last few weeks have been nothing but stress, despair, and isolation. He’s never been a man for sitting idly by, but in this case, he feels so powerless. Ethan watches as Dr. Banerji fights to keep his eyes open but inevitable loses at this time. He turns his head away briefly as he feels his eyes glisten.

“Naveen, I…I’m almost at my wit’s end. I don’t know…”

He sighs and rests his head in his hands as he contemplates on what to do next. It’s only for a few seconds before he hears light rustling from outside the room when he looks out and makes eye contact with Dr. Katrina Michaels. He looks back down for a moment and curses to himself.


He glances up once more to catch her deer caught in headlights expression and sees her swiftly walk back down the corridor. Ethan bolts from his seat and out the room to chase down Katrina.

“Rookie! Stop!” his voice calls out to her sternly.

She freezes in her movements and he notices her flinch slightly as she turns back around to face him

“Look, Dr. Ramsey…I’m so sorry…I didn’t mean….” she says nervously.

Ethan observes her every motion as she turns her attention away from him to his mentor. He pinpoints where the look of confusion and concern lose the battle to her curiosity.  He can tell she’s anxious about what she’s accidentally discovered but also eager to get answers.

“But… didn’t Dr. Banerji resign? What is he doing here?”

He shakes his head as his eyes grow somber and then pauses and pinches the bridge of nose in frustration before looking down at Dr. Michaels.

“Katrina, you cannot tell anyone what you’ve seen here. Do you understand?”

Her face falls dolefully.

“Of course Ethan.” she says softly.

“Thank you…” his voice trails off as he nods.

Ethan’s hands visibly tremor as he scratches through overgrown stubble on his chin.

“Ethan. Tell me the truth. What’s going on?”

He breathes an unsteady yet even breath before answering Katrina.

“He’s dying. Dr. Banerji is dying.”

“Oh God…” Katrina trails off as her hand covers her mouth in shock from the news.

“And I’m unsure what to do. Everything is coming back inconclusive…” Ethan turns away from Katrina to gather himself.

He blinks his eyes to rid them of prickling tears as he runs his hand aggressively through his hair. Distracted for a moment he didn’t notice a petite pair of arms wrapped around his waist and the pressure of a head placed gently on his back. His muscles tensed involuntarily as he became aware of Katrina initiating such an intimate act.

“If this is too uncomfortable for you I’m sorry, but you look like hell…and well, in need of a hug.”

The last of Ethan’s resolve broke at Katrina’s words. He wasn’t entirely sure what came over him but he placed his hands over hers and carefully removed himself from her hold. Then let go and turned around so he was facing her before he threw himself into her arms.


Katrina slightly caught off guard from the sudden movement managed to readjust herself so that her arms wrap around Ethan in a comforting hold. He let his arms rest comfortably on her waist and his head on her shoulder as he closed his eyes to breathe steadily silently in and out.

Ethan didn’t utter a word for a minute. He knew he should’ve said something, anything but any words that would’ve been said died at his lips. He just needed a second.  He almost forgot how nice it felt to be in a women’s arms. And in Katrina’s, things did not seem as hectic as they were. Soon the haziness of his mind was clearing and he cleared his throat and reluctantly began to extract himself from her embrace. He stood a mere inches away from her as he ran his fingers through his head causing a loose curl to fall in front of his face.

“My urm apologizes…I hope this or myself is making you uncomfortable. It’s just…

“Sshhh. Breathe Ethan. It’s more than okay. Everyone needs someone they can lean on…to trust.”

She placed her hand against the side of his cheek then reached up to swipe the curl from his eyes.  He noticed the small flush that crept up her cheeks and neck as she crept closer to fix his hair. Feeling her fingertips ghost over his skin made his breath catch in his throat. Before her hand pulls back away he firmly catches her wrist and maneuvers her closer to the point their faces almost connect. His blue eyes bore into her hazel ones. Both hypnotize by the other.  They’re breathing grows shallower as each second pass. Ethan can read the nervousness but hints of something darker lingering in her eyes.

“Ethan?” she murmurs.

Whether it was from allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of her or just indulging in hidden desires, at the moment, a switch flipped for Dr. Ramsey.

He closed the distance between them to gently cusp Katrina’s face and bring her lips to his. All his stress, loneliness, and desires poured into a single kiss. He then slowly let his fingers drift further down her body. From her neck he playfully gripped it while his other hand found its way to the small of her back pressing her body into his. He can feel her arms roam his shoulders and link around his neck as he nips at her bottom lip.

“Mhmm…Ethan…Wha-?” Katrina managed to say as she breaks away to catch her breath.

“Don’t question it. Just let us have this.”  he whispers into the side of her neck before returning to assault her provocative lips. He soon feels Katrina’s eager tongue as she battles him for dominance. He slowly moves his hands from the small of her back and carefully backs her against the wall. He then roughly pins her arms above her head with one hand while the other rises to caress her breasts. He breaks away from her lips, nipping as he goes and then focuses on roughly biting and sucking on her neck. Katrina’s eyes roll to the back of her head as her breathing becomes heavy.

“Ooooh…mhmm…Ethan!.” she cries in pleasure.

Ethan feels his pants grow tighter as she calls his name. He fondles her breasts tighter and grinds his hips into her as he leaves multiple lovebites that darken on her coffee complexion skin as he licks over them.

“You’re mine, Katrina. My Rookie.” he says gruffly.

“Ramsey…Dr. Ramsey… sir?”

Ethan scrunched his face in confusion and suddenly he’s no longer in the closed off hospital wing or pressed against Katrina, but in his office. He lifts his head from his the top of his desk and blinks his eyes, adjusting to his surroundings and sees a figure lingering by his opened door.  He rubs his hand over his face before getting a good look at the person and of course it’s the woman who was just in his dreams.

“Erm..Rookie. What do you need? It’s past your shift right?” he says hoping his face doesn’t reveal the heat he feels on his cheeks.

He tries to ignore the uncomfortable tightness from the bulge in his trousers, internally thanking any of the deities out there for being able to hide his indecent predicament as Dr. Michaels enters his office. She shuts the door behind her as she walks closer to his desk.

“Yes it is, but I came to annoy my favorite attending.”

“How unfortunate for me.”

She smirks at him as she folds her arms over her chest.

“You know you like me.”

Ethan feels his heartbeat skip a beat to her words. But he managed to keep his signature stoic expression.

“Keep telling yourself that, Rookie.”

“One day I’ll get you to admit it. Maybe with my cleverness or my feminine wiles.” she tells Ethan. He can see a glint of mischief in her eyes.

He shuffles in his seat delicately as he noticed his problem from earlier is still present.

“Maybe one day I’ll be able to knock that ego of yours.” he responds rewarding her a small smile hopefully that it masks the lust hidden in his eyes.

“If you say so.” she purrs.

Ethan discerns both of their subtle flirtations and decides to steer them back, even though deep down he enjoys the moments when himself and Dr. Michaels engage in their sly cat and mouse game. Whether he likes to admit it or not.

“But really, what brings you by?”

Katrina smiles brightly before her face returns to a more professional expression.

“I’m here to get your address so we can discuss…you know, Patient X.”

“Ah yes. You have questions, understandable. Come by around ten o’clock. Hand me your phone.”

Katrina fishes in her coat and passes her phone to Ethan and he enters his information. They’re fingers brush as he returns her phone, feeling a small shock of electricity. He looks to Katrina trying to see if she felt the same thing as he did. He notices her subconsciously gnawing at her plump bottom lip as she turns to put her phone away which reminds him of his racy dream from moments ago.  Ethan feels himself grow warmer as his thoughts linger back to his fantasy. He’s pulled back to reality by Katrina’s voice.

“Okay. Perfect. Umm…I’ll see you tonight.”

He leans over his desk and runs his hand through his head once before clasping his hands together.

“Erm…yes. And Rookie, like I asked earlier, please keep this between the two of us.” He knows she promised earlier but he needed to hear it again.

He stares her down as he waits for answer. Unlike others Katrina isn’t intimidated by his steely gaze and she intensely tenderly stares back as she speaks.

“Of course, Ethan. I know you’ve walked your path by yourself for some time now, but you don’t have to anymore. I’m here. Trust in me.”

Katrina smiles one last time before retreating from where she came. Ethan watches as she leaves and continues to stare at the door as it closes behind her. He lets out a breath in relief that he didn’t realize he was holding. For once it felt nice to not feel as if his whole world was on his shoulders, but to have someone come along and help him lift it up. To share his burdens. Despite the original purpose of this meeting, Ethan’s lip twitches upright as he anticipates tonight.

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Hello sunshines! Fellow Choices player for about two years. Fanfic author for a year. I create content whenever inspiration strikes.

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