Truth and Death (Part 5)


Hiding in the shadows, Princess Danielle watched the scene unfold in the royal healing chamber, eyes glowing. The Lunar king looked to his mother’s encasement, his smile slipping. He turned back to the sleeping guardian in his arms, gently rubbing a thumb across her soft cheek. “Meghan? I love you.” She didn’t respond, and the king sighed, a tender but sad smile gracing his lips. Danielle stepped out into the soft light of the chamber, drawing the king’s attention. The king startled, pulling the guardian closer to his chest almost subconsciously. He relaxed when he saw it was Danielle, but only slightly. The king took in her eyes and predatory stance. He was quickly up on his feet, fists tightened and ready to strike.
“Why don’t you wake your earth-girl? She fights all your battles, doesn’t she?” The princess stepped forward just as Rory stepped in front of the guardian, his hands glowing, ready to strike. “Why don’t you love me like that? I’m the one meant to rule by your side. Does your mother’s blessing mean so little to you, King Rory?” Her gaze fell on the queen’s sleeping body. “I don’t know what the hell you are, but leave the queen mother out of this. Where’s Danielle?”
The figure shrugged, reaching to place a warm hand on Rory’s cheek. Rory dodged the motion, blasting her straight through her torso, blue light illuminating both their faces. Unfazed, Danielle looked down at the hole, watching as fire knitted her back together again. “A gift from Belluma.” Her shaped shifted, and Rory recognized the Mars Raider from the attack on La Lune. The very one who’d entered his mother’s personal room. He snarled, lunging for the raider. Quick as lighting, a ring of fire surrounded the guardian’s body, taking the king off guard. The flames closed in on her until they suddenly halted, just a breath away from setting her ablaze.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, King Rory,” the raider chuckled darkly, delighting in the sheer terror in Rory’s eyes. “Please, don’t hurt her,” Rory whispered, eyes prickling with unshed tears. “I don’t want a fight, young king. In fact, I’ve been ordered not to pick a fight with you, even if I could easily kill you.” The raider held out his hand, waiting for the Lunar royal to take it. “Come willingly, and maybe you can plead your case with the goddess.” Rory looked back at his mother and the guardian, both peacefully sleeping, and the ring of fire that still danced around. “Extinguish the flames and I’ll go with you,” he spoke after a moment. Instantly, the fire was gone, the Mars Raider with his hand still offered to the King. The king took it, watching as the the Raider disappeared and a line of fire encircled him, snaking upwards until Rory was gone too.
The next day, all of La Lune awoke to a transmission all the way from Venus: King Rory was taken, and Venus was responsible. “Our planet has grown tired of your games, La Lune. We demand-” the transmission cut out, Seraphine looking back at the space where the image of her son’s captured body lay and the self-satisfied smirk of Princess Danielle was. Shakily, she reached a hand out as her maid hurried to steady her. Nothing could describe the awful sound that left her lips other than a mother’s heartbreak.
Somewhere on the second floor, the guardians, minus Erin, stood in a loose circle in shock and confusion. “I saw him with the Princess, I had a vision,” Meghan racked her mind, searching among the clutter of memories. However, the night before was a mystery. “I knew she wasn’t to be trusted,” Clint crossed his arms tightly, and Skye rolled her eyes, giving him a sidelong glance.
“Of course, Clint. She was evil from the start.”
“Are you sure there’s no other clues, nothing else that seemed suspicious when you found me?” Meghan turned to look each of her friends in the eye. “Aside from the scorch marks in the healing chamber, neither you nor the queen mother was harmed,” Malcolm explained, pulling his sister in for a hug. “The queen mother!” Meghan slipped out of his embrace, rushing to the stairs. “Meghan!” he called after her, but she didn’t slow down, traveling up the stairs in a quick manner. Seraphine was the only one in there with her. Maybe she’d awaken from her slumber to witness something, anything that might help Meghan piece the night of the abduction together.
The sound of mourning reached her ears before Meghan approached the door frame, and with some apprehension, she made her way to the entrance. The queen mother sat facing her large mirror, tears pooling in the corners of her eyes and trailing down her cheeks one after the other.
“Queen Mother,” Meghan kneeled, one knee up and the other flush against the ground. She was all alone, and with narrowed eyes she turned to look down at the guardian. “Leave me at once. Am I not allowed to mourn my only child’s death?” Meghan quickly stood, coming up to Seraphine. “Death? King Rory still breathes, just the same as you and I!” Seraphine laughed through her tears, shaking her head. “I can feel the end for both of us, rather nearer for me.” She picked up her cane beside her, twisting it in her bony hands. “Because of me, the Lunar line will end, and no future heir will be able to restore what’s lost.” Meghan scoffed, looking the queen mother dead in the eyes. “Let us go, and bring him back. Clearly your design to bring the Lunar and Vensian kingdoms together wasn’t honored. As moon guardian, this is-” Meghan’s impassioned speech was interrupted by Seraphine’s painful onset of coughing. She held a hand up to stop Meghan and sat up again, clearing her throat. “I admit, I’m not sure what my son sees in you,” she began, and Meghan felt her earthen blood rush from her face. “But I’ve been told I am a stubborn woman.”
Meghan almost forgot the reason she’d even stepped foot in the queen mother’s room “When you rescue my son, tell him I’m sorry,” Seraphine sighed, allowing her eyes to close. “Queen mother?” Meghan asked, when Seraphine didn’t move. Meghan’s panic grew. “Queen Mother? Queen Mother!” But Seraphine stayed very still, and Meghan ran from the chambers, yelling to anyone who would listen that the queen was dead.
** ** **
Guardian Erin loomed large over the real princess, and was determined to get some answers. On her way to the others, Erin had passed the great hall, stopping once she recognized the bent over shape on the floor. “Hey!” Danielle squawked when Erin heaved her up by the shoulders, suspending her in the air. “We don’t take kindly to threats in the moon kingdom, Princess,” she tightened her grip, scowling. Danielle cried out in pain, scratching at the guardian’s hand. “Let go of me, you filthy Lunar! How dare you handle me like an earth rag-doll,” Danielle snapped, but Erin wasn’t amused. “I’d look in the mirror, Princess. I don’t think you have the right to call me filthy.”

Erin’s free hand glowed with light and Danielle’s eyes grew in size. “What have you done to the Lunar King?” Erin held her glowing hand closer to Danielle face, who squirmed in fear. “I don’t know anything! I swear! I was attacked by a-a shadow figure! Please, I was only having dinner with him and left to catch my breath,” Danielle burst into tears, bewildering the guardian. “Shadow figure? Have you gone mad?” Erin loosened her grip, not sure what to believe but still suspicious. “Your planet has declared war on La Lune,” Erin said, watching the princess’s expression closely. “Why would Venus declare war? Have you gone mad? We are trying to unite the kingdoms, not drive them apart!” The color drained from Danielle’s face as she thought of her still weak people. “No,” Danielle sobbed into her hands. “No, no, no, this is all wrong,” her watery voice broken down. Erin softened, convinced that something was amiss. “Come on, you’re going to help us get back our King,” she spoke sternly, carrying Danielle away. The princess took one last glance at the mural of the goddesses, dismissing the too-quick-to-catch flash of blue light that illuminated Lune’s image.

Back with the guardians, still reeling from the news of the queen mother’s death, Meghan spotted Erin walking over with the Venus princess, whose face was puffy and red. Meghan felt her cheeks heat up in anger, and her twin felt more than noticed the change in his sister. She marched forward before Malcolm could speak. “It wasn’t enough you hated me, you had to go after our home. My home,” Meghan yelled, ignoring the way Danielle shook in fear. “Our Queen is dead, our king is at your mercy, are you here to mock us?” Erin placed a reassuring hand on Meghan’s shoulder. “Apparently it’s a bit more complicated than that.”

Danielle yanked her arm away from Erin, but before she could take another step, Skye appeared between her and Meghan. “Meghan’s too nice to do anything, but one false move and we’ll be having a different conversation,” Skye spoke in the same low tone as her friend, more hostility in her stance. “Skye, wait, I believe her innocent,” Erin argued, and five pairs of eyes turned to her. Danielle swiped viciously at her face. Skye took in her tattered gown and messy hair and snorted. “She sheds a few tears and hasn’t seen a good wash in a few hours, and we’re supposed to pity her?”
Danielle glared at the red-head, standing more than a few inches shorter than her. As if sensing an issue, Malcolm came and stood next to her, imposing with his arms crossed tightly across his chest. He stood eye to eye with Danielle who visibly shrunk. “You know, if Meghan hadn’t been in the room when Seraphine died, I would have suspected you the murderer,” he spoke coldly.
“I’m the victim here too!” Danielle sniffed. “Whoever sent that transmission wasn’t me!” Clint and Natalie shared looks, the first shrugging to the other. “You’re the victim?” Malcolm asked dryly. “Yes! I haven’t been back to Venus since I stepped foot on La Lune. And this voice spoke to me! How do I know none of you were responsible for it? Standing here and pointing fingers of blame towards me.” Skye looked over at Malcolm who gave her a sharp nod, and drew up glowing orbs in her hands. Clint and Natalie followed suit, Malcolm pulling out his knives as a precaution.

“I swear on your goddess, I speak the truth!” Danielle yelped in surprise, taking cover behind Erin. Meghan held a single hand up, speaking again for the first time since the princess had appeared. “Declaration of war. The raider attacks. The princess claiming to hear voices…”

“You think I’m lying?” Danielle snapped, but jumped back when she caught sight of Skye’s threatening stance. “I don’t know what to think,” Meghan responded. “But I do know what we have to do.” Meghan pulled out her sword, nodding to Danielle. “You’re taking me Venus, and Skye is coming with us.” Malcolm laughed, shaking his head in protest. “We’re all coming with you, that’s not up for discussion.” Meghan looked down at her sword for another moment, as if weighing her options. “No,” she said finally and her twin balked in surprise.“
“I need you here with Erin, Clint, and Nat. La Lune can’t sustain another attack from the Mars Raiders without you.”
“Meghan, you have no idea what you’ll be up against on Venus! We’re a team! All of us.” Meghan noticed the way he addressed Skye as much as he chastised her. “Well I’m the leader of this team, and I say stay here and protect our home, Malcolm. We’re going to Venus, to stop all of this once and for all.” She took a few steps from the group, pulling an unwilling Danielle with her. “And I’m not completely in the dark,” she sighed, addressing her second thought to no one in particular. “Lune defeated Belluma before, and so can we.”
Erin pulled out her weapon, the staff of Vega, and grinned. “We fight for La Lune, or we die trying.” Natalie pulled out her star chain just as Clint placed a star shaped ring on his forefinger. The three of them each nodded to Erin before heading outside the palace. Only Malcolm looked torn between duty and love. “We’ll be back, Malcolm,” Skye began, but Malcolm took her off guard as he brought his forehead to hers. She closed her eyes, heat rushing to her cheeks and warmth spreading throughout her body. “My planet is dying and you’re worried about two people as opposed to an entire race?” Danielle’s screech brought them back to the present, but Malcolm only had eyes for Skye in that moment. The broke away from each other and Malcolm turned to his sister, wrapping Meghan in a tight hug. “If anything happens to you,” he warned, and Meghan held him tighter, before bringing her forehead to his.
“I have to save him,” were her parting words to him.
** ** **
Even while bound and gagged in the Venusian throne room, Rory’s mind raced with possible plans of action. Using his Lunar gift, he’d attempted to burn away the constraints that held him captive, but to no avail. His mind traveled to Meghan, and the tension in his chest subsided only slightly. At least she was safe. He laughed in spite of himself. She was a guardian, one of the most powerful warriors of La Lune and he of all people was worried for his safety. It should have been the other way around. “What’s so funny, mortal?” Rory strained to look behind him as the goddess of war strode in with the Venusian crown on her upon her head. She was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, and his years of living on Lunar confirmed this belief. But it didn’t distract Rory from what she was. Pure evil. She pulled the gag from his mouth, pulling hard on his shirt while he fell forward.
“You can prance around in a crown all day long, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re a tyrant. It’s only a matter of time before you’re sealed away again,” he spat. He was threatening an ancient power of all things, but Belluma’s chosen form did nothing to ignite fear in Rory’s heart. Reeling her hand back, she smacked him hard across the face. The pain spread all over, and the Lunar king groaned in pain. “It would have been much more satisfying to do that to Lune, but I guess you’ll have to do.” Belluma shook her head, a catty smile forming on her lips. “Listen and listen well, King,” she gripped Rory’s cheek, forcing him to look at her. Her eyes peered into the very depths of his soul. “With each power change, I’ve become that much closer to your precious moon kingdom. My raiders ensured as much.” Belluma released him, watching his head hit the floor. He groaned. “I know you’re listening, old friend,” she addressed the surrounding walls. “You can create them in your image, endow them with your magic, but at the end of the day they’re all disposable.”
Rory coughed, the action more painful than the slap. “The guardians will be here,” he grunted, rolling over on his side. “If the queens before me didn’t surrender La Lune, what makes you think I will?” Belluma let out a wicked laugh, which attracted her army of Mars Raiders. Rory realized it wasn’t all of them, and the throbbing in his cheek and head intensified. “I don’t think, I know. It isn’t duty that guides you, Rory, and it isn’t duty that led you straight to me.” Belluma turned to address her raiders. “Go. If you can’t take the moon by force, weaken them all until there’s nothing left to defend.”
One by one, the raiders disappeared in a cloud of thick smoke, until it was just Belluma and Rory again. “If you’ll excuse me, I have war to fight,” she smiled sweetly, sauntering away. Rory was alone with his injuries, hardly any strength left to defend himself. “Lune…please…” he whispered before his eyes fell close.
** ** **
Skye looked from Meghan to Princess Danielle, her dark lips set in a hard line. “I’m offended that you would even suggest a thing like that,” Danielle sniffed, as they touched down on a star situated between La Lune and Venus. Teleporting all three of them had been more of a challenge than Skye had anticipated. Between Danielle’s complaining of Eartherns being more trouble than they were worth, and Meghan’s cutting remarks, Skye had had enough. “This isn’t Venus,” Danielle looked around in confusion. “Skye, why have we stopped?” Meghan asked, but halted once she caught the scowl on her face. “Meghan, I know you’re trying to do the right thing, but if I had to listen to one more word that comes from her mouth,” Skye pointed accusingly at Danielle, “I’m liable to lose her in space and not retrieve her.”
She took a menacing step toward Danielle. “For someone so stuck in the past, you can’t be bothered to see what’s right in front of you. King Rory is in trouble now. You’re planet is suffering now. Tearing Meghan apart for her ancestry isn’t going to save either party. I’m not going to stand here and be the peacekeeper between you two, so suck it up or we leave you on this star.” Skye closed her eyes, channeling her Lunar ability. “And I thought Venusians were supposed to be loving,” she muttered to herself. At the mere mention of her people, Danielle deflated, confusing Meghan. Skye held her hands out to Meghan and Danielle. “Well come on, every minute is wasted while we stand here.”
Arriving on Venus, the guardians took in the foggy, dismal planet, a chill settling deep in their bones. The warmth usually present on an inhabited planet was noticeably absent, and even Danielle’s shimmer glowed dimmer. Meghan startled when she caught sight of Danielle’s silent tears. “Venus was love starved before we involved La Lune in our last effort.” Meghan pulled her hood closer to her face. “Love starved?” Skye questioned. “The Lunar King. He was my last hope.” Skye still didn’t understand, mouth opened to ask another question, but the arrival of some Vensians halted any further conversation. Their eyes were lifeless, as if they’d been drained of anything they were. Skye raised her hands, balling them into fist, while Meghan lifted her sword. “Stay behind me,” Meghan warned, but the princess pushed through their safe zone and rushed to her people. “Danielle!” Meghan yelled, just as one of them reached for a strand of her hair and gave a hard pull. The hostile group closed in on her “Goddess, help us,” Skye moaned, rushing after Danielle. Meghan looked over her shoulder to see three Mars Raiders come into view, their burning bodies clearing a visible path. “Get the Princess to a safe spot, we’ve got company!” Skye transported Danielle to a higher clift away from the fight, while Meghan slashed with her sword. “Don’t hurt them!” Danielle’s screams rang out in the air. “So it’s fine if they hurt us?” Skye transported next to Meghan, rolling her eyes.
“Just stun them!” Meghan grunted as she took on a Mars Raider, rolling on the ground to dodge a near attack to her face. More raiders appeared, and it was all the two guardians could do to watch their backs as well as their owns. “There’s too many,” Meghan yelled, sinking her sword deep into a raiders before quickly pulling it out again. It sunk to the ground only to promptly be replaced. “We’ve got to call for reinforcements,” Skye agured, grabbing Meghan by the shoulders and teleporting her to a less congested level just below them. Meghan’s sword glowed, as if in response to Skye. “No, La Lune needs the others. We’re split up for a reason,” Meghan argued back. “Look out!” she plunged her sword into the raider that had crept up on Skye. Before she could pull back, something grabbed Meghan’s neck. “MEGHAN!” The sword flew from her grip, and in her struggle for air, Meghan’s vision clouded and her hearing faded. She felt a burning sensation across her neck, but screaming was out of the question. The Venusian plane disappeared, and Meghan lost consciousness completely.

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