Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I am on a smutty streak right now, lol. This one is a response to two prompts: “You’re a bad habit.” (I paraphrased) and “trying to distract the other with sex while they’re “busy””, this is set sometime after Sarah returns from the prism verse.

Rating- NSFW

Pairing- Kenji/MC

Summary- Sarah decides to give Kenji a taste of his own medicine while he is on the phone.

Words- 938

I walked into The Grand and after a quick scan of the room, headed straight for the back and Kenji’s office, knowing he’d be there. Grayson had been in New York for the last several days, which meant that both Kenji and I were working harder in his absence.

I knocked lightly and then walked in. Kenji was sitting behind the desk, on the phone. He smiled when he saw me and waved for me to come in. I did, closing the door behind me before crossing the room.

“I’m staring at the order sheet right now,” he said in obvious frustration, “I can tell you what I ordered, but I also know what I received and they aren’t the same thing.”

I could tell he was fighting to keep calm and I ran my hand over his shoulder in a comforting gesture. He smiled, placing his hand on my mine and squeezing before going back to his conversation.

I stood there for a few minutes, listening to him go around and around circles with the supplier, starting to wonder if I should go back out and have another drink while I waited for Kenji. But he looked so stressed and I didn’t want to just leave him.

Then a truly naughty thought popped into my brain and I smirked. It was actually a very Kenji-like thought and it occurred to me that not only did he need a little stress relief, he needed a little dose of his own medicine.

I maneuvered myself in front of him, ignoring his look of surprise and then knelt in front of his chair, placing my hands on his thighs and reaching for the belt of his pants.

“What are you doing?” Kenji asked, raising an eyebrow, covering the mouthpiece of the phone.

“Helping you relax,” I said, as I pulled down his zipper.

“I’m not sure I’d call that relaxing,” Kenji muttered, “no, I didn’t say anything,” he said into the phone, giving me a look.

I smiled serenely and eased his pants and boxer down, noticing that he raised himself up slightly to help me. Obviously, despite his words, he didn’t actually object to my plan. I took him in my hand, pumping up and down, enjoying the way his pupils dilated and his breathing got heavy even as he tried to focus on his conversation. After a moment, I decided to up my game and lowered my mouth to him.

“Sarah,” Kenji groaned in a low breath, arching his hips into me. “No, I wasn’t, hmmm… Yes, I’ll double check on my end and get back to you.”

He slammed down the phone and then tugged at my hair, pulling me back. “You are impossible,” he commented lifting me onto his lap.

I straddled him. “If I am, I learned it from you. You’re a bad influence, teaching me all kind of bad habits.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t like it,” Kenji muttered, slipping his hand under my skirt. Before I realized what was happening, he yanked my underwear, tearing them off me. Oh, so it was like that.

He immediately slipped two fingers into me causing me to gasp. “So wet already,” he said in a low, satisfied voice, “so you like toying with me, huh darling?”

“Maybe,” I admitted, clutching his shoulders as he continued to work me with his fingers.

“I like teasing you too,” Kenji told me, pulling his hand away, causing me to whine. “But I also like following through.”

He suddenly grabbed my hips and pulled me forward onto him. I clutched at him harder, adjusting to the feel of him inside of me. After a moment, Kenji began to thrust up into me, his hands still digging into my hips.

I moved with him, moving myself up and down on top of him. Our lips met in a messy kiss, one of my hands threading through his hair. Kenji trailed his lips down my neck and then began to suck on my collarbone. He tilted his hips hitting just the right spot and I cried out.

“That’s it,” he encouraged, “you’re so beautiful when you come.”

I clung to him, tugging at his hair, the other hand digging into his shoulder as I rode the wave of pleasure. As I spasmed against him, Kenji continued to thrust up into me, harder and faster and I knew he was close.

“Sarah,” he groaned as he came, spilling himself inside of me.

I collapsed against him, my forehead resting on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close.

“That was unexpected,” he teased after a moment, “but I’m not complaining. Though, you know I’m going to have to call that supplier back.”

“But it can wait until tomorrow, right?” I asked, my head still on his shoulder.

“It can,” he agreed, gently tugging on my hair and pulling my head back so he could kiss me. “Do you want to go out and enjoy the club for a while?”

“I have no underwear,” I reminded him. “Because someone has no self-control.”

Kenji smirked, “you started it.”

I laughed and got off his lap, heading towards the attached washroom so I could clean myself up.

“Maybe we should stay here,” Kenji mused, “it would serve you right.”

“Maybe,” I agreed when I emerged, “but then it might prevent me from doing it again.”

Kenji grinned and wrapped his arm around my waist. “We wouldn’t want that. Let’s go home, darling, and then we can get started with round 2, though this time we’re going to do it my way.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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