Two Americans in Cordonia: Chapter Four

Two Americans in Cordonia
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a while and will return them when I am done.
Author’s Notes- I’ve been majorly stuck on this, mostly because I didn’t want to go back and replay the chapter. But I finally got motivated and the next chapter should be faster. Thanks to @lizzybeth1986 who gave me the idea of combining multiple dialogue options to make the scenario believable and show both women’s personalities.
Rating- PG
Summary- Eleanor and Amelia discuss the social season and meet Bertrand.
Words- 1292

Chapter Four


Eleanor had a dreamy look on her face when she entered her room. Apparently, her rendezvous with the prince had gone well.

“Amelia,” she said, obviously surprised to see me waiting for her.

“I figured we could exchange post-ball notes,” I explained, “and you can tell me all about your maze time with the sexy prince.”

She let a dreamy sigh. “He’s exactly as I remember and there’s this connection… I really think he might be ‘the one’.”

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. I wasn’t sure I believed in love at first sight or anything like that, but I wasn’t all going to burst Eleanor’s bubble. She deserved a happily ever after more than anyone else I knew, besides she had ‘fairytale princess’ written all over her, so maybe this would work out exactly the way she wanted it too.

“I think he feels the same,” she continued, “but he’s a lot more cautious, I guess he has to be.”

I could hear her disappointment and I knew that a part of her had wanted Liam to sweep her off her feet and immediately declare his love for her, as impractical and unrealistic as that might be.

“What do you know about this social season?” I asked her, seeing my opening to bring up what Drake had told me. “How it works, I mean.”

Eleanor shrugged, “not much. Liam said it was a chance for the council and the court to get to know the potential queen.”

“And apparently, a lot of people get a say, not just Liam,” I added, “people who might not be inclined to pick an American commoner.”

Eleanor  rolled her eyes, “I know the odds are against me, Amelia, I’m not that naïve.”

“Good,” I answered, “because I feel like you are going to have to be both tough and realistic if you have any chance of surviving this thing.”

“I will survive,” Eleanor said with a determined tilt to her chin. “Because I believe I am what Liam needs, so I’ll just have to do my best to show that I can be the Queen Cordonia needs as well.”

I grinned. “Well, you know you’ll have me in your corner.”

She smiled, “I do. I’m so glad you’re here, Amy.”

“Me too,” I told her, no way was I going to let her do this alone because it sounded like she was going to need someone to watch her back.

Just then there was a knock on the door and then Maxwell stuck his head in late. “I know it’s late,” he apologized, “but I want you two to meet my brother.”

A man a few years older than Maxwell, who might have been attractive if not for the sour expression on his face, entered the room. He gave us each a once over and then scowled, obviously finding us both lacking.

“This is Eleanor,” Maxwell said, pulling her forward, “and her friend, Amelia.”

Eleanor smiled, “it’s nice to meet you, Bertrand.”

Bertrand’s frown deepened. “The proper way to address a duke is ‘Your Grace’,” he scolded.

“Oh, I’m so sorry, Your Grace,” Eleanor said immediately.

I just rolled my eyes. “Maxwell didn’t mention the stick up your butt.”

Bertrand’s expression grew frosty as he looked back and forth between Eleanor and I. I had a feeling I was making Eleanor look more attractive.

“Maxwell, a word,” he said after a moment, pulling his brother out of the room. I moved towards the door, so I could hear what they were saying.

“Amelia,” Eleanor scolded, staying back, “eavesdropping is rude.”

I rolled my eyes, “yes, but information is valuable. Besides you don’t have to eavesdrop, that’s what I’m here for.”

I had a feeling I was going to be doing a lot of the dirty work in the coming weeks, letting Eleanor play the perfect princess-to-be while making sure she had the information she needed to succeed and to protect herself from the daggers that were sure to be aimed at her back.


Amelia stepped back as Bertrand and Maxwell entered the room.

Bertrand looked at her suspiciously. “Were you eavesdropping?”

“Yes,” she said flatly, “but Eleanor wasn’t.”

Bertrand looked at her and then at me and sighed. “At least that is something.” He turned to me. “I might seem harsh, but there is a lot resting on this decision.”

“What do you mean?” I asked curiously, exchanging a look with Amelia.

“If our suitor is chosen, we’ll win fame and recognition,” Bertrand explained.

“Something we need because we’re broke,” Maxwell said candidly, causing his brother to glare at him.

Amelia shrugged, “why is that a big deal, I’ve been broke plenty of times.”

I laughed, but Bertrand scowled. “I am sure you have, however, our situation is quite different.”

“Do you get money if the prince picks me?” I asked curiously.

“No,” Bertrand answered, “but we get prestige and fame that we can leverage in other ways and it would be best to do that before news of our situation gets out. In the circles we run in, if word got out about our financial situation, it would be a scandal.”

“But our name is still worth something,” Maxwell piped up, “we can introduce you to the right people and get you invitations to all the right events.”

That was something, besides as I told Amelia, I had no issues paying for my own clothing, in fact, I preferred it. Though I decided to stay quiet about my own financial situation. It wasn’t relevant to the situation and in a lot of ways, I preferred to be thought of as the poor American commoner. I glanced over at Amelia and she gave me a slight nod of understanding.

“I just wish we could offer more,” Maxwell said genuinely and I smiled, Bertrand might not make a good first impression, but Maxwell was a sweetheart.

“Speaking of events, are you prepared for tomorrow’s derby?” Bertrand asked and then he sighed, “I assume you know what a derby is?”

“We do have horse racing in America,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Good,” Bertrand told me, “tomorrow is the kick-off of the social season and it’ll be the first chance to make an impression on the press.”

I thought about what Liam and Amelia had both said, about how the social season was a chance for the Cordonian people to get to know their future queen. I was going to guess the press would play a big part in that.

Bertrand gave me a few instructions about what I should wear, apparently, I would also be meeting Liam’s step-mother for the first time, and then he and Maxwell departed leaving Amelia and I alone.

“That guy needs to learn to relax,” Amelia commented as soon as the door closed behind the brothers.

I laughed, “I’m sure he’d be thrilled to hear that.”

She grinned, “If it makes you feel better, you made a better impression than I did. He told Maxwell that at least he had the common sense to choose the brunette and the not the blonde with the atrocious manners.”

I laughed and then made a face, “I guess he wasn’t complimentary about me in general, though?”

Amelia shook her head, “no. He came down pretty hard on Maxwell for choosing you, but I guess they have a lot riding on this.”

“So do I,” I reminded her, “and at least that means they’re motivated to help me, right? Bertrand might be stuffy, but it sounds like he knows court life and he can guide me in the right direction.”

“That’s the spirit,” Amelia told me and then yawned, “I should get going to bed because apparently, we’re going to a derby tomorrow.”

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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