Two Americans in Cordonia: Chapter One

Two Americans in Cordonia
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.
Rating- PG
Summary- Amelia and Eleanor arrive in Cordonia and prepare for the masquerade.
Words- 1713

Chapter One


I followed Eleanor onto the private plane, taking a look around. I couldn’t believe I was on a private plane or that I would be going off on a whirlwind trip to Europe accompanied by a bunch of nobles to help my best friend possibly marry a prince. It was something out of a fairytale or a movie plot.

However, I wasn’t going to say no to a free trip to Europe. My parents were used to my wandering ways and hadn’t been at all surprised when I told them I’d be going to Europe for a few months. They were used to my impulsive decisions.

I felt a little bad for Daniel, who would be picking up the slack at the bar now that Eleanor and I had both quit, but… Not bad enough to stay behind.

There was a hot guy already seated when we boarded the plane. He looked at Maxwell. “You found two women crazy enough to go along with your scheme?”

“More like safety in numbers,” Eleanor answered, “Amelia is just coming to keep me company.”

“And to watch her back,” I added, causing Eleanor to look at me, obviously surprised. I just smiled. I loved her, but she was more sheltered than I was. I didn’t know anything about Cordonia, but I had a feeling that a court full of nobles might not be super welcoming to an American stranger, even one as beautiful and well-bred as Eleanor and I figured my job would be to watch her back.

The hot guy nodded. “Smart. She’s going to need it.” He held out his hand. “I’m Drake.”

“Amelia Grant,” I told him with a grin, “is there a last name? Or are you a really big fan of the musician?”

He laughed, it was a nice sound. “Drake Walker.”

“No title?” I asked curiously. I had already learned that Maxwell was apparently Lord Beaumont and it seemed that the object of Eleanor’s affection was a prince.

The smile vanished from his face. “No.” He said coldly.

I raised an eyebrow at the swift change in attitude, “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

He sighed. “I’m sorry. I overreacted. It’s not easy being a commoner at court, something your friend is going to learn quickly.”

I looked at where Eleanor was chatting to Maxwell and noted the way Drake looked at her. “You think this is a mistake,” I said quietly, “Eleanor coming here, I mean.”

He sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, Maxwell is right, I’ve never seen Liam look at a woman the way he did your friends last night, but… I don’t see this story ending happily either. The court’s going to eat her alive.”

“Eleanor’s tougher than she looks,” I told him, feeling the need to defend her.

“She’s going to need it,” Drake told me and I could tell he was sincere.

“She also has me,” I reminded him.

“Heh,” Drake said with a small smile, “I guess she does. So did you really decide to go to a foreign country with no notice just to watch out for your friend?”

I shrugged. “Well, that and it sounded like an adventure. I was busy saving up for my next trip anyway.”

“Next trip?” Drake asked curiously. “Where have you been?”

“I spent a summer traveling through South America,” I told him, “and before that, I did a cross-country road trip with a few of my friends. Europe was my next destination anyway, so this seemed too good to pass up.”

Even if I was probably going to blow through my savings, but that was why they existed right? “Once this social season is over, I’m hoping to head over to Greece and travel a bit.” I looked at him. “What about you? Do you get much chance to travel.”

“Some,” he told me, “I mostly live at the palace with Prince Liam, but when the court isn’t session I take some time for myself.”

“You and the prince must be close,” I commented.

“We’ve been best friends from childhood,” Drake told me, “it’s why…” He shook his head, “never mind.”

I decided not to press, after all, I had just met him. Besides, I was sure there would be time to learn his secrets later since we’d probably be going to a lot of the same events and it sounded like we’d both be on the sidelines watching instead of actively participating.

As I watched him carefully, I decided that I would definitely like to get to know Drake Walker better.\


Once we arrived in Cordonia, at the royal palace no less, Maxwell showed Amelia and I to our rooms, conveniently right next to each other, and then advised us to dress appropriately for that night’s masquerade.

He told me that the castle had a boutique, which I decided to check out.

“You know if he was going to sponsor you, he could provide your clothing budget,” Amelia commented, glancing at the price tags of some of the gowns and wincing.

“I’m capable of paying my own way,” I told her. I almost preferred it that way, like I was controlling my own destiny. If Maxwell bought my clothes, then I might feel like I owed him something, but this way I could decide how far I wanted to take this whole thing, no pressure. “I’m also happy to pay for anything you like,” I assured her.

Amelia laughed, “the dress I packed is fine. After all, I’m not trying to woo a prince. No one’s going to be looking at me, anyway.”

I nodded and pushed open the door to the room Maxwell said that he had reserved for me and then immediately backed away when I saw that it was occupied. “Oh!” The beautiful young woman said in obvious surprise.

“I’m sorry,” I apologized.

She smiled, “Don’t be. I didn’t have an appointment. I’m Hana.”

“Eleanor,” I introduced, “and this is my friend Amelia.”

“Who are you representing?” Hana asked curiously. “I don’t recognize your name or face, so you must be new to court.”

“I’m here on behalf of House Beaumont,” I told her.

“And I’m just here for support,” Amelia added, “I’m not a suitor.”

Hana looked surprised. “Oh. Well, Eleanor is very lucky to have a friend like you.”

“I am,” I said with a smile at Amelia. I looked at Hana, who was struggling with her zipper, “let me help you.” I reached over and did the zipper up with one smooth movement.

She smiled at me, “thank you so much.” She looked at me. “I can already tell that you’re different than the other ladies.”

I exchanged a look with Amelia. “How so?”

“You’re nice,” Hana said simply and then grabbed her mask. “Now if you excuse me I need to get ready. I did see a few lovely gowns that would be suitable for tonight.” I nodded and watched her go.

“So apparently common courtesy is a rarity at court,” Amelia commented, “are you sure you’re ready for this?”

“I went to private school my entire life,” I pointed out, looking at the options, “I mean, it might not be the exact same, after all these women have titles as well as money, but I know mean girls.” I held up to two gowns. “Angel or devil?”

“Hmmm…” Amelia said, looking at the gowns, “you are the unknown disrupting the social season, but you could also be the prince’s personal angel, here to save him from a loveless marriage.”

I laughed at her descriptions. “Angel it is.”

“I still can’t believe that you were willing to pick up and go to a foreign country in pursuit of a guy,” Amelia commented, “in the year I’ve known you, you’ve barely even dated.”

“I don’t know,” I told her, “it’s just… Liam, there was something different about him. Something special. It had nothing to do with the title, it was like I saw him and I felt like I had known him forever.”

“Sounds romantic,” Amelia commented, “and do you think he felt the same?”

“I’m not sure,” I said honestly, “I think he felt something,” I remembered the way Liam had looked at me, the way he had kissed me back on that boat and the regret in his eyes when we’d parted. I really did think he felt it too, except he didn’t think he was allowed to feel it.

“Do you really want to be queen?” Amelia asked me after a moment as she did up the back of my dress.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. I hadn’t given that part a lot of thought, “I’ll take it one day at a time. I mean coming here doesn’t mean I’ll marry the prince, it just means that there’s a possibility and I guess, it’s been a while since I’ve been open to the possibilities and maybe it felt like it was time to take a risk.”

Amelia’s face softened. “I’m glad,” she said sincerely, “and really, this is a pretty awesome risk to take. Three months of hanging out in a European country, socializing with the nobility and participating in cool parties? This is going to be the best adventure of our lives.”

“I’m glad you’re here with me,” I told her with a smile. “I can’t imagine how nerve-racking it would be to do this alone.”

“I’ve got your back,” she promised and she grinned, “and right now, that means getting you to the ball on time so you can dazzle your prince.” She ducked into the changing room and emerged a moment later in a simple blue gown. “Not quite fairy princess material,” she said with a laugh. “

Are you sure you don’t want me to buy you a gown?” I asked her, motioning to the red one.

She shook her head. “Nope.  I’m okay being the outsider. Besides, it’ll just help you fit in better because everyone will compare you to me and see how much more suitable you are.”

That was one way of looking at it, I guessed. I hung the red dress back up. “Ok, if you’re sure.”

“I am,” she told me, leaning over to adjust my mask, “now let’s go get you reacquainted with Prince Charming.”

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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