Two Americans in Cordonia: Chapter Two

Two Americans in Cordonia
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.
Rating- PG
Summary- The masquerade ball begins.
Words- 1632

Chapter Two


After Eleanor and I exited the boutique, Maxwell met us in the Palace lobby.

“Eleanor, you look beautiful,” he praised and then turned to me, “and you look very nice too, Amelia.” There was a lot less enthusiasm in his voice, but I shrugged it off. As I told Eleanor, I wasn’t there to play princess. My dress wasn’t fancy, but it was serviceable.

Maxwell turned to Eleanor again and gave her a bunch of instructions and then he looked at me. “Amelia, you don’t need to be announced, so you can just slip into the ballroom whenever you like.”

“Sounds good to me,” I agreed, doing just that.

I looked around me. Wow. It was like something out of a movie. Everything was so grand and glittery and everyone around me was dressed in tuxedos and fancy gowns.

For a moment, I regretted not letting Eleanor buy me a dress because I definitely stood out like a sore thumb in my plain blue dress. I could hear a couple of women snickering as I walked by and took a deep breath. I wasn’t here too make friends or impress people, it was Eleanor that had to make a good impression, not me.

I found Drake standing by himself, a glass of whiskey in his hand. I smiled when I saw he was wearing casual clothes. At least I wasn’t the only one that stood out.

“Got an extra one of those?” I asked, motioning to his glass.

“I can go get you one,” he offered, “I should have guessed that you’d be a whiskey girl.”

“That almost sounds like a compliment,” I teased.

He smiled, “it might be. I’ll be right back.”

He disappeared into the crowd, just as Eleanor’s name was called out. “And representing House Beaumont, Lady Eleanor Sloane.”

I turned to see her stepping into the room, looking elegant in her white gown.

A redhead who was standing a few feet of me scowled visibly at the sight of her. “Who is that?” She demanded loudly.

“I don’t recognize the name,” her companion said thoughtfully, “but she certainly knows how to make an entrance.”

The redhead looked furious. I watched her carefully, wondering exactly who she was. She caught me looking and glared, though not before wrinkling her nose in distaste. “And who are you? Are they just letting anyone in now?”

I just shrugged, not willing to reveal my hand just yet.

The redhead narrowed her eyes and then waved her hand dismissively. “It doesn’t matter, you obviously aren’t anyone of importance.”

She stalked off, her companions trailing after her just as Drake returned. “I see you’ve met Olivia,” he said dryly, handing me my glass of whiskey.

“Who is she?” I asked him, taking a sip.

“Lady Olivia Nevrakis, the Duchess of Lythikos and the leading candidate to be the next princess of Cordonia,” Drake told me, making a face. It appeared he wasn’t a fan, which didn’t surprise me because he struck me as a man who had good taste.

“Her?” I asked in surprise. “She seems like a total bitch.”

“She is,” Drake agreed, “but she’s a well-connected bitch and Liam is very fond of her.”

My surprise must have shown because Drake sighed. “It’s complicated, but she grew up in the palace. She and I have never gotten along, I’m a commoner and beneath her notice, but she adores Liam.”

“And how does he feel about her?” I asked slowly, holding my glass of whiskey.

“He cares for her,” Drake answered, “and for Liam, I think that’s enough. He’s always expected to make an appropriate match, even before he got forced into this scenario.”

That sounded intriguing and I wanted to know more, but I decided not to push my luck. Something told me that Drake wasn’t normally a chatty guy and that he was already revealing more than he typically would.

“Is Eleanor wasting her time?” I asked quietly. Part of me was still skeptical about this whole plan, could a waitress from New York, even one with Eleanor’s background, really marry a prince? Or was my best friend setting herself up to get her heart broken?

“I don’t know,” Drake said with a sigh, “Liam definitely felt something for her… The way he invited her to come out with us and then went off with her, I’ve never seen him do that before and then when we got back to the hotel, it was obvious he was thinking about her. I get what Maxwell is trying to do, I really do… I just… This court can be vicious and cruel to outsiders and there are going to be a lot of people who are going to want to see your friend fail and I feel like this whole could be setting both her and Liam up to get their heart broken.”

I was letting his words sink in when I saw Eleanor being approached by the redhead. “Speaking of how the court can be vicious, I think I need to intervene,” I told him with a nod of my head.

Drake followed my gaze, “good luck.”


I smiled politely as Duchess Olivia Nevrakis gave me her ‘advice’, very well aware of how poisonous it really was.

As she slipped off, a smug grin on her face, Amelia stepped closer. “You’re not going to kiss the King’s shoe, are you?” She asked me.

I rolled my eyes. “Of course not. Amelia, I can recognize a set-up when I see one, I’m not that naïve. I don’t know what her game is, but she’s obviously trying to trip me up.”

“Apparently, she grew up with Liam and she’s considered the front-runner,” Amelia told me. I wondered where she’d gotten that information so quickly, but before I could ask, she continued, “and I’m betting she’s not going to give up that position without a fight, so you’ll want to watch your back.”

“Why, when I have you to do it for me?” I asked fondly.

Amelia just laughed

But before she could respond, Maxwell approached. “Eleanor, Amelia, it’s time. You two needed to be presented to the King and the Prince.”

“But I’m not a suitor,” Amelia protested. “Why do I have to be presented?”

“You’ll still be joining the court,” Maxwell reminded her. She sighed and followed me to where a distinguished older man was standing. “Your Majesty, may I present Lady Eleanor Sloane and her friend Miss Amelia Grant,” Maxwell said politely.

The king smiled, “welcome to Cordonia, Lady Sloane, Miss Grant.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty,” I said dropping into a deep courtesy, behind me Amelia did the same.

I took a deep breath as I stepped forward, my stomach full of butterflies.

Liam stared at me curiously. “I thought I knew all the ladies at court,” he commented, “but I don’t think I know you.”

“That makes me a mystery doesn’t it,” I teased, though my heart was pounding. What if he didn’t recognize me without the mask? What if he had already forgotten me? We flirted for a moment longer and then I asked, “you really don’t have any idea?”

I watched his eyes widen as recognition hit. “Eleanor?”

“Yes,” I confirm with a smile, hoping I don’t appear as nervous as I feel, “Maxwell and his brother decided to sponsor me.”

Liam’s entire face lit up. “That is wonderful,” he reached out for me but a cough from his bodyguard had him straightening and his expression hardening, “but things aren’t like they were in New York, there are rules.”

“I know,” I said honestly. I wasn’t quite sure how the social season worked yet, but I assumed it wouldn’t be as easy as Liam just declaring I was the one he wanted. “But I’m determined.”

Liam smiled, “I have a feeling that you can do just about anything you put your mind too.” Liam sighed, looking regretful, “I should greet the next lady.”

“It’s ok,” Amelia said, stepping forward, “I’m not a suitor. I’m Amelia, Eleanor’s best friend.”

Liam looked surprised.

“Maxwell said it was ok to bring her,” I explained, “and that you might help us if anyone objected?”

“Consider it done,” Liam assured me, “I look forward to getting to know you, Amelia, any friend of Eleanor’s is surely worth knowing.” He gave me another long, meaningful look. “Save me a dance, Lady Eleanor.”

“I will,” I promised.

Amelia and I moved to the side as the next lady stepped forward.

“He’s hot,” Amelia said with a grin, “no wonder you were willing to get on a plane to pursue him and he’s obviously just as into you.”

“You think so?” I asked self-consciously.

“He couldn’t take his eyes off of you,” Amelia assured me.

“She’s right,” Maxwell said as he joined us, “Liam looked so happy to see you. I definitely made the right choice bringing you here.”

“I’m glad you think so,” I said, though I was starting to feel a little overwhelmed. I had a feeling I had a lot to learn about what the social season actually entailed.

“You should go mingle with the other ladies,” Maxwell instructed, “my brother and I will be on your side, but you need to become part of the court.” He looked at Amelia, “it’s probably a good idea for you to mingle too, so you can help Eleanor.”

“I’m on it,” I promised, though I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be easy or enjoyable.

I had a lot of experience with rich bitches and I was the outsider, which mean I was fresh meat. At least I had Amelia at my side.

I smiled, at that thought. I had a feeling that the ladies of the Cordonian Court were going to be completely unprepared for Amelia.

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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