Two Americans in Cordonia: Prologue

Two Americans in Cordonia

By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them when I am finished.

Author’s Notes- I got a request asking for a story where both Amelia and Eleanor ended up in Cordonia. She asked for a one shot but I read the request and knew I wanted to make a longer story out of it because it was such an intriguing idea. So this is a rewrite of The Royal Romance, Book 1 where both Eleanor and Amelia end up in Cordonia. I write my TRR fanfic in first person generally and will switch back and forth between Eleanor and Amelia’s PoVs.

Pairing- Liam/Eleanor, Drake/Amelia

Rating- PG (might be higher in later chapters)

Summary- When Maxwell approaches Eleanor with the offer to sponsor her, he agrees to let her bring a friend with her.

Words- 379



I stared at Maxwell, considering his offer. Could I really accept it? Go off with some stranger to a foreign country where I knew no one? “Can I bring someone with me?” I asked impulsively, “ I mean, I am going to a foreign country, I’d feel better if I had someone I knew with me.”

He thought about it. “I guess… I mean, they wouldn’t be a suitor, of course, but I don’t see the problem in another guest.” He smiled at me, “if someone objects, I bet I can Liam to smoothe things over, he’s going to be so thrilled to see you.”

I blushed, hoping Maxwell was right. The previous night had been something out of a fairytale. Now I was going to get a chance to live that fairytale. I knew it was crazy, but I had felt an instant connection to Liam, like we had met for a reason and the fact that Maxwell was offering me this opportunity seemed like a sign. Like Liam and I were destined to be together.

“But you have to work fast,” Maxwell cautioned, “we don’t have time, so pick who you want to ask.”

I paused for a moment, considering the two possibilities. I could ask my cousin Evie, but she had just lined up a new job and was excited about her own adventures and honestly there was no one in my life who craved adventures more than my friend Amelia.

I grabbed my phone, want a free trip to Europe and the adventure of a lifetime?

I got an immediate response: Yes!

I texted back. Meet me at my place ASAP. I’ll fill you in. We leave in an hour.

I expected questions or something but instead all I got was sounds like fun! I laughed, that was Amelia, she was never one to pass up an adventure.

I turned to Maxwell, “my friend is going to meet us at my apartment. Her name is Amelia Grant and she’s a lot of fun and very adventurous.”

Maxwell grinned, “sounds like my kind of girl. I can’t wait to meet her.” He waved to the car he had waiting, “but now we have to hurry, we have a plane to catch and an adventure to start!”

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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