Two Facets

Summary: Victoria loves Liam with each of his facets. The one side everyone knows: Caring and Sweet side. But also the other side that not everyone sees. Which side is it?

Liam is a caring and sweet man, he loves to go on romantic dinners, watch the sun set or rise. He even loves to stay in with Victoria and just snuggle to into each other arms, holding her close and just be near to her warms his heart. Victoria admires this side of Liam, especially when she has nightmares, she can always count on him.
Just like last night where Victoria had a nightmare about losing Liam by some attack. The past experience still nip on her, she can’t help it. As she woke up, sweating, breathing hard and totally scared Liam instantly took her into his arms and gave her a nuzzling kiss on her forehead to comfort her. For Liam, Victoria is everything for him, he would do everything to make her feel safe – everything.

“Are you alright?” Liam asks carefully, holding the terrified Victoria who holds Liam arms that are now snuggled around her.

“Yes, I just had the same dream again. All over again. Almost losing you made my mind go back to his moment almost every night.” Victoria sighs.

“I am so sorry you had to go through this.” Liam whispers, kissing her shoulder from behind.

“No, don’t apologise Liam.” She turns around to him and kisses him.

Then she lays down and cuddles on his chest. “Let us go back to sleep, and hold me close, please.” Victoria murmurs on his chest.

Liam remembers that night clearly and so does Victoria. Just like the moment Victoria came back from the Southern Cordonia. They missed each other, normally, King and Queen don’t do this kind of things, but in that moment they didn’t care.

The car drove in front of the palace where Victoria sits in the back. Liam stands on the stairs looking at the car waiting for his wife to go out.

When she comes out, she smiles at him and waves over to him. And the moment she smiles Liam can’t help it and smiles too. Her smile is contagious.

Instead of taking her bag immediately, she runs over to Liam and jumps into his arms, while Liam spins her around. They laugh and act like they just fell in love a couple days ago.

Liam sets her down and cups her face, kiss her passionately. “I miss you, my love.” Liam murmurs on her lips.

“I missed you too! Even though I was just gone for four hours.” Victoria chuckles, making Liam smile.

But unfortunately, Liam does have another facet. He is caring and sweet, but there is also the possessive and protective side of him. Not everyone can see this side because this side comes just out when it comes to Victoria.

Sometimes it gets out of control, especially in public it isn’t a good idea. There where a moment at a gala where Liam lost his temper.

Francesco was flirting with Victoria, he always does. It is a part of Francesco’s and Victoria’s friendship. Victoria doesn’t know what made him do what he did.

“How dare you touching my wife.” Liam barked.

Before Victoria can stop Liam, he punches Francesco.

“Liam!” Victoria tries to stop him but can’t. Drake has to stop Liam and brings him out of the room, where Victoria talks to Liam.

Victoria remembers the newspaper headline. ‘King out of control’ ‘King having temper issues’

And it wasn’t the only time Victoria was angry on him. She loves him, no matter what, with each facet he has. But sometimes it gets too much.

“Sir, these flowers are for Riley and so is this present.” the personal courier explains to Liam.

“Thank you, I take that.” Liam takes the flowers and present.

After laying the roses down onto the table, he opens the present and sees a beautiful golden necklace. He looks for a small card that would tell him from who it is. But there is no card or anything.

Victoria walked into him holding that necklace. “Since when do you get necklaces?” She walks over to Liam but as soon as she sees his face, she knows something is wrong.

“It’s for you. Who sent you that?” Liam wonders seriously.

“I don’t know Liam, wasn’t there a card or didn’t the courier say something?” Victoria asks.

“No, nothing. Do you want to tell me something?” Liam gets visible angry.

“Liam! First of all, there is no one, if that is what you intend to say right now. And second, why do you open my presents? Who told you that you could do that?” Victoria gets angry.

“I am your husband.” Liam explains but still angry.

“It doesn’t mean you can dig into my mail!” Victoria crosses her arms and shakes her head, walking away from throwing the necklace onto the desk and walks upstairs without looking back at Liam.

Liam looks up and looks after her before looking back to the necklace and roses. Liam sighs and follows her up into their bedroom where Victoria puts off her jewellery. She looks at him through the mirror and Liam walks over, laying his hands on her shoulder.

“I know, I messed up. Let me fix it. I am very sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I just got jealous.” Liam admits.

“Hmm. Let’s see… You own me for a week… and you’re not allowed to sleep with me.” Victoria grins at him.

Liam closes his eyes and looks down before looking back up. “Well, okay I accept that… even though this is going to be hard for me.” Liam kisses her shoulder.

“Well maybe you will learn out of this?” Victoria grins.

“I will, but isn’t it kind of hard for you too?” Liam grins.

“Oh, my love. I can resist you longer than you think.” she pokes his nose and walks over to their shared bed.

And Liam did learn. He never did something like this again. Of course, he is still possessive, protective but he never went out of control again. Being without her for a long time, was hard. Whenever it got heated, she pushed away and grins, leaving Liam heated.
He even apologised to the whole citizen of Cordonia for his outburst at the gala. Thankfully, nothing was damaged. For the Cordonian citizen he was just being human instead of the unhuman King, always being good. At the end everything was good, between Victoria and Liam, between Francesco and Liam, and also Liam and Cordonia.

Published by


Writer for Lovestruck and Choices. ♥

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