
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them and will return them when I am done.

Pairing- Kenna/Diavolos

Rating- NSFW

Summary- Kenna asks Diavolos for advice on how to handle Azura and gets more than she’d bargained. 

“I don’t know how I feel about this invitation to visit the Iron Empire,” Leon warned, “we’ve been at war with them for a long time. I’m not sure one meeting can change that.”

“I know,” Kenna told him and sighed. “But shouldn’t we at least attempt peace?”

“Kenna’s right,” Annelyse spoke up. “We need to at least consider the invitation. Plus our other option is war and I don’t think we can fight another war.”

“Not alone anyway,” Leon said pointedly.

“I am not making a deal with Luther,” Kenna said flatly. Maybe it was stubborn of her, but the idea of making an alliance with that man made her skin crawl. She’d rather try her luck with the Iron Empire.

“Agreed,” Val spoke up.

Raydan looked thoughtful. “Luther does have more information on the Iron Empire than almost anyone,” he pointed out, “but I agree, that he’s not exactly trustworthy. It’s too bad that you can’t negotiate with another member of the family.”

“Like, who, Zenobia?” Val asked with a snort.

“I was thinking one of the princes,” Raydan told her, “Luther’s three sons.”

Yes, there were three other sons. Kenna had only ever met one of them, other than Marco, of course. She’d met Seoras, the youngest son, years earlier and she’d found him pleasant enough. At least she hadn’t hated him on sight like she had Marco. It was possible that they might be an alternative to dealing with Luther. But where were they?

“None of whom are anywhere to be found,” Leon pointed out.

“Did you check the general populace?” Adder asked lazily. “Prince Diavolos has a reputation for being a stickler for fair treatment. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’d asked to be imprisoned with his troops.”

“Really?” Kenna asked in surprise, she wouldn’t have expected a Nevrakis would know the meaning of the word ‘fair’.

“I don’t know anyone who has a bad word to say about him, other than his almost fanatical loyalty to his father,” Adder told her, “it’s a shame he’s a Nevrakis. He’s quite handsome too.”

That was really interesting. Kenna paused, considering the information, though dismissing the comment about his looks. There was no way any Nevrakis would be handsome enough to make her forget what his family had done.

“Jackson, Leon, search the dungeons and see if you can find Prince Diavolos and have him brought to me.” Kenna decided. “After he has a chance to clean up, of course.”

After all, if he’d been in the dungeon for the last few days, he could probably use a bath and Kenna had learned that a little bit of kindness and courtesy could go a long way. Leon and Jackson both nodded and left to do her bidding.

The meeting broke up soon after and Kenna excused herself to do paperwork in what used to be Luther’s private domain, but mostly she just stared at the invitation that arrived the previous day. The one summoning them to the Iron Empire for a meeting with Empress Azura.

She was still staring at it when the door opened and Leo strode in accompanied by an incredibly handsome man who Kenna had never seen before. She assumed from his crown and the insignia on his tunic that this was Diavolos. Though it could be Baltair, she guessed. But she would put money on Diavolos, given the age and what Adder had told her. Including how handsome he was.

“Your majesty,” the man said politely.

“Prince… Diavolos?” Kenna questioned, hoping that she sounded calmer than she felt.

“At your service,” he said, reaching out and taking her hand and bringing it to his mouth, ignoring Leon’s scowl as he did so. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. It’s especially nice to do it without any swords being drawn or ballista’s being launched at my head.”

“Yes, well, this isn’t a social visit,” Kenna said, trying not to sound flustered. Who knew that Luther’s son would be so handsome? Not that it mattered whether or not he was handsome. He was the enemy and she’d only summoned here to get information. It didn’t matter that he had warm eyes that a woman could get lost in, a deep voice that sent shivers up her spine and the most gorgeous cheekbones she’d ever seen… Kenna could see Leon watching them both very carefully, a look of disapproval on his face, and willed herself to focus.

“Yes, what is the purpose of this summons?” Diavolos asked with a lazy curiosity. “Are you going to execute me to make a point to my father? You don’t have any need of hostages, not when you have us all imprisoned and the castle under your command. So there must be some other reason that you need my company.”

Kenna forced herself to ignore the obvious innuendo. “I’ve been invited to meet with the Iron Empire,” Kenna said, handing him the letter she had received from the Empress.

Diavolos’s eyes immediately went cold as he scanned the paper. “You know it’s a trap right?”

“I have considered that, yes,” Kenna answered, “but refusing the invitation would be an act of war. So I’m damned either way.”

“Pretty much,” Diavolos agreed, “she has magic, you know.”

Kenna exchanged a look with Leon. “What?!”

“She can shoot lightning from her hands,” Diavolos told her flatly, “I’ve seen it myself. The only reason we survived to retreat was that she doesn’t go into battle herself that often.”

Kenna wanted to accuse him of lying, but there was something in his voice that convinced her he was telling the truth.

“Gods…” She muttered, feeling completely overwhelmed.

“But you have had some success holding her back,” Leon commented, looking at Diavolos, no longer outright hostile.

“Yes,” Diavolos agreed, “for 50 years, it’s been a state of constant war and a lot of little victories and devastating defeats, though my father would have my head if he heard me put it that way. My father became convinced that only the combined armies of the Five Kingdoms could defeat her.”

“So he conquered all the other kingdoms by force,” Kenna said coldly.

“Yeah,” Diavolos agreed, “my father’s way of doing things is a little extreme.”

“What do you think we should do?” Kenna asked after a moment, deciding not comment on the past. Diavolos was being friendly and helpful, it was best not to antagonize him.

“I think you have to go,” Diavolos told her, “but be prepared for war. Leave someone you trust behind to mobilize your armies. Have a strategy in place and know that things will likely get very bad, very quickly.”

“Is that what your father would say if I asked him?” Kenna asked curiously.

“No, he’d call you a foolish girl and then tell you to go on the offensive,” Diavolos answered, “but my father has trouble seeing the big picture or believing that there can ever be any benefit to diplomacy.”

“And you don’t share his feelings?” Kenna prodded.

“I share his belief that Azura needs to be stopped,” Diavolos said flatly, obviously not wanting to answer the question.

Kenna remembered all the times she’d heard Diavolos referred to as loyal to his father and wondered fleetingly if that loyalty had limits, then she asked herself why she cared. It shouldn’t matter to her whether or not Diavolos was loyal to his father, it should only matter whether or not he had information that could help her make a decision about the Iron Empire.

“Leon, can you go gather the others?” Kenna asked after a moment.

0Do you want me to return him to the dungeon first?” Leon asked, nodding towards Diavolos.

“No,” Kenna answered, surprising both men. “I want to continue talking to Prince Diavolos.”

Leon didn’t look pleased by her announcement. “My queen, I can’t… Your safety is my first concern.”

“I have a sword and he doesn’t,” Kenna reminded him.

“I promise not to harm a hair on her head,” Diavolos spoke up, “but I doubt my promises mean anything to you.”

“No,” Leon said flatly and then sighed. “Be careful.” He glared at Diavolos one last time before exiting the room.

“Would you come with us?” Kenna asked quietly once they were alone. “To the Iron Empire, I mean?”

Diavolos looked surprised. “Are you trying to negotiate peace with my family?”

“Not yet,” Kenna admitted, “but you have more experience dealing with the Iron Empire than I do and your advice could be helpful.”

“My presence would put Azura on the offensive,” Diavolos pointed out, “she’d be bound to recognize me and she’d know that I’d never surrender. If you have any chance of getting anything useful out of the visit, you need to catch her off-guard. Though having one of your dragons on hand, would help.”

Kenna considered his words, realizing he had a point. She was also intrigued that he didn’t leap at the chance to escape captivity. There was also a part of her that was strangely disappointed that he wouldn’t be accompanying them. Without meaning to, she stepped closer to him so that there was only an inch or two between them.

“I wish I could,” he added in a low, “because the idea of being on a boat with you for several weeks has possibilities.”

“Airship and it’ll only take a couple days,” Kenna corrected absently, her eyes locked on his handsome face. She licked her lips and Diavolos let a strangled sound. Kenna could see the desire in his eyes and realized that she wasn’t the only one feeling this intense, immediate attraction.

Before she could remind herself of all the reasons it was wrong, Kenna closed the distance between them and pressed her lips against his. Diavolos let out a groan and then pulled her tight against him, kissing her with a desperate hunger. He pushed her up against the desk, lifting her up onto it as he continued to invade her mouth.

“The door,” Kenna gasped as he trailed his lips down her neck, his hands wandering all over her body. It would be very bad if someone walked in on them like this.

Diavolos pulled away slightly. “Are you sure this is what you want?”

His words brought Kenna back to reality. Was she? She knew this was madness on so many levels. She had just met him, their families were enemies, and yet… Gods she wanted him. He could obviously see the indecision on her face because he let go of her and stepped back from the desk. Kenna could see him fighting for control.

“If we do this, you’ll regret it.” He said after a moment and she wondered how much it was costing him. He let a deep breath. “I want you, Gods, do I want you but this isn’t the time or place.”

She knew he was right.

“I…” Kenna began, not sure what had just come over her. “You aren’t what I expected,” she said finally.

Diavolos grinned, a smug, sexy grin that made Kenna want to throw caution to the wind after all, “I hope that I exceeded expectations.”

Kenna laughed, despite the need still coursing through her body. “Just a little.”

“Well, then I’ll have to try harder next time we meet,” he teased and Kenna could feel her cheeks flushing.

“You can stay in your quarters while I’m gone,” Kenna offered impulsively. “I’d assign a guard of course, but…”

“No,” Diavolos said, “the witch has spies everywhere. You need it to look like you aren’t willing to negotiate with the Nevrakis family at all.”

“Do you at least want to be moved to a private cell?” Kenna offered, strangely bothered by the idea of just throwing him back into the dungeon.

“Definitely, not,” Diavolos answered adamantly, “I’d much rather be with my troops than be anywhere near my father and sister. Do you know how loud Zenobia can whine?”

Kenna laughed. “I can only imagine.”

This man was nothing like any of the other Nevrakis family members she had met. He was reasonable and had a sense of humor and was the best kisser she’d ever met. But he was a Nevrakis and she had to remember that.

“I guess you shouldn’t come to the strategy meeting then,” Kenna said lightly.

Diavolos shook his head. “No. I should be thrown back into the dungeon and you should make it look like I had nothing of interest to say.”

Kenna nodded, knowing he was right, but more impressed with every passing moment. She hopped off the desk and moved closer to him. “Diavolos…”

He took her hand in his. “Be safe, Kenna,” he advised, “and never let your guard down.”

“I won’t,” Kenna promised, wondering why it was so hard to end this meeting. They stood there for a long moment and then at the same time they closed the distance between them, their lips meeting once more. This time the kiss was surprisingly tender. They stayed like that for a moment, wrapped in each other’s arms, and then reluctantly Kenna pulled away.

“I should go…” She said finally.

“And I should back to the dungeons,” Diavolos said dryly. “I’ll see you when you return, your majesty.”

“Yes…” Kenna said, smiling at that thought.

She opened the door and nodded to the guard standing there. “Return him to the dungeon.”

“Yes, your majesty.” The guard said immediately, motioning for Diavolos to follow him. Diavolos immediately did, but he gave Kenna one last, long look before he disappeared.

She watched him go and then let a deep sigh. She had a feeling that her life had just changed irrevocably. The question was, was it a good thing or was she setting herself up for a terrible fall?

Chapter Two

“I want Prince Diavolos brought to me,” Kenna ordered as soon as they arrived at Lykos, “I want to talk to him before I meet with Luther.”

Jackson nodded and headed for the door.


He paused, his hand on the door. “Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Let him bathe first,” Kenna ordered, “we want him to feel comfortable.”

“We do?” Val asked behind her.

Jackson nodded, “of course.” He headed out the door, presumably to make his way down to the dungeon.

“Why even bother talking to the prince?” Val questioned, “isn’t it Luther you have to make a deal with?” She made a face. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

“Prince Diavolos is a bit more reasonable than his father,” Kenna said quietly, deciding not to mention the incredible attraction she’d felt the first time she’d met him. Or the incredible kisses that they’d shared. “He was upfront with us about Azura.”

“It wasn’t enough to save Leon,” Val pointed out.

“Nothing could have done that,” Raydan argued, “not unless he’d refused to enter the contest and that would have just invited open warfare. There was no warning that could have prevented Leon’s death, but Diavolos’s information did keep us from being caught totally unaware.”

“We also know that he was telling us the truth,” Kenna added. “I think he’ll be more willing to work with us than Luther will.” She looked at Raydan and Val, “I’d like to meet with him alone.”

“No way,” Val protested, “he’s a Nevrakis, Kenna, no matter how good his information might be.”

Raydan was quiet, obviously considering her request and why she made it. “The queen is right,” he said finally, directing his comment to Val. “She’s already spoken with the prince once and he was forthcoming with information, so it seems best to continue treating him as an ally and you practically radiate hostility, Valentina, which isn’t conducive to putting someone at ease.”

Val glared at him, “one of these days I will punch you,” she promised and then sighed, “fine, whatever. I’m going to go get a drink.”

She stormed off, leaving Raydan and Kenna alone. Raydan gave her a long, searching look before following Val out the door.

Kenna wondered if he could sense that there was more to her wanting to meet with Diavolos than she was saying. Or that Diavolos was the reason she hadn’t invited him to her room during their recent voyage, though she told herself it was because the location didn’t lend itself to clandestine affairs, but really she knew that Raydan could slip in anywhere undetected and that that was just an excuse.

What had really stopped her was the intense, powerful attraction that she’d felt for Diavolos and the way she’d been so willing to give into it moments after meeting him. While she and Raydan had never made each other any promises, in fact, their relationship existed on the knowledge that it could never be more than it was, Kenna didn’t feel comfortable inviting one man into her bed when she couldn’t get another out of her mind.

Kenna busied herself with paperwork while she waited for Jackson to bring Diavolos to her, but her mind kept wandering back to Diavolos and the way his mouth had felt against hers and how much she had wanted him. Finally, there was a knock on her door and Diavolos entered the room, followed by Jackson.

Kenna stood to greet him. “I’d like to speak to the prince alone,” Kenna told Jackson. She waited for the objection, but he just nodded and left the room. That was going to take some getting used to, she realized. She was used to her guards being a lot pushier.

Kenna latched the door behind Jackson, trying to ignore the knowing look on Diavolos’s face as he watched her.

She waited for him to make some kind of smug comment but he didn’t, instead what he said was, “you made it back in one piece.”

“Well, most of us did,” Kenna said quietly, the grief still weighing heavily on her.

Diavolos was quiet for a moment. “Leon,” he guessed quickly. It didn’t surprise her that he knew the name of her guard or that he had put the information together so fast. Kenna knew Luther was a brutal dictator, but he wasn’t a stupid man. She was sure he knew as much about her as she did about him and it makes sense that he would have shared that knowledge with his favorite son.

In a few sentences, Kenna explained what happened to Leon. Diavolos reached out and put a hand on her arm. “I’m sorry,” he said quietly and she could hear the sincerity in his voice.

“Thank you,” she said softly, wondering why she was sharing this with him.

“She killed Baltair and Seoras,” Diavolos told her after a moment, “well not her personally, but she was responsible for their deaths.”

“I didn’t know that,” Kenna said quietly, though she’d wondered about the location of Luther’s other sons but she’d been so preoccupied with her trip to the Iron Empire that it had never been more than a fleeting thought.

“My father certainly won’t tell you,” Diavolos said dryly, “he’ll think it makes him look weak. He’s going to give you a hard time about Leon, you know.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less from your father,” Kenna said dryly, aware that Diavolos hand was still resting against her. “But unfortunately, I’ve reached the point where I have no choice but to make an alliance with him. With all of you.”

“Well, I’m personally up for anything that lets me get another crack at that bitch,” Diavolos told her, “and it beats rotting in a dungeon.”

“I did offer to let you out early,” Kenna reminded him with a small smile.

“Yes, you did,” he agreed and she suddenly became aware of how close he was standing to her. “Why?”

“I don’t know,” Kenna said honestly, taking a little step closer, “for some reason, I like you.”

“That’s because I’m very likable,” Diavolos told her with a small smile, moving his hand from her arm to her waist.

“I don’t want to like you,” Kenna told him, even as she wrapped her arms around his neck, “you’re still a Nevrakis.”

“I am,” he agreed, “but we’re allies now, remember? You’re allowed to like me.”

He closed the last bit of distance between them, lowering his mouth to hers. Kenna let out a little sigh and then gave into the kiss. It was as good as she remembered, damn it. His lips were firm and demanding against her, one of his hands pulling gently on her hair while the other kept her pressed up against him.

Kenna had the feeling that Diavolos was used to being in control, both in battle and in the bedchamber, and that intrigued her. She’d be calling the shots in the alliance, but… She was entertaining the possibility that their relationship might go beyond the alliance and she found the way he took control incredibly intriguing.

“I’ve thought about nothing but this since the last time we met,” Diavolos told her in a low voice as his mouth trailed along her jaw and then down her neck and shoulders.

“Me too,” Kenna admitted, throwing her head back to allow him better access, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you, no matter how much I tried.”

“Good,” Diavolos told her and then his mouth covered hers again. He moved them both backward and then lifted her onto the desk as he continued to kiss her. They pulled at each other’s clothing, kissing and caressing each bit of exposed skin.

“Is this what you want,” Diavolos asked, his breath hot against her ear, his hands resting on her thighs.

“Yes,” Kenna answered immediately, “I want you.”

She’d had a week to try and talk herself out of this, to try and push him out of her mind and she had failed. Maybe this was the solution, give into it once and then try and forget a nice, distant working relationship.

Diavolos hand moved between her legs and she let out a small moan as he plunged two fingers into her. He pumped his fingers hard, his other hand holding her steady as she arched against his hand.

“You are so gorgeous,” he told her as he continued to work her with his hand, his eyes dark with desire, “and so wet for me.”

Kenna fought a moan as he hit just the right spot, aware of Jackson right outside the door. She reached for Diavolos pulling his mouth against hers as he brought her closer and closer to her edge, using him to muffle her sounds of pleasure as she came apart at his touch.

As they continued to kiss, she let her hand slide down his chest and then rest between his legs. She ran a hand over his impressive length, enjoying how he hardened under her touch and the way he grunted into her mouth. His hand covered hers, stilling her movement.

“It’s been a long time,” he warned her, “and if you keep doing that, this is going to be over far too quickly.”

Diavolos placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to him and then entering her in one hard, swift thrust. Kenna buried her head in his shoulder to stop the moan of pleasure that escaped her throat. She wrapped her legs around him, moving in time with him, desperate for the feel of him.

“You feel so good,” Diavolos told her, his hands digging into her hips, “Hells Kenna…” He trailed off as he continued to thrust into her hard and fast, pacing kisses and little bites along her collarbone.

Kenna was leaving a few marks on her own as she dug her nails into his back, drawing him closer. Finally, the sensation of him inside of her was too much and she bit down on his shoulder as she came. As she clenched around him, Kenna could feel Diavolos pick up his pace, slamming himself frantically against her until he spilled himself inside of her.

He collapsed against her for a moment, resting his head on her shoulder, his body still shuddering and drenched in sweat. Finally, he straightened and pulled out of her.

“That’s quite a way to start an alliance,” he teased as he reached for his pants.

“It’s a first for me,” Kenna admitted, resting her hands on the desk because she didn’t quite trust her legs to support her just yet.

Diavolos offered her a hand and gently helped her to her feet and passing her clothes to her. They dressed in silence and Kenna was sure that they were both processing what had just happened and where they went from here.

“My father will try to bully you,” Diavolos said finally, “he’ll try to take control of the situation because that’s his way.”

“I know how to handle your father,” Kenna said dryly.

Diavolos smiled, “I have a feeling you know how to handle just about anything.”

“Do you want to come with me?” She offered.

Diavolos shook his head, “no, us going down there together will just make him suspicious and more antagonistic than usual.”

“But you will join us for dinner,” Kenna commented, almost hesitantly.

“Of course,” he told her, “I am honored to be part of the alliance. Though, dinner with my father, Zenobia and a bunch of people who hate us isn’t exactly my idea of a good time.”

“Mine either,” Kenna admitted.

“I’d much rather lock myself in a room alone with you,” Diavolos said in a low voice, reaching for her again.

“That sounds nice,” Kenna agreed, raising her lips to meet his. It occurred to her that she wasn’t going to get him out of her system as easily as she hoped. Being with him hadn’t erased her ridiculous need for him, it had just shown her how good it could be between them.

“We’ll figure this out later,” Diavolos told her in a quiet voice. She looked up at him in surprise and the tenderness in his eyes made her breath catch in her throat.


“Right now you have to meet with my father,” he reminded her, “and I should dress for dinner.”

He was right, of course. Kenna pulled out of his arms and took a deep breath and then reached for the door. She could see Jackson’s gaze linger on her and Diavolos and saw the knowledge and the disapproval there, it was incredibly obvious that he knew what had just occurred, but he remained blessedly silent.

“I’ll see you at dinner,” Kenna told Diavolos politely.

He nodded and reached for her hand, bringing it to his lips for a moment before releasing and disappearing down the hall, a guard following behind him. Kenna watched him go, noting the confidence in his stride.

Jackson cleared his throat, reminding her of where she was. “We should go talk to Luther,” he reminded her.

Kenna nodded, “yes, we should.”

“It’s not my job to comment on your personal life,” Jackson said hesitantly, “but you need to be careful with Prince Diavolos, remember who he is.”

“I will,” Kenna said quietly. The problem was, who was he? The son of her worst enemy or the most attractive, compelling man she’d ever met?

Chapter Three

The meeting with Luther goes about as well as can be expected, though Kenna enjoys catching him off-guard when she tells him, of course, that Diavolos will be included in the alliance. She can see him trying to figure out how she knows about Diavolos and is secretly amused, picturing his reaction if he knew just how well she now knows Diavolos.

But as amusing it would be, it would always likely be a disaster, and it’s not information she wants Luther knowing. So instead she focuses on keeping calm, especially after he makes a comment about Leon.

Afterward, Kenna escapes to her chamber to dress for dinner and Val and Annelyse follow to assist her. Well, Annelyse is there to help, Val is there to complain about the alliance.

Annelyse produces a black and silver gown and Kenna takes it, wondering fleetingly what Diavolos will think of her wearing the Nevrakis colors. She pushes the thought aside, reminding herself that she can’t afford to think of Diavolos as anything other than an ally.

Annelyse offers to help her dress and Kenna accepts absently before she remembers why she shouldn’t. She can feel Annelyse’s gaze linger on the fresh marks on her skin.

“At least the dress will cover the marks,” the other woman whispers in her ear, “but you should make sure your lover is more careful next time.”

Kenna merely nods, wondering who Annelyse thinks left those marks and what she would say if she knew the truth.

To make things more awkward, Raydan is waiting for her at the entrance of the dining hall. He compliments her gown and then explains why he has to miss dinner. As he speaks, Kenna can feel his gaze lingering on her and she has to stop her hands from drifting to her neck, to make sure all the bruises are covered.

After a moment, Raydan excuses himself, leaving Kenna to greet her ‘guests’.

Zenobia is almost complimentary about the dress, “I’m delighted that someone’s finally taught you how to dress!”

While Luther studies her carefully, obviously understanding the gesture behind the gown. “The Nevrakis colors suit you, Your Majesty.” He tells her with a nod and a small smile of approval that makes her skin crawl.

“I wanted to demonstrate some camaraderie,” she tells him with a pleasant smile, reminding herself that she has to work with him, no matter how abhorrent the thought is.

Diavolos is the last to greet her and the look in his dark eyes sends a jolt of heat right to her belly. “My father is right,” he comments, raising her hand to his lips, “you wear the Nevrakis colors very well.” He lowers his voice so only she can hear and adds, “though as stunning as that dress is, I’d rather see you out of it.”

Kenna can feel her cheeks flushing and she notices the looks that the others are giving her and Diavolos. She steps back quickly, suggesting that everyone take a seat.

Dinner is as pleasant as can be expected, however, Kenna finds it hard to concentrate with Diavolos so close. As she forces herself to endure Zenobia’s whining and Luther’s attempts at re-asserting control over the situation, her attention keeps wandering to Diavolos, who keeps giving her smug, knowing grins even as he attempts to make his father and sister play nice.

At one point, as Luther is going on about battle plans and Kenna tunes him out, remembering instead the way Diavolos had lifted her onto that desk and how his hands and lips had felt against her skin…

She is brought back to reality by Luther asking if the conversation was boring her (she knows that’s a trap) and questioning both her intelligence and her strategic abilities. As Kenna deflects the comments, she can feel Diavolos looking at her and when she meets his gaze, the heat and knowledge there are enough to send a thrill of longing through her. He knows exactly what she is thinking about.

As they discuss the upcoming battle, as well as Kenna’s intention to warn the Fydorians, she finds herself deciding to issue an invitation to Diavolos. “Why doesn’t Prince Diavolos accompany us to Fydoria?” She says before she can talk herself out of it. “He can make sure that the interests of Abanthus are represented.”

Luther looks surprised by her suggestions, for that matter so do all of Kenna’s companions while Diavolos just grins knowingly. Kenna ignores him. She didn’t issue the invitation as a way of keeping him in her bed, she tells herself, it just makes sense. After all, they are allies now and she would much rather work with Diavolos than Luther or Zenobia.

Luther immediately agrees, though she can tell he’s suspicious of her motives and she wonders how he would react if he knew about her and Diavolos. Not that there is anything to know, she corrects.

Dinner is almost pleasant, especially after Diavolos shares an amusing story about Zenobia having once had a crush on Tevan, and things are just starting to wind down when Raydan, Sei, and Adder burst into the hall.

Kenna listens with the dread to the news about the attack on Aurelia and makes the decision to split the group up, with Val and Raydan going to Fydoria and Adder staying to keep an eye on Luther and Zenobia while the rest of them went to Aurelia.

“I assume you don’t mind the change of location?” Kenna asks Diavolos teasingly. “Though you are welcome to accompany Val and Raydan to Fydoria, if you wish.”

“I don’t think I would survive that trip,” he tells with a grin, “besides, I’m happy to follow you anywhere.”

The words are teasing and Kenna tells herself not to read into them. She and Diavolos are allies, and they are lovers, but it is nothing more than that. This is temporary, she reminds herself. Once the battle is over, she’ll have to decide what to do with the Nevrakis family, and that will mean an end to whatever is going on with her and Diavolos.

However, until that time, she doesn’t see the problem with adding a physical element to their relationship, since it will make this alliance a lot more pleasant.

After everyone gets settled on the airship, they make some preliminary battle plans. Kenna can tell the others aren’t 100% sold on having Diavolos on board, but he is doing his best to be agreeable and there are no major disagreements.

Though, Diavolos does make it clear that he has no interest in self-sacrifice. He also points out that they have to, at least temporarily, think of Dom as a dangerous threat and not a friend.

After they decide on a course of action, Kenna dismisses everyone and announces her attention of making it an early night. Her eyes meet Diavolos’s before she gets up and heads towards her quarters and she’s not at all surprised when he quickly follows.

As soon as they are inside, she’s in his arms, their mouths pressed against each other.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he tells her, his hands resting on her back.

“It would have made the dinner party more interesting,” Kenna teases, “but it probably would have given your father a heart attack.”

Diavolos stiffens momentarily at the mention of his father before lowering his mouth to hers again. “I really like this dress,” he tells her as his mouth trails down her jaw and neck towards her collarbone. “Black is your color.”

“I’m glad you approve,” Kenna tells him, running her hands through his short hair. It’s true. She doesn’t know why it matters to her, but she liked the look of desire in his eyes when she walked into the room and the impatient, hungry way he is touching her now.

“But as I said earlier, I’m going to like it better off,” Diavolos continues, swiftly undoing the ties of the gown and impatiently pushing it off of her. Her undergarments quickly follow suit. “Gods you’re gorgeous,” he tells her, his hands traveling down her bare body.

“And you’re overdressed,” Kenna replies, tugging at his shirt.

Diavolos grins and quickly undresses, throwing his clothes in a careless pile. “Is that better?”

“Much,” Kenna agrees, taking in the sight of him. It’s only been a few hours since their last encounter but she already wants him again.

“Get on the bed,” he tells her in a low voice.

Kenna isn’t used to taking orders, but there’s something compelling about the rough, commanding tone of his voice, so she complies, sitting down on the edge.

Diavolos kneels in front of her. “I’ve been fantasizing about tasting you since the first time we kissed,” he tells her, his strong hands caressing her thighs.

He positions himself in between her legs, bending his head to place a tender, teasing kiss on her leg before moving his way up at an agonizingly slow pace. Just when Kenna is starting to get impatient, he plunges his tongue into her causing her to bite her lip hard to resist making a shout and dig her hands into his shoulders.

The battlefield is not the only place where Diavolos is skilled and it isn’t long before Kenna is coming apart against his mouth. He doesn’t give her the chance to come down from her high, instead, he immediately pulls her into his arms, positioning her on his lap and then thrusts up into her.

“Oooh,” Kenna whimpers, reacting to the sensation.

Diavolos wraps his arms tight around her as he rocks them back and forth and Kenna clings to him. He wraps his hand in her hair and yanks on it, pulling her face against his for a deep, passionate kiss as he continues to move within her.

Finally, Kenna can’t take it any more and she comes again, clinging to Diavolos as she does so.

“Gods, you feel good,” Diavolos mutters in her ear as he follows her over the edge. Kenna holds him tight as he shudders against her in release. He presses a quick kiss on her lips before lifting her off his lap.

Kenna wonders what happens now, since this is obviously just physical, after all they barely know each other.

To her surprise, Diavolos lays down, resting one arm behind his head and using the other one to pull her against him. “Where do you want me tomorrow?”

Kenna takes a moment to realize he’s talking about the fight with Hex and Diavolos laughs at the expression on her face. “We can discuss that part after the battle,” he teases, “but I assume you want to take the lead in the fight?”

“Yes,” Kenna says instantly, “is that a problem?”

“Not at all,” Diavolos assures her, running a hand through her hair. “I have no problem following your lead on the battlefield, Kenna.”

“And the bedchamber?” Kenna asks curiously, resting her hands on his chest.

Diavolos eyes darkened and he grips her hair, “that’s a different story,” he tells her in a rough voice. “Do you have any objections?”

She thinks that she should, but it’s hard to think of any. Diavolos isn’t interfering with her authority in front of others. Far from it, in fact, he has shown a willingness to work with her.

So if he wants to be in charge when it was just the two of them? She can live with that, especially since she likes the way he takes the control

“No,” she admits after a moment.

“Good,” Diavolos says, crushing his lips to hers once more.

Chapter Four

The battle with Hex is intense and it leaves Kenna exhausted and aching. She’s thrilled to have Dom back, but she wishes she hadn’t had to battle a dragon to accomplish it.

She also wishes that she was at Stormholt so she could have a soak in the tub and ease her aching muscles. But there are no tubs aboard the airship, so that will have to wait.

Kenna talks to Dom briefly, helping him to his room but Sei shoos her away, offering to make sure that he gets some rest and Kenna sees the look that passes between them and backs out gratefully.

Dom is her best friend, but nothing more, and it seems that Sei may have a greater interest in Dom than she lets on. And from the way Dom looks at Sei while she scolds him about not being careful enough, it appears the feeling is mutual. Kenna is genuinely happy for him.

After leaving Dom’s quarters, Kenna makes her way to her own, deciding that sleep is the best medicine. As she is about to pull down the ladder, she hears a voice calling her name. Despite herself, her heart does a little flip when she realizes it’s Diavolos.

“How are you feeling?” He asks a note of genuine concern in his voice.

“Sore,” Kenna admits, “you?”

“The same,” he tells her and then holds up a container, “it’s why I asked Annelyse for this.” Kenna’s confusion must have shown, because he smiled, “it’s a special ointment made out of herbs and oils. Helps with aches and pains. We’ve used it a lot on the battlefield, since many times we’ve had to go right back and fight the next day.”

It’s an interesting reminder of what Diavolos’s life has been like. While Kenna has spent the last year fighting for the freedoms of the Five Kingdoms, it has mostly been periodic battles interspersed with significant planning and downtime. Unlike Diavolos, who seems to have devoted his whole life to battle.

“Smart,” Kenna comments, wishing she’d thought of that, but the idea of going back to the infirmary is too much work.

“I thought we could take turns applying it to one another,” Diavolos tells her in a low, suggestive voice. Oh.

“That sounds nice,” Kenna agrees.

She’s not sure exactly where she and Diavolos stand. They are allies and they’ve become lovers, but is it more than that? He’d stayed with her for a little while the night before, sharing light conversation before he’d returned to his own quarters, and Kenna has to admit that she enjoys his company.

Diavolos is pleasant and easy-going and much more likable than a Nevrakis has any right to be. If they are going to be allies and lovers, maybe they can be friends as well, she decides.

They climb up the ladder to her quarters. Kenna winces as she attempts to undo the straps of her armor.

“Let me,” Diavolos offers immediately, skillfully undoing the straps and easing the armor over her shoulders. Soon she is just wearing her simple shift.

Diavolos guides her towards her the bed. “Lay down on your front,” He instructs, his hand firm on her back.

Kenna nods and does as she is told, resting her head on her hands. Diavolos climbs on the bed beside her, kneeling over her and a moment later she can feel his hands on her back, under her shift, and the cool application of the lotion against her skin. Diavolos touch is skilled and Kenna finds herself fighting the urge to moan as he massages her aching muscles, especially when he leans forward and places a kiss between her shoulder blades.

“Do you kiss everyone you apply ointment too?” Kenna teases.

“No, only the special ones,” Diavolos assures, placing more kisses on her back and shoulders, “Are you objecting?”

“No,” Kenna says with a little sigh, “not at all.”

She doesn’t know if it’s the ointment or Diavolos’s touch, but she’s suddenly feeling much better.

“My turn,” she says after a moment.

Diavolos shifts to allow her to sit up, stealing a quick kiss as she does.

Kenna nimbly undoes the buttons of Diavolos shirt, slipping it off his shoulders and tossing it to the floor. She can’t resist leaning in and placing a kiss on his bare chest.

“Hey, hey, none of that,” Diavolos protests, gently tugging at her hair, but he’s smiling.

Kenna moves to kneel behind him, taking the ointment and spreading it over his bare back. He hisses a little at first and she realizes that he’s probably just as sore as she is, even if he won’t admit it. She makes sure to keep her touch light and gentle and when she’s finished, she leans forward and kisses his neck, her hands slipping around his waist to hug him from behind.

Diavolos turns his head to meet capture her lips in a kiss.

“Mmmm,” Kenna said, leaning her head against her shoulder, “I’m already feeling better.”

“How much better?” Diavolos asks in a low voice.

“A lot better,” Kenna tells him, pressing her lips to his neck again. She doesn’t know if it’s the ointment or a man, but the ache in her bones has subsided and has been replaced with a different kind of ache.

Before she knows what is happening, Diavolos has twisted, lifting her into his lap, kissing her fiercely. He pushes her shift off of her impatiently, tossing it to the ground with his shirt, to give him better access as he places kisses across her chest, his tongue circling her nipples and making them harden while his hand slips between her thighs.

Kenna arches into his hand, doing some exploring of her own. She runs her hand over his length, enjoying the way he groans at her touch. Neither of them seems to be in a hurry and they just enjoy touching each other until Kenna is coming apart under his skillful touch and he’s stopping her hand with a rough “Kenna”.

The next thing she knows, Diavolos is flipping them over so she’s on her back and then he’s entering her in one smooth motion, his hips pressing against hers. She wraps her legs around his waist to draw him in closer as they move together.

Diavolos captures her mouth in a deep, demanding kiss and threads his hands through her hair, keeping her close to him. It isn’t long before Kenna’s reaching completion again, whimpering his name as she clings to him.

“Kenna,” he groans as he reaches his own release before collapsing against her. He quickly rolls off of her, and like the night before, he makes no effort to get up. Instead, he settles her into his side. “How are you feeling now?”

“Wonderful,” she admits, curling up against him.

Diavolos grins, “good.”

They lay in companionable silence for a moment before Kenna speaks up. “What was Luther like as a father?”

She knows what he’s like as a man and has heard the stories of him as a ruler, but was there kindness to him that she didn’t know about? She remembers the way everyone referred to Diavolos as “fanatically loyal” to his father and she thinks there has to be a reason for that loyalty.

Diavolos stiffens for a second and then sighs. “Before or after my mother died?”

“Before,” Kenna says quietly.

“He was busy, preoccupied with war,” Diavolos remembers, “but she could make him smile and he always found time for me, but when she died… He reverted into himself and it was like he no longer wanted a son.”

Kenna’s heart aches at the pain in his voice. “How old were you?”

“Five,” Diavolos answers after a moment, “eventually some of the soldiers took pity on me and took me under their wing. I decided that if Father didn’t want a son, I’d turn myself into a soldier instead. I fought in my first battle at thirteen.”

“So young,” Kenna says in disbelief. She’d known that he’d spent most of his life in combat, but it’s still startling to hear just how young he was.

“Father threw me a banquet that night,” Diavolos recollects, “and soon he was training me himself.”

“So your plan worked,” Kenna comments, “you found a way to get his attention.”

“I did,” Diavolos agrees, “and more than I found a purpose. I came to believe that fighting my father’s war, stopping Azura was what I was meant to do, and honestly, as far as purposes go, there are worse ones.”

“Don’t you want more?” Kenna asks quietly.

“I don’t know,” Diavolos answers finally, “a few weeks ago, I would have said no, but now I’m not so sure.”

Kenna blushes at the implication. He can’t mean…. It’s only been a couple days, besides this is just physical, it has to be.

“Being in a cell has also given me a lot of time to think about my father’s way of doing things,” Diavolos continues, “Until now I’ve never questioned it, I just accepted that he did what he had to do for the greater good. Now… Now, I don’t know anymore.”

“You can be better than your father,” Kenna points out, “you don’t have to follow his path, you can make your own destiny.”

“Can I?” Diavolos wonders out loud, his expression almost bleak.

think so,” Kenna says impulsively, threading her fingers through his. “Since I’ve met you, you’ve kept showing me that you are more than a typical Nevrakis.”

“Maybe you bring out the best in me,” Diavolos suggests, the bleak expression replaced by a wistful look.

Kenna doesn’t know what to say to that and a moment of silence passes between them.

“I should probably return to my quarters,” Diavolos says finally.

Kenna nods, knowing he is right. She shifts to allow Diavolos room to stand up. He quickly dresses and then leans down and brushes his lips against her.

Kenna’s heart gives a little leap at the sweet, surprisingly affectionate gesture. This wasn’t part of the deal and yet… It feels so natural. She smiles up at him, “goodnight, Diavolos. Sleep well.”

“I’d sleep better if you were there,” he tells her with a smile, “but I’ll do my best. Goodnight, Kenna.”

Kenna watches him go, thinking about what just occurred. This has been so much more than their previous encounters and she knows that is dangerous. She and Diavolos have to be allies, while she’s made the decision to take him as her lover, and she is open to the idea of a friendship. But it can’t be more than that.

She will fight side by side with him, she will lay him in her bed and enjoy his company, but it can’t go beyond that. She has to remember that there can never be any future for them.

Chapter Five

Kenna assigns herself the task of showing Diavolos to his quarters once they arrive at Stormholt. Jackson raises his eyebrow and she knows her motives are transparent and that he disapproves, but she doesn’t care.

It’s no one’s business but hers who she takes to her bed. Maybe it’s selfish, but she’s sacrificed so much and Kenna wants to take this one thing for herself. They could all die in a few days, so why shouldn’t she do something that makes her feel so alive?

“This is much nicer than a jail cell,” Diavolos comments, looking around the room.

“We are allies,” Kenna points out, “It wouldn’t be fitting for me to just make you sleep on the ground.”

Diavolos shrugs, “I’ve done more than my share of that.”

“I bet you have,” Kenna comments with a smile. She takes his hand and tugs him out of the room. She pushes the wall right next to his room revealing a secret doorway.

“One of Stormholt’s famous passageways, I presume?” Diavolos asks, peering inside. “May I ask where this one leads?”

Kenna merely smirks and grabs a torch from the wall, she lights it quickly and then led Diavolos through the passage way. “Note where you need to turn,” she instructs before leading him down one of the passages.

It would be a problem if he gets lost and emerges in the wrong spot while trying to find her room in the middle of the night. A moment later, they emerge and Kenna glances around quickly to make sure they were alone before opening the door to her bedchambers.

“This is very convenient indeed,” Diavolos comments, pulling her into his arms and kissing her deeply.

“Isn’t it?” Kenna agrees, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I take it you want me to make use of the passages tonight?” Diavolos murmurs against her lips, his hands finding the straps of her armor.

“If you want,” Kenna says, unbuttoning his shirt.

“I want,” Diavolos assures her, kissing her hungrily, “believe me, I want.”

They discard the rest of their clothing and then Diavolos lifts her up and walks them towards her bed, her legs wrapped around his waist. He sit down, settling her on his lap, straddling his legs.

“You make me want all kinds of things,” he whispers against her neck, his teeth grazing her skin and making her sigh.

“You make me want things too,” Kenna admits, running her hands down his bare chest.

Things that she knows she shouldn’t want and she can’t have. There is silence then, both of them aware of what isn’t being said and then Diavolos slips a hand between her thighs, teasing her with skilled fingers and words aren’t needed. It’s better to just focus on this moment.

Kenna trails her hands down Diavolos’s chest and then lower, running her hands over his length and marveling at how hard it gets under her touch. They continue like that for a few minutes, teasing each other with their hands, while placing teasing kisses over each other’s necks and chests.

Finally, Diavolos lets out a hoarse groan and stills her hand.

“I want you,” he tells her, “I want to feel you around me.”

Kenna feels a rush of power at the blatant need in his voice. She doesn’t speak, instead, she shifts and then lowers herself down onto him. Diavolos tenses for a second and then clamps his arms around her, holding her tight against him before rocking up into her. Kenna clings to him, loving the feel of him. She digs her nails into his back as he hits the exact right spot.

It’s only been a few days, but they already know each other’s bodies so well. Diavolos knows just the right way to tilt his hips, hitting that perfect angle that makes her gasp and cling to him. She bites down on his shoulder to keep from screaming and a moment later she feels him tense and then shudders against her, his fingers digging into her hips so hard that Kenna knows she’ll have bruises, but she doesn’t care.

They pull apart slightly, but she stays on his lap, her hands resting on his shoulders.

“You’re going to be the death of me,” Diavolos teases, running his hands through her long dark hair. “I just can’t get enough of you.”

Kenna just grins, leaning forward to plant a playful kiss on his lips, “good.”

She’s not sure exactly what they are doing but she knows that no one has ever made her feel the way Diavolos has and she likes how she feels when she is with him. Not just physically, but she also just enjoys being with him. He is charming and likable and if he wasn’t a Nevrakis, she thinks… No, she shakes her head violently, she can’t even let herself think like that because he is a Nevrakis.

“Is everything ok?” Diavolos asks lightly, concern evident on his handsome face.

“Just thinking about the war,” Kenna lies. She gets up off his lap. “We should probably go downstairs before people start looking for us.”

Diavolos nods and they dress in silence.

Once they are fully dressed, Diavolos pulls her into his arms for one more deep kiss. “To hold me over until later,” he says with a grin and hen he ducks out her door and into the secret passage.

Kenna waits a moment and then heads down the hallway. She finds the others in the throne room. They greet her with varying degrees of interest and curiosity and she knows that most of them know, or at least, suspect what kept her so occupied.

Diavolos enters the room a moment later, making an excuse about taking a quick nap and Kenna catches the knowing smile on Annelyse’s face and the contemplative look on Sei’s face.

Before anyone can say anything of note though, one of the servants enters with the news that the airship from Fydoria had been spotted and would be landing soon. Kenna thanks them and then turned to the others.

“I guess, we’ll have an idea of the situation soon,” she comments, wondering what news Val and Raydan would have for her.

Kenna also knows that she will have to find time to talk to Raydan privately and address the situation between them, as awkward as that might be. She’s never made him promises, and he’s never asked for any, but she still feels like she should at least acknowledge the end of their affair.

Because it is at an end. She and Diavolos might not have a future, but he’s made her feel something no one else ever has and she doesn’t think she could settle for anything less going forward.

Just then, Val burst into the room, Tevan trailing behind her, urging her to slow down.

“What’s wrong?” Kenna asks in alarm, searching the group that was running in behind Val. Where was Raydan? Has something happened to him?

“It’s Raydan,” Val gasps, “Kenna, he betrayed us! He works for Azura now.”

Kenna stares at Val in shock, letting the words wash over her. Raydan, her friend, her former lover, has turned against her.

As the group reacts to the news, Kenna’s eyes find Diavolos and a feeling of dread washing over her. If Raydan, whose loyalty she has never doubted, could betray her, can she really trust a Nevrakis?

Chapter Six

Kenna stands at her window later that night, lost in thought. Thoughts of Raydan and his “betrayal”, but also just of her situation in general.

Once the initial feelings of betrayal subsided, she’d begun to look at the situation more clearly. Like the fact that Raydan was a master of spies and he had been the one to teach her the art of subterfuge and never taking anything at face value. His attack on Val is troubling, but… Sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures. The last three years have taught her that.

Kenna knows that she can’t voice her thoughts out loud though,  not even a whisper because Azura has spies everywhere and she can’t risk jeopardizing Raydan’s mission, if he has one.

It comforts her to believe that he is working on her behalf, a part of her needs to believe that her judgment isn’t that terrible. With that, Kenna’s thoughts turn from Raydan to Diavolos. She has every reason not to trust him. She’s heard over and over how loyal Diavolos is to his father and she knows Luther well enough to know this truce is only temporary. And yet… A part of her wants to believe that Diavolos can be more than his father’s son, that what they’ve been building can last beyond the fragile alliance.

Kenna is distracted from her thoughts by the sound of the door. She turns to see Diavolos and her heart leaps at the sight of him. “Deep thoughts?” He asks as he crosses the room.

“Maybe,” she demurs, “I have a lot to think about these days.”

Diavolos wraps his arms around her holding her close. “Anything I can help with?”

“Yes, actually,” Kenna tells him, turning in his arms so she’s looking up at him. “I can’t let your father lead the Abanthus troops.”

It’s a subject she’s given a lot of thought to, actually. Luther and the troops from Abanthus will be there in a few days and she’ll need to make a speech and address the united army and that includes who will lead. Diavolos is silent, his face unreadable.

“I also can’t lead them myself,” Kenna continues, “they would never listen to me.”

She is perfectly aware that this is a reluctant alliance and incredibly fragile. Diavolos still doesn’t speak, but she can tell he’s watching her carefully, waiting for her to finish talking.

“I’m going to name you commander of the armies,” she tells him quietly.

“Kenna…” He says and she still can’t tell what he’s thinking.

“You have experience and the men respect you,” Kenna reminds him, “But unlike your father, I can trust you.”

Something flashes in his eyes then and suddenly, his mouth is on hers and he’s kissing her deeply. Kenna kisses him back, eagerly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“I didn’t make the decision because of this,” she tells him when they pull apart, “I need you to know that. As much as I care about you, I made the choice because it’s the right one to make as a commander. You’ve shown me over and over the kind of man you are, Diavolos, and I know I can trust you to lead the troops.”

“I had no idea the kind of man I wanted to be until I met you,” he tells her quietly, looking into her eyes, “all I’ve ever been was my father’s son, his most loyal soldier, but you… You make me want more.”

“And if it comes down to choosing between me and your father?” Kenna asks quietly. She knows Luther will be furious about her decision to put Diavolos in charge and while she wants to believe that he knows he is defeated, she’s not sure that men like Luther ever concede defeat.

Diavolos cups her face in his big hands. “I am yours,” he says simply and the sincerity in his voice takes her breath away.

She believes him, has to believe him because her heart won’t accept anything else. She wants this man. Not just physically, but in every way. It’s complicated and messy and she knows that this isn’t the time to try and figure it out, but she knows she’s not giving him up without a fight.

Kenna raises her face to his again, kissing him deeply. After a moment, Diavolos sweeps her off her feet and carries her to the bed, their mouths still joined. They break apart long enough for him to set her down on the bed.

“You’re wearing too many clothes,” Kenna tells him with a frown.

“I can’t walk through the castle naked,” he reminds her teasingly as he quickly discards his clothing. He joins her on the bed, tugging her nightgown over her head. “Your turn.”

Once they are both bare, Diavolos begins to kiss his way down her body, his strong hands parting her thighs as his tongue circled one of her nipples, making her moan. He slips his fingers inside of her, pumping leisurely at first but faster and faster as she arches into him.

“Ohh!!!” Kenna cries, throwing her head back in pleasure. Diavolos drives her to the edge and then pulls back. She whines at the loss of his touch, clutching at him as he moves back upwards.

“Is it really my fingers that you want?” He asks her in a low voice, his mouth hovering above hers.

“No,” Kenna admits, “I want you inside me now.”

“Anything for you,” Diavolos assures her, posing over her. He teases her entrance and then, with one thrust, he’s inside her. Kenna gasps at the sensation, digging her fingers into his back as she adjusts to the feel of him.

Diavolos begins to thrust, his pace hard and fast, and Kenna clings to him, meeting him thrust for thrust until their movements get more erratic and she knows they are both close.

Diavolos covers her mouth in a deep, possessive kiss, his hands tangling in her hair as he continues to move inside her and it’s enough to push her over the edge, his mouth muffling her cries of passion. As she clenches around him, she can feel him stiffen and then reach his own climax, groaning her name into her mouth.

Diavolos collapses against her, both of them sweaty and out of breath and Kenna hugs him to her, loving the weight of him against her. Eventually, he pulls away and rolls to his back, gathering her to his side.

Kenna rests her head on his chest. Neither of them speaks, but they don’t have to. They’ve already said everything that needed to be said for now and they’ll figure out the rest later, once they’ve defeated Azura. And they will figure it out because she’s not letting him go. She never expected to fall for a Nevrakis, but she did and now she’ll just have to figure out how she’s going to keep him.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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