
A/N: Family fluff. So much fluff. This is technically the first one I’m writing with kids, so hopefully I can do justice to it!

Summary: Maya comes home to something very amusing . . . this is what Damien gets when for falling asleep on the couch.

Disclaimer: Characters/canon belong to Pixelberry

There were a lot of things Maya would expect to see Damien doing when she came home from work today – standing in the kitchen, drinking coffee as he made dinner, sitting and boredly flipping through channels . . . or just sleeping on the couch like he was right now, snoring softly.

What she wasn’t expecting was the makeup smeared all over his face.

Her jaw dropped as she took in the foundation unevenly applied, the blue eyeshadow, lips painted pink and an impeccable heart that had been drawn on his cheek with some eyeliner.

“Oh my-” Maya bit her lip when Damien grunted in his sleep, causing him to pout ever so slightly, pronouncing his pink lipstick. Shaking with laughter, she pulled out her phone and quickly took a picture as she contemplated whether to send this to Nadia.

“Mommy!” Two sets of footsteps came padding from around the hallway and Maya looked up to see her twin daughters, Alisha and Rhea, running towards her. Beaming, she knelt down and gathered both of them in her arms, kissing each of them on the cheek.

“Hi sweeties!” She whispered. “Did you have fun with Daddy today?”

Alisha nodded. “Uh-huh, we played circus all day! And then Daddy slept all day so we were gonna play dress up.”

Maya snorted. For a five year old, her math was impeccable. Though when she took another look at her sleeping husband, she certainly found that to be an accurate assessment. “Oh really?” she quirked an eyebrow, tilting her head towards him. “So I’m guessing Daddy wasn’t the one who put that makeup on his face?”

She immediately straightened. “It was Rhea’s idea!”

Her sister gaped at her. “Was not!”

“Was too!”

“Was not!”

There was a sound of someone clearing his throat and they turned to find Damien watching them, amused at what he’d just woken up to. “What was Rhea’s idea?”

“Hi Daddy!” Both of them trotted over to him, laughing as they climbed into his lap.

“Hey there, peaches!” He grinned, which made Maya giggle some more at the way the makeup “enhanced” that. “You girls having fun?”

“Yeah, lots!”

Maya walked up to him and he leaned forward, kissing her on the cheek. When she stepped back, she was lightly rubbing her face. “Everything okay?”

“Oh Damien,” she could only shake her head. “Yeah. It’s just . . . you look so gorgeous, today.”

He raised an eyebrow. “Uh . . . thanks, but I’m wearing the same clothes I wear to work.” Then he smirked. “Didn’t know you liked them this much.”

“I do, but that’s not the point.” She was biting her lip, still struggling to hold in her laughter. “You just look . . . dazzling.” At his confused look, she added to it. “Go look in the mirror.”

Now completely suspicious, he walked to the bathroom. Maya covered her mouth with her hand as soon as his back was turned, waiting for his inevitable-

“All right, which one of you did this?” As Damien walked out, Alisha and Rhea exchanged glances, knowing that no excuse they made up would work on their father. After a few moments of him watching both of them expectantly, the two girls slowly pointed at each other.

“I think that’s their way of saying it was a team effort,” Maya said.

“What? Mommy likes it! Look, she’s laughing!” Rhea was gesturing to her mother, who sure enough, was failing to keep a serious face.

“Well it’s creative I’ll give you that,” Damien chuckled as he started wiping his face against his jacket, his eyes widening slightly when he saw the abysmal amount of blush that rubbed off on the leather. “Good lord, how much did you use?!”

“I’m sorry,” Alisha said. “I just wanted to make your face pretty for the party. Are you mad?”

He laughed and ruffled her hair as he bent down to their level. “No, I’m just wondering why you two picked my face to make up.”

“Ali wanted to play with makeup and I didn’t want it on my face,” Rhea said matter-of-factly.

“So you thought my face was a better idea?”

She shrugged, in a comical show of nonchalance. “It’s not my fault you fell asleep.”

Maya couldn’t take it anymore and she burst out laughing at that. Damien shot her a mock glare before turning to his daughters again. “Speaking of the party, shouldn’t you two be getting ready?”

“Okay!” Alisha’s face lit up. “Can I wear that flower dress from last week?”

“You can wear whatever you want, princess.” Damien leaned forward and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then did the same for Rhea. “Just do me a favor and stay away from the makeup this time?”

“Ewww, Daddy you got lipstick on us!”

“Yeah? Well here, have some more!” He lunged at them again, trying to rub his face against theirs and they squealed and wriggled out of his arms, before scampering to their room, laughing.

Once they were gone, Damien turned to his wife, who was still snickering at him. “You finished?”

Maya quickly silenced herself, biting her lip as she nodded. “Mmhmm.”

“You realize-” He stopped when she started giggling again and then immediately stopped. Now that their kids were out of earshot, he reached forward and flicked her on the nose, smirking at the way her face scrunched up in response, and then dodging when she poked him several times in retaliation. Somehow, he ended up holding her from behind, keeping her hands still. “You realize that they get this from you, right?”

“Aww I’m sorry,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I have always said that you’re way too much fun to mess with.”

He sighed. “What am I gonna do with you?”

“I think the better question is, how do you sleep through two five-year-olds putting makeup on your face?”

Damien just shrugged. “I must’ve been tired. And apparently to two five-year-olds, that’s prime real estate for dress-up.” He stepped back and rubbed his forehead, shaking his head when he managed to recover more eyeshadow.

“Well I think you did very nicely.” She turned around and looped her arms around his neck, kissing him sweetly, only to wrinkle her nose when she tasted both lipstick and her raspberry-flavored chapstick on him. Maya buried her face in his shoulder and started cracking up again.

“Okay, I think it’s safe to say you need to find a better place to hide your makeup.”

“All right, you.” Maya pushed him back towards the bathroom, wiping a few laughter-induced tears from her eyes. “Come on, let’s find some makeup remover.”

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