Uninvited Guest

Summary: Caleb crashes the party that Kenji throws to celebrate Alexandra’s return

Author’s note: This is in response to the Party Crashers prompt from laniquelove’s April Fanfic Challenge.

Alexandra answered her phone. “Hello.”

“I need you to come to the Grand,” Kenji told her.

“Is everything OK?” Alexandra wondered if there was a work emergency, or if Shrapnel and his henchmen were causing more trouble.

“I’ll explain when you get here,” he said cryptically.

Alexandra hurried to the club. As she walked in, she heard a collective shout. “Surprise!”

A group of her friends had gathered at the club. She spotted Kenji, Eva, Grayson, Poppy, Dax, and Hazel. Skylar was behind the bar.

She made her way over to Kenji. “You surprised me, all right.”

Kenji grinned at her. “We’re all so glad that you’re back. I thought it called for a celebration.”

“Thanks! Great idea. Guess I should start celebrating.” She looked to the bar, and caught Skylar’s attention. “A lemon drop, please.”

As she got her drink, she heard a text notification. She reached for her phone and read the message from Caleb. Hey, what’s up?

She texted him back. At the Grand. My friends threw me a surprise party.

She walked away from the bar and began chatting with her friends. A little while later, the door opened, and Caleb stepped inside the club. Kenji broke away from the group and moved closer to Caleb, glaring at him. “What are you doing here?”

Caleb stared back. “I’m here for the party.”

“You weren’t invited,” Kenji told him coldly.

“I’m a friend of Alexandra’s.” Caleb walked over to Alexandra and put his arm around her waist. She felt a twinge of excitement as he pulled her close. It was the first time that he had expressed affection for her in public. She didn’t even know where things stood between them. They had been intimate, but she wasn’t sure if it had meant anything to him. Maybe he just wanted to be friends with benefits. But his behavior suggested that maybe he wanted something more.

Kenji’s eyes widened. “No. Please tell me you two aren’t…”

Kenji fell silent as Caleb leaned in and kissed Alexandra passionately. Alexandra felt a wave of heat go through her as she pressed against Caleb and kissed him back.

As Caleb broke the kiss, Kenji scowled. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

“What does it look like?” Caleb smirked.

“Get out!” Kenji ordered.

“No,” replied Caleb. “What do you have against me, anyway? I don’t even know you.” Caleb paused as a sudden realization hit him. “Wait a minute. I do know you. You look…different. But I recognize your voice.” He stepped closer to Kenji. “You like metal, right? A certain type, anyway.”

Kenji gave Caleb a dirty look. “Back off.”

Alex watched the two of them nervously. Grayson still didn’t know that they were superheroes. Would Caleb reveal that Kenji was Talos while Grayson was within earshot? Would he be able to keep his temper under control?

“I will if you let me stay,” Caleb told Kenji.

Kenji glowered at him. “Fine.”

Caleb turned to Alexandra. “I’ll be right back. I need a drink.”

Alexandra walked over to Kenji. “Thanks for letting him stay. I know you two don’t get along. I’ll work on getting him to be nicer to you, if you can try to be civil to him.”

“You really think he can change?” Kenji looked at her skeptically.

Alexandra nodded. “Yes, I do. He’s already started to. It may take time, but I’ll do my best to be a good influence on him.”

Kenji shook his head. “I don’t know what you see in him.”

A few minutes later, Alexandra headed over to the bar, where Caleb was sitting and drinking a glass of mezcal. She smiled at him warmly. “I’m glad you’re here. But can you do me a favor and try to be nicer to my friends?”

“He started it!” Caleb protested.

“I said the same thing to him. You both need to make an effort.” Alexandra placed her hand on Caleb’s thigh. “Can you do it for me? I’ll make it worth your while.”

Caleb nodded slowly. “I’ll try.”

“Thanks. It’s important to me.” She reached out and stroked his hair with her other hand. “And so are you.”

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