Unrequited Feelings

Summary: Raydan tells Aurynn that he does not reciprocate her feelings.

Author’s note: michue requested a fanfic in which Raydan reveals his love for Kenna to Aurynn. This takes place during Book 3, Chapter 13 of The Crown & the Flame.

Raydan studied the pages of the anti-magic book. He knew that the spells it contained were the key to defeating Azura. Lia’s translations had been so helpful, and the diagrams aided in understanding the procedures. As he heard the sound of footsteps, he lifted up his head and saw that Aurynn was approaching.

Aurynn smiled at him. “Hello, Lord Raydan.”

“Hello, Princess Aurynn. Thank you again for letting me borrow this book.” Raydan held out the anti-magic book. “I was able to get the spells translated, and I think they will be of great help in tomorrow’s battle.”

Aurynn’s eyes widened. “How did you find someone who knows ancient Irithi? It’s been centuries since anyone spoke that language.”

“Azura’s daughter Lia understands ancient Irithi. She translated the spells for me. We’re fortunate to have her on her side. She is nothing like her mother.”

“That is fortunate! Speaking of Azura, you really had me fooled. I thought that you truly had turned against us.”

Raydan shook his head. “I was just doing my job. A spymaster needs to be convincing.”

“Yes, that’s true. I was relieved to learn that it was just an act. I was quite upset when I thought you had betrayed us. I…” She paused, and her face turned red. “I really like you.”

Raydan’s heart sank. Aurynn was nice, but Kenna was the only one that he wanted to be with. After he returned to Stormholt, they had reunited. He didn’t know what the future held for them, but he knew that he loved her. He didn’t want to hurt Aurynn, but he just didn’t feel the same way.

“Aurynn, I’m sorry. You’re very nice, and I like you, but not the way you mean. I’m in love with Kenna. After I came back, we reunited.” He hoped she would understand, but he felt a wave of guilt wash over him as she looked down at the floor.

Slowly she lifted her head up. “I…I didn’t realize that you had feelings for her. Does she feel the same way? Is she in love with you?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t say. But I do think she feels something for me. And as long as she wants me, I am hers.” Raydan smiled slightly at Aurynn. “I hope we can still be friends.”

“Of course,” Aurynn said softly. “I’ll leave you to your reading. Excuse me.”

Raydan watched Aurynn walk away. To his surprise, he saw her walk over to Kenna. That couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? He could see them talking, but couldn’t hear any of their conversation, so he quietly moved closer to them. He listened carefully, and was able to make out Kenna’s voice.

“He makes me very happy.”

Raydan’s spirits lifted as he heard Kenna’s words. She had to be talking about him. Even after everything he had done, she was still happy with him. He didn’t know what the future held for them. After all, he was a commoner with a questionable past. But for now, he would enjoy the time they had together.

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