Unsettling News

Summary: Kenna and Raydan learn that there may be an assassination plot against Raydan.

Author’s note: This was written for Playchoices Favorite LI Week.

Raydan sat beside Kenna, watching their young son play. Adrian was growing so fast, and soon he would be a big brother. As Kenna’s communication orb began to glow, Adrian ran towards it. Raydan stood up, grabbed Adrian, and held him as Kenna picked up the orb.

“Adder? Where’s Tevan?” Kenna looked confused.

“He’s around. He and Zenobia are in Lykos. I borrowed this because I need to talk to you and Raydan.”

“Is everything all right?”

“No. One of the Black Asps heard something. He doesn’t know any details, and it might be just a rumor, but I had to warn you. He’s heard talk that someone may try to assassinate Raydan.”

Kenna gasped. Adrian started to move towards her. “Mama?” He began to cry, and Raydan held him close.

“It’s all right, little one,” Raydan tried to reassure his son. Although Adrian couldn’t possibly know what “assassinate” meant, he was clearly picking up on Kenna’s fear. Raydan hoped that he was telling Adrian the truth. He hoped it would be all right, but he couldn’t be sure. Although the people of Stormholt seemed to accept Raydan as their king, there still could be some who resented the idea of a low-born commoner rising to such a high rank. Or maybe someone just wanted to seize power.

“I’ll have the Black Asps look into this. If there’s any truth to it, whoever’s behind the plot will be dealt with,” Adder promised.

“Thank you, Adder.”

Raydan leaned in close to Kenna. “Yes, thank you, sister. We appreciate the warning.”

“You’re welcome. I won’t let anyone hurt you, brother.”

Once the orb stopped glowing, Kenna reached for Adrian. “Time for your nap.” She stood up, then looked towards Raydan. “We’ll talk soon, away from little ears.”

As Kenna walked away with Adrian, Raydan thought about Adder’s warning. If power was the motive behind the plot, Kenna might be in danger too. She was especially vulnerable now, since she was in the third trimester of her pregnancy. An attack could put their unborn child at risk.

Once Kenna returned, she sat down beside Raydan. “We need extra security. We’ll have to talk to Val and Jackson about that.”

Raydan nodded. “I wish I could do more. I’ve always been good at finding out people’s secrets, but I can’t work as a spy when I’m the target, can I? I suppose I could disguise myself, and try to stick to the shadows, but it would be risky.”

“It would. And you’re not going to try. I need you, Adrian needs you, and the baby needs you.” Kenna gazed at him intently. “Promise me you won’t try.”

“I promise.” He leaned in and kissed her gently.

“Be honest. Are you worried? Because I am. I can’t bear the thought of losing you.” Kenna reached out and took his hand in hers.

“A little,” Raydan admitted. “But we’ve survived so much already. I won’t let anyone hurt me. I’m more worried about someone hurting you or the baby. If you had to fight when you’re this far along…”

“Maybe we should ask your sister to come stay with us. If there’s an assassination plot, whoever is behind it will probably come to Stormholt. If the Black Asps hear something, the news might reach us faster. And we could use another good fighter around here.”

“Good idea. We’ll be safer with her around.” He squeezed her hand. “You won’t lose me. I have too much to live for.”

“I’m going to hold you to that.” Kenna moved closer to him, and they kissed again.

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