
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine. I’m just borrowing them for a little while and will return them unharmed when I am done.

Author’s Notes- I had a request for a Dom/Sei story. I love this pair a lot, but I find Sei hard to write. She’s such a fascinating character but her voice is different than what I am used to and she and Dom have such a different dynamic than the other ships I write. This is set three years after the battle with Azura, the kingdoms have been working on a new treaty and Dom has been acting as the ambassador for the fire kingdoms, dividing his time between the mountains and Stormholt.

Pairing- Dom/Sei

Rating- PG-13

Summary- After three years, Dom and Sei define their relationship.

Words- 783

“I’m going to need to be at Stormholt for a few months,” Dom told Sei casual as they shared their evening meal together, “Kenna and Diavolos will be spending the winter in Lykos and they’ve asked me to oversee things in their absence.”

He was a little surprised that he had been chosen and wondered if he was up for the task, but also touched by the trust that Kenna was placing in him. Thankfully, Raydan would be there to share the responsibility.

“It is unusual for her to be gone for so long,” Sei commented after a moment.

“She’s having another baby,” Diavolos explained, “and she wants this one to be born in Lykos, to make things fair. Diavolos doesn’t care, but Kenna does, so they are going to Lykos.”

“Another baby, already?” Sei questioned, “Leon is still so young.”

“Kenna always wanted a big family,” Dom said with a shrug. Kenna’s family plans weren’t really any of his business, though he was happy for her, of course.

“What about you, do you ever think about having a family?” The question was posed in a casual manner, but she was watching him very carefully.

“I would like children,” he told her honestly, wondering if they were finally going to discuss their future.

They had been lovers for the past three years but had never defined their relationship. He resided with her when he was in the mountains, but they never spoke of formalizing their relationship. Neither of them had ever spoken words of love, but Dom knew how he felt and most of the time, he thought she felt the same. As far as Dom knew, neither of them had any other lovers, but it was one of the many things they had never clarified.

“As would I,” Sei agreed after a moment, “I have been giving it a lot of thought, lately. There is still much to be done concerning our descent from the mountain, but we have made good progress and I feel like I can start considering my own future.” She paused. “Of course, I must think about the good of people and choose an appropriate mate, someone who can lead by my side.”

Dom felt his stomach clench at her words. Was she ending their relationship? Had she decided that, despite his abilities, his status as an outside made him an inappropriate choice of mate? He should have seen it coming. It was the story of his life, after all. His relationship with Kenna had never gone anywhere, partially because it had always been understood that she would have to choose an appropriate husband and in the end, she had married a king. Now he was about to be passed over again.

“Have you chosen someone?” He asked, trying to hide his pain.

Sei looked surprised, “that is really up to you, isn’t it? Are you up for the challenge?”

“You mean…” Dom trailed off.

“You really are as stupid as you look,” Sei mocked, but her tone was gentle, “if three years together has not made my feelings clear.”

“You never said anything,” Dom defended.

She rolled her eyes. “You lowlanders and your need for words. Somethings shouldn’t need to be spoken, actions should be enough.”

Dom got up from his chair and walked over to her, kneeling beside her chair and cupping her face in his hands. “I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Good,” she told him and then sighed, “I love you as well.”

“Was that so hard to say?” He teased.

She just glared at him. He smirked and leaned forward, claiming her lips with his. She responded instantly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

“So we’re getting married?” He asked when they pulled apart.

“Yes,” Sei confirmed, “we will wed once you return from Stormholt.”

“Are you ok with me going?”

She looked surprised. “Of course. You have duties to both kingdoms. Besides, I am no fragile flower depending on my man. I will be fine without you.” She grinned. “Though I expect that I will need to make some diplomatic trips to Stormholt during your absence, to discuss the treaty, of course.”

“Of course,” he agreed and then attempted to stand up, but Sei kept her arms locked around his neck, stopping him.

“Besides, you’re not gone yet,” she reminded him, leaning forward to kiss him again.

Dom kissed her back hungrily and then stood up, sweeping her into his arms and carrying her away from the table. “I am no longer hungry,” he whispered against her lips, “at least not for food.”

“Now you’re learning.”

“What can I say? I had a great teacher.”

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

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