valentine’s day

summary: for the first time in many years drake wants to celebrate this cheesy holiday that is valentine’s day
a/n: there it is! valentine’s day fic nobody asked for but well i couldn’t miss the opportunity

February 14th. Valentine’s Day.

For the first time in many many years, Drake didn’t wake up with a groan on this day. On the contrary, when he got out of bed there was a smile on his face – something he thought would never happen on a day like this but there he was buttoning up his shirt while looking at no doubt the love of his life still sleeping peacefully in their bed with this cursed grin creeping on his face.

Drake has never been the romantic type if you’d ask him. He never felt like he had to – until Dhalia came along and turned his world upside down. Now all he wanted to do was make her happy and if that meant dealing with this Valentine’s Day crap, so be it.

And with a plan of a perfect evening in mind, he spent most of the day running from store to store buying anything that seemed at least a little romantic, some ingredients for dinner and of course a bunch of white roses – Dhalia’s favourite flowers. Then after probably the longest shopping of his life, he was finally ready to head back and prepare everything for when Dhalia will be back.

The first hour after he got back home, Drake spent on research. He has never done something like that before and he truly didn’t want to mess something up. Dhalia deserved the best Valentine’s dinner and that’s exactly what he intended to do.

Firstly, Drake focused on creating the mood. Romantic atmosphere was the key so he dimmed the lights, put on a romantic playlist, threw some red rose petals here and there and set the table with tons of candles. At the end, everything looked incredible but now he was a little behind so he sent a quick message to Maxwell and asked him to keep Dhalia a little longer than it was necessary to buy him some time to what Maxwell, of course, said yes.

Then Drake decided to make a malabar prawn curry which was a romantic dish according to his source aka Jamie Oliver and was easy enough that Drake could actually make it.

Dhalia came home at the perfect time. Everything was set, dinner was almost ready and the most important – Drake couldn’t really wait any longer to see her.

“Honey! I’m home!” She giggled then added. “I’m so hungry! What smells so good and when can I eat it?”

“Hello to you too.” Drake laughed as he started to dish up. “Perfect timing. Dinner is ready.”

“That’s exactly what I wanted to-” She stopped as she appeared in the living room and saw everything Drake did. “What’s all of this?”

“It’s Valentine’s Day after all, right?” He walked over to her and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek.

“I know what day it is.” Dhalia rolled her eyes, smiling. “I just never thought you’d want to celebrate it.” She explained.

“Me too. Things you do to me, Cole.” Drake shook his head. “Secret admirer?” He asked pointing to two roses in Dhalia’s hand.

“Yeah, Maxwell. He was handing out roses to everyone today. And because he didn’t see you, he asked me to give you this.” She said offering him one of them.

“Really?” Drake chuckled and take the rose with a little note that said ‘love ya, buddy! p.s. be safe tonight!’ and a little smirking emoji which made him shook his head again.

“You guys are so cuuute!” Dhalia teased as she obviously read the note after Maxwell gave her the flower for her boyfriend.

“C’mon, Cole. Dinner is getting cold.” He snorted.

Before they sat at the table, Drake went to their bedroom to get the bouquet of white roses which he had hidden there before. And when she gave it to Dhalia her whole face immediately lit up. She laid the flowers on the table and literally threw herself on Drake in order to hug him.

“These are beautiful! Thank you so much, Drake!”

Drake only smiled to himself and after he kissed the top of her head they finally sat down to eat. And dinner was incredible. Both of them really enjoyed it and Drake was extremely happy and proud of himself.

“Oh my god! I almost forgot! I have something for you!” Dhalia said, a few hours later, as they were laying on the couch under tons of blankets and almost sprinted to her bag. When she came back she was holding a cute fluffy pink teddy bear with a little heart that said ‘i love you’ on his tummy.

“You really have to stop buying me stuffed animals or else in the future we’re gonna need another room to store them all.” Drake joked and accepted the present.

“Do you like it?” Dhalia asked, completely ignoring his earlier comment and snuggled closer to him.

“Of course I like it, Cole. You bought it for me.” Drake confessed and placed the teddy bear on the coffee table. He kissed Dhalia gently and pulled her in for a hug. “I love you.”

“And I love you too, my Marshmallow.” She teased. “And again, thank you for today. It was wonderful.”

“Glad you liked it. Happy Valentine’s Day.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day indeed.”

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