
By Misha

Disclaimer- Not mine.
Author’s Notes- This popped into my head as soon as I finished the chapter. I was trying to figure out Antony’s motivations and Portia’s and they just took over. This wasn’t where I had intended to go at all, but I rolled with it. This is set in canon, not the tragedy verse (which has a completely different timeline).
Rating- NSFW
Pairing- Marc Antony/MC
Summary- After Cassius leaves, Portia decides to confront Antony herself and their relationship enters a new phase.

The news of Pompey’s defeat had dampened Cassius’s romantic spirit, and mine, and after a few minutes, I’d persuaded him to go home. He’d wanted me to go with him, arguing that I wasn’t safe in the scholae, but I demurred.

“Are you sure?” He asked softly, but I could his mind was preoccupied, which made it easier to turn him down.

“I am not going to let them scare me out of my home,” I told him, tilting my chin defiantly.

Cassius smiled, “no, you wouldn’t.” He leaned in and kissed me, his lips brushing mine gently before he pulled back and made his way, his mind occupied with the fate of Rome.

For once, I could care less about that. I had more personal matters to deal with.

As soon as I was sure Cassius was gone, I slipped out of the scholae and headed to a location I’d never actually been: Antony’s villa. I needed to talk to him. There were questions I needed to be answered and I didn’t want to wait another night.

I walked quickly, keeping to the shadows, out of fear of running into Aquila or his men. I knew it was foolish to be out alone by myself, but I couldn’t resist the impulse. Thankfully, I made the trek without any problems, arriving at Antony’s in the cover of darkness.

I knocked on the door and was greeted by a servant, much like I had been the night I went to kill Tribune Rufus, though tonight I didn’t plan on murdering anyone. Even I wouldn’t dare pull a knife on the most powerful man in Rome. Besides I had other weapons to use.

“Is Antony here?” I asked, putting on my most polished smile. “I know it’s late, but can you perhaps tell him Portia wishes to see him?”

I hoped she would let me in, that I wouldn’t have to stand there and make a nuisance of myself, but either way, I did not plan on leaving without talking to Antony. It turned out that my name was all that was needed, something I would have to ponder later, because the woman merely nodded and stepped aside, showing me into the home.

“He has already retired for the evening,” she told me, “but I am sure he will not object to your company.” Her smirk said it all. She knew who I was and what I was to Antony. Or at least what Rome assumed I was, our relationship had not actually crossed that line. Would that change tonight? It was certainly a possibility, I acknowledged as I crossed the marble floor, taking a deep breath before pushing the bedchamber door open.

I had barely stepped inside, the door just closing behind me, when I found myself pinned against it, a knife at my throat.

“Who–” Antony demanded and then froze when he realized it was me, dropping his knife but keeping me pinned to the door. “Portia?! What are you doing here?”

“I came to see you,” I said slightly, gazing up at him. “Though this wasn’t the greeting I expected.”

Perhaps it should have been. Antony was a soldier first and foremost, meaning he was not a man who would appreciate being caught unaware. Yet, even with his body pinning me to the door, I didn’t feel threatened. He would not hurt me, I was sure of that. And if he proved me wrong, well, it wasn’t like there was anything I could do about it.

“I will never turn down a visit from you,” Antony told me, pressing closer. I suddenly realized that he was stark naked. I let my eyes wander over his form, even in the dim light of his room, it was impressive. “I see you won your freedom,” he commented, his hand moving to cup my face.

“No thanks to you,” I pointed out sharply, trying not to be affected by his nearness. We had things to discuss.

Antony let out a dry laugh, though he did not step back or drop his hand. “I see Cassius has been running and telling tales. I am sure he was eager to tell you how he came to me, pride in hand and I refused to help, while he did everything he could for Lena and her girls.”

It was scary how well he could read a situation. “Isn’t that what happened?” I deflected, my own hands moving to grip his shoulders, trying not to think about how good the bare flesh felt to touch.

“It is one interpretation,” Antony agreed, “though only if one omits the fact that Cassius came to me several hours after the arrest, once word had already reached me and a patrol of my command had already been sent to Aquila’s home and reported back that neither you or Aquila’s wife were there,” Antony smirked. “According to my men, he was apparently quite unnerved by their arrival, any particular reason?”

“Perhaps,” I commented, thinking of what Sabina had told me. I wondered if Aquila thought I had alerted Antony. I hope he was squirming. “So you sent someone to save me?”

“To inquire into the situation,” Antony corrected, he sighed, dropping his hand, but keeping his body close to mine. “There is only so much I can do, Portia, I told you that. I can’t openly undermine Aquila’s authority, but I did intend to exert some pressure.” His gaze ran over my body and then my face, obviously searching for something. “Did he hurt you?”

The genuine concern made me smile. “No,” I assured him, “he wanted me and he might have… But I was able to hold him off and I was figuring out a way out of the situation, buying myself time, when Sabina came in. She helped me escape.”

Antony just nodded. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself and then he lowered his head, his lips claiming mine. I surrendered to his kiss easily, my arms wrapping around his neck. I could feel his hardness pressing into me through the thin, gauzy fabric of my gown.

“So, did you come here just to yell at me?” Antony asked when he pulled back, “that doesn’t seem very wise.”

Why had I come? Why had it been so important for me to talk to Antony tonight? “I wanted to hear your side,” I admitted, both to him and myself. When Cassius had told me that Antony had refused to help me, it had hurt. Because I’d let myself believe that he cared about me and I’d needed answers, needed to hear him tell me himself that I was just another courtesan.

Antony was still, before suddenly pulling away from me. I looked at him in confusion, wondering how I had misspoken. Then suddenly, I was in his arms again, but not against the door. Instead, he’d picked me up and was carrying me towards his bed.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, though I wasn’t actually objecting. It felt good to be in his arms. Too good actually. I was supposed to create pleasure, to make the men in my life want me, not lose myself in it.

“Claiming what’s mine,” He told me arrogantly, “you came to me, Portia. Not because I paid you but because you wanted too. You could have believed Cassius’s version of events, I’m sure he was compelling, but you chose to hear my side. Because you are mine and we both know it and it’s time I do something about it.”

His words should have bothered me. I had no intention of belonging to anyone other than myself ever again, yet instead, they sent a thrill through me. There was something very powerful about being claimed by a man like Antony.

Antony set me on his bed, reaching for my dress and then pausing. “Did you come from his bed?” His voice was rich with jealousy, his eyes searching mine. “I’m sure he painted himself the romantic hero, putting himself at my mercy for you and being rejected for his efforts. I’m sure he made a good case for himself and wouldn’t have turned down repayment if you were so inclined.”

“You asked for repayment for saving me,” I reminded him, a little uncomfortable with his assessment of Cassius. Especially as Cassius had made it clear he would like to spend the evening in my bed, but I’d turned him down. I’d cited exhaustion, but the truth was, even then I’d know I’d end up here and I knew I couldn’t go from Cassius’s arms to Antony’s.

“I did,” Antony agreed, “and you gave it to me willingly. I guess I’m asking what you gave Cassius.”

“The same thing I gave you,” I said honestly, “a kiss, nothing more.” This time. I’d taken Cassius to my bed before, but that had been different, and if I was being honest, I’d done it partially to wipe away the memory of Antony’s lips and hands and convince myself that any man could make me feel like that. It hadn’t worked. Nothing could banish the memory of Antony or break his hold on me.

Antony let out a deep ragged breath and then suddenly he was on top of me, his lips devouring mine, as if trying to drive away the memory of Cassius’s kiss. I clung to him, my hands clinging to his bare back, pulling him closer to me, thinking of nothing but him, of his touch and how badly I wanted more.

“If I’m yours, prove it,” I challenged, gazing up at him, not wanting to talk about Cassius any longer. I’d told myself I’d come to talk, but I’d been fooling myself. This was why I’d come.

“With pleasure,” Antony told me, tugging at my gown and then, once it was free, tossing it carelessly to the ground. He knelt over me, gazing down at me. “You are stunning,” he commented in a husky voice, “Venus would weep in envy over your beauty.”

“That could only end badly for me,” I said lightly, “the gods don’t enjoy feeling envious.”

“I will protect you from her wrath,” Antony promised arrogantly and I couldn’t help but laugh, only Antony would think he could take on the gods and win and maybe he could. No one else could stand against him. His hands slid did my body, caressing me, before dipping between my thighs, teasing my hot wetness. I shuddered at his touch, eager for more.

“You are mine,” Antony told me, as he plunged his fingers into me, his thumb massaging my sensitive nub, “The moment I saw you, I wanted you. I knew we’d end up here, with you in my bed, but I also knew you had to come to me.” He grabbed my hair with his free hand, pulling my mouth towards his as he continued to pump his fingers in and out at a punishing pace. “But now that you have, I am never letting you go.”

I moaned into his mouth, bucking my hips into his hand, whether it was in response to his words or his actions, I wasn’t sure. It only took a few minutes for the pleasure to overwhelm me as Antony’s tongue continued to ravage mine, his fingers hitting me at just the right pace. I clung to him as I came apart.

Antony removed his hand and then quickly positioned himself over me, his other hand still tangled in my curls, and drove into me. It was the most amazing feeling and I dug my hands into his shoulders, drawing him closer to me, wanting more of this, more of him. I wanted him to fill me, to claim me.

He immediately got the hint and began to move inside of me, slow at first, and then faster. His free hand grabbed my leg and positioned it over his shoulder, to give himself deeper entry.

“Antony,” I cried as the sensations built up. Had anything ever felt so good before? I’d been taught to bring pleasure and I”d experienced it myself, but never like this. Never to the point where I forget everything except that moment and the man with me. Nothing else existed for me at that moment, it was just Antony and I.

“Portia,” Antony groaned as he drove himself deeper. His hand dug into my hips hard enough that I knew there would be bruises, but I didn’t care. He’d already marked my soul, he might as well mark my body as well.  

“Say it,” Antony demanded, his hand tightening in my hair, “say you’re mine.”

I wanted to resist, pride told me too, as well as that voice that warned me I could never trust a Roman and that I should never ever give myself over to anyone, but at the same time, I knew it was too late. We both knew the truth.

“I’m yours,” I gasped, my hands digging into the sheets as he continued to thrust into me hard.

Antony dropped my leg and leaned in close to me, his lips covering mine, his body pressed against mine as he continued to thrust. “MIne.” He whispered as he kissed me again, pulling all the way out and then plunging back in, which was enough to push me over the edge. As I came apart around him, Antony gave one more powerful thrust and came inside of me.

He collapsed against me, both our bodies drenched with sweat. He kissed me, a long, slow kiss. I expected him to move off me, but he didn’t, though he did shift his weight.

“I knew you’d be worth the wait,” he told me idly, playing with a strand of my hair, “and I was right. It’s better like this.”

“LIke what?” I asked softly, though I knew. Better because I’d come to him. He hadn’t paid for my company, there was no favor held over my head. I was in his bed because it was where I wanted to be.

Antony just smirked. “Now that you’ve admitted you want me.” I rolled my eyes and he leaned down and kissed me again. “Tomorrow we will find you a place to live.”

“What about the scholae?” I asked, suddenly remembering one of the reasons I’d come in the first place. Lena, the other women… The ones that Antony had refused to help.

“You are not going back there,” Antony told me, his voice suddenly harsh. “If nothing else, today should have been a lesson. You aren’t safe there, Lena can’t protect you from your enemies. But I can.”

“Is that why you refused to help them?” I asked quietly, ignoring his boast.

Antony shrugged, sending a slight vibration through our still-connected bodies. “No. I didn’t help them because there is no reason to, no benefit.” He looked me directly in the eye, his hand cupping my face. “I will not risk my position for just anyone Portia. You were not in jail and you were not with Aquila. That was my only concern. I don’t give a damn about Lena and the scholae, just you. But not as one of Lena’s girls. A man can only risk so much for a courtesan, but he can do so much more for his woman and that’s what you will be, in the eyes of Rome and in truth. Everyone will know you are mine and no one will dare lay a hand on you again.”

I knew his words that should infuriate me, his casual dismissal of all the other courtesans, the way he was claiming me without giving me a say, in fact, they should terrify me, but instead, they had the opposite effect. It made me feel safer than I had in eight years. This man, this powerful man, wanted me, was willing to offer me his protection. No one could stand against him. He was selfish, ambitious and dangerous, but he was so much more than that and while I knew that every single person in my life would tell me I was a fool, I didn’t care. I wanted this. I wanted him.

“I will not give up my quest for vengeance,” I warned him, “I want Aquila dead.”

“I never doubted that for a moment,” Antony told me with a quirk of my lips. “Though as I said before, officially, I can’t condone anything.”

“Even if you knew he was spying for the Senate?” I challenged.

To my surprise, Antony merely laughed. “You’ve figured that out, have you?”

“You knew?” And Aquila was still alive? What was Antony playing at?

“I suspected,” Antony corrected, “but I didn’t have proof and I can’t just accuse the Vicarius Urbi of treason, but he’s arrogant and careless and he will slip up.” Antony smirked, “and he definitely underestimates his opponent.” His hand was still on my face and his thumb lightly caressed my lips. “I’d put my money on you any day.”

It occurred to me that we were casually discussing my desire to kill a man, while Antony rested on top of me, still buried between my legs. It should have been ridiculous, but it felt right.

“However, enough about Aquila,” Antony dismissed, moving his hips in a way that let me know his manhood had stirred to life again, “I’d rather focus on more pleasant subjects.” He began to move inside of me again, his lips claiming mine again. I gave into it willingly, moving my hips in time with him.

The fight wasn’t over. There was much to discuss, including Caesar’s victory. Though I had a feeling that tonight, Antony only cared about one surrender and it wasn’t Pompey’s. It was mine. The fact that I had finally acknowledged the inevitable: I was his.

What that meant I didn’t know. But for now, it meant immense pleasure and the feel of Antony’s lips and body against mine, bringing me to unbelievable heights over and over again until I couldn’t tell where he ended and I began.

  • End

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Mom. Writer. Dreamer.

5 thoughts on “Victorious”

  1. This is what I was waiting for.
    I need him to explain it like this next chapter.

    Why are Antony and Portia so hot? I love jealous Antony and the “claiming”. Will Antony ever admit that he is hers just as much?

  2. This was perfect for them in the non-tragedy verse. Antony being so possessive, Portia refusing to give up her quest for vengeance, and of boy is the chemistry between them just hot af.

  3. I would really like to know what that maid knows about Portia! Antony sleeping naked was something I never thought of but it makes complete sense. I am weak for Antony saying sweet stuff like him wanting to protect her and caring only about her while simultaneously fucking her. He can’t get romantic without getting physical but that’s ok with me. Possessiveness should not be attractive but it suits him perfectly. I’m relieved to know Portia will be protected from now on. Gahhh I loved this chapter! Please write more soon ❤️

  4. This was amazing Misha. I am so into the possessive Antony, how he waited for Portia to come to him before he would claim her. I never thought one word (Mine) could sound so damn sexy. 🔥🔥🔥

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